2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for xyciana

Hi, I know the basics of perl and really need a dummies guide (simple steps) to get the following working. I came across the code below and downloaded the Twig.pm and Xpath.pm files into C:\Perl\lib (Windows machine) from CPAN and I cannot get the code to compile. Can someone give …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for magikman

Hello, I am trying to write a Perl script that searches through a directory on Windows and returns the file names matching a pattern that's stored in a scalar variable. Please find my code below: use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use MIME::Lite; my @fields; my @files; my $dir="places"; sub …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for sai_5

i am writing an automation script in Perl which logs into the server and executes various commands and functions.This Perl script mostly uses "send expect statements and for loops " to run the commands. This Perl script is a back end script which i have written. i have to build …

Member Avatar for Lynn_2
Member Avatar for newperluser

I am new to Perl, I wanted to combine two lines where "ANN" and "QTR" in second column have same date in fourth column (date), otherwise just print line with data which has "ANN" in it. It also skip line where date column is empty: Input data file: I am …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for arulkumar_1

Input Files: ============ XML ==== <para>some Text</para> <para>some Text</para> <para>some Text</para> <para>some Text</para> <para>some Text</para> <para>some Text</para> Text File ========= some Text<insert>New Text</insert> some Text <delete>some</delete> Text some Text some Text some Text some Text OUTPUT: ======= <para>some TextNew Text</para> <para>some Text</para> <para> Text</para> <para>some Text</para> <para>some Text</para> <para>some Text</para> …

Member Avatar for arulkumar_1
Member Avatar for 21345572
Member Avatar for Xabush

I'm trying to create a JTextPane that has the following properties: 1. Vowel letters are colored in green 2. Consonants are colored in blue 3. Numbers are colored in red 4. And the maximum number of characters is 26 and all characters are in Upper Case To achieve this I …

Member Avatar for Xabush
Member Avatar for hvebsr

I want to put the path and name of a spreadsheet, the page and number of pages and the date and time into the footer(s) and display it in Times New Roman 6 pts. I made the following macro: Range("A1").Select ActiveWindow.View = xlPageLayoutView` Application.PrintCommunication = False With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .LeftFooter = …

Member Avatar for hvebsr
Member Avatar for adetolaraphael

Havning issues with file upload in php, below is the code <html> <head> <title>margeducation</title> </head> <body> <p> Niggas Please upload your files in pdf or jpg format, size less than 500kbytes, capishe</p> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="processfile.php" method="post" > <p>REQUIRED DOCUMENTS:(Please Select all documents that were recieved for this student's application):<br/></p> <input …

Member Avatar for adetolaraphael
Member Avatar for Roya Ahmed
Member Avatar for realoneomer

Hi, I have a requirement to get all those file names from a directory whose contents mataches with a specific pattern letsay pattern 'ABCDE' Can you please provide me the code to meet this requirement. Thanks

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for crebz

Am trying to get a function call but i cant get it to print. Please help here. This is the code: def foo(): name = input ('>>').lower().split() for item in name: if name == foo: print ('foo here!') else: bar() def bar(): name = input ('>>').lower().split() for item in name: …

Member Avatar for crebz
Member Avatar for Ramji_1

I have Placed a jquery drag and drop example in joomla article. It's working properly with firefox browser but not working in chrome browser. In chrome, actually drag and drop is working but problem is that buttons are not visible on dragging. Here's link to my example - http://joomla3.guru99.com/lesson-3.html Here's …

Member Avatar for sachin_2
Member Avatar for giovanni.arrastia

Herro there :) i'm having serious trouble understaning even the basics of regular expressions in perl. im trying to make a rainmeter skin that lets you search google from desktop and parses the first five links, and a picture if possible.

