2,452 Topics
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Hi, In Windows 2003, i installed the Active Perl. When i log into this system, i am facing this error [CODE]"Perl command line interpreter encountered a problem and needed to close"[/CODE] Error Signature: [B]szAppName: perl.exe szAppVer: szModName:ntdll.dll szModVer:5.2.3790.3959 offset:000la379[/B] Error Report Contents: [B]C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\WER59ce.dir00\perl.exe.mdmp C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\WER59ce.dir00\appcompat.txt[/B] whats a problem? How to fix … | |
Hi, Please see the below one : [CODE]#!c:/perl/bin/perl use CGI qw(:all); print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; print <<EndOfHTML; <html><head><title>Print Environment</title></head> <body> <FORM action="sample.cgi" method="POST"> First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name"> <br> Last Name: <input type="text" name="last_name"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </FORM></body> EndOfHTML[/CODE] From this, i don't know to proceed. There are two text box with … | |
This is very much a bioinformatics problem, so any bioinformaticians familiar with the eUtilities of the NCBI, your help would be much appreciated. I have the following code to get links from a Pubmed search: [CODE]use Bio::DB::EUtilities; my $factory = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(-eutil => 'elink', -email => 'mymail@foo.bar', -dbfrom => 'pubmed', -cmd … | |
I want to pass the checkbox values from my form to another PHP file upon clicking the next hyperlink. But I am unable to do so. I have javascript in my form which checks that only one checkbox is selected. To use this javascript, I need to name all my … | |
I have an XSD here. [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> - <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> - <xs:element name="shiporder"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="orderperson" type="xs:string" /> - <xs:element name="shipto"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="address" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="country" type="xs:string" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> … | |
Hi html layout not rendering properly in internet explorer. I have attached the screenshot of the layout rendering in firefox and internet explorer. Please see the area of red rendering in internet explorer and gap between yellow bar and red in firefox where as the same gap is not rendering … | |
Hi All, (EDIT: Amazingly, I clicked on another thread to give myself a break from coding and i found half the answer immediately. Thanks Pritaeaus [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1478160.html#post1478160[/url]. However, when validation is not passed I still get the messed up page so if anyone can help, I'd be most grateful.) (EDIT 2: … | |
I am trying to split a file into 2 parts. File format is following: filename_status_date.filetype and the files are: apple_india_20110218091255.txt apple_india_20110221112444.txt apple_india_20110301112444