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for SergioQ

I've seen this on a few sites, though I can't think of one right now. I would like my server to be able to get a URL, then take a screenshot (picture) of it. I really hope there is a Perl module for this. Anyone know what I am talking …

Member Avatar for cyberkingz
Member Avatar for sushmaja.arumalla.9

How to use commandName in hyperlink control similar to Link button for some backend process. I want Text of Hyperlink Which is clicked From a group of Hyperlinks to identify which hyperlink is clicked and based on it some backend code should be executed.How to retrieve the Text of Hyperlink …

Member Avatar for Ahmed Badawi
Member Avatar for soundbag

Please i need a solution for this, i want to use (PERL) to process a form instead of PHP, now my only problem is converting this LINE to (PERL) SCRIPT. <?php if(isset($_POST['comment'])) $comment = $_POST['comment']; ?> Thank you.

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for timetraveller1992

I'm trying to get the date to work properly. The time is 5 pm (1700 hours) now i.e. evening but it always says morning. Here's my code currenthour="$(date "+ %-H")" echo $currenthour if [ $currenthour -gt '12' ] && [ $currenthour -lt '16' ]; then currenttimeofday="Afternoon" elif [ $currenthour -gt …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for hemalatha.nambisan

**I am creating a webserver where I am using a tool called HMMer. When user uses this server they have the option to generate the output for the input either as tabular output or as text output.My problem is to show both output in the web page. I am doing …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, Why I the port I'm trying to read looking really weired. I'm using an Arduino to produce the port data (It just has two button inputting "BUTTONONE" and "BUTTONTWO" when pressed). This is the result I'm getting: BUTTONTWO BUTTONTWO BUTTONTWO BUTTONTWO BUTTONTWO BUTTONTWO BUTTONTWO BUTTONTWO BUTTONTWO BUTTONONE BUTTONONE …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for fiju

I want to install a perl module - "Test-NoWarnings-1.03". But while installing its giving a warning - "prerequisite module (Test-Tester-0.107) is not found". So I installed this prerequisite module "Test-Tester-0.107" and then I tried to install "Test-NoWarnings-1.03" .But still I am getting the same warning - "prerequisite module (Test-Tester-0.107) is …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for chen.fisher

Hi, I'm having a problem when my friendly url path contains ".aspx". When the path contains ".aspx" all usage of "~/" is resolved incorrectly. For example: When the friendly url is something like this: [url]http://www.example.com/a/b/c/d.aspx[/url] then the tilde "~" is resolved as "../../../" which is good. BUT, when the friendly …

Member Avatar for balajijadhav
Member Avatar for <M/>

According to my professor's program, it says that the snippet of code that i wrote has a syntax or runtime error. This is my code: #S3 display fruit name, inventory quantity sum, price and sum quantity*price displayed as value for each row in fruit SELECT name, sum(quantity), price, price * …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mroldan01

Hi guys, this is the always recurring problem. I have a small HP laptop, in which suddenly, the USB ports have started to malfunction. I have updated all the USB drivers but the problem persist. Have any of you any clue on how to fix this? Regards.

Member Avatar for peepmans
Member Avatar for timetraveller1992

I am trying to write a multiline string into a text file but it does not appear as multi-line text. Here's my code $hostname = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = "sample"; $dbname = "code"; $code = <<< THECODE ; This is the main configuration file for your web app …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for cpfevr692590

Guys I am writing a program in perl to loop through an array of integers read in from a file line by line, then notice patterns of numbers in each line and output triples(3 of the same numbers occuring consecutively), pairs(only two of the same numbers occuring consecutively) and straights …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Unixlearner

Hi, I have been googling around for the cgi module (mod_cgi) for Apache2 because my cgi-scripts .pl are not executing on browser and instead of getting executed it wants to "save or open with" It gave an errormessage *Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of …

Member Avatar for Unixlearner
Member Avatar for ghosh22

Hi I am a beginner programmer and I am really interested about learning new skills. So I need your help. I have a question regarding designing. I want to design a website where the user will be first shown couple of example page designs/template and then the user chooses one …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shivendu

How to get iframe inner content responsive. Or by reducing iframe size ie. width or height it should adjust the inner content as well. Any Idea ! Thanks in advacne

Member Avatar for stevedaniel
Member Avatar for MikeTr

I need to upload a text file to a website on Lunix server. I run the following Perl script lwpupload without error but the file was not uploaded. Do I need to pass the file name to the script fileupload.pl which is the url in lwpupload.pl and how ? Thank …

Member Avatar for MikeTr

The End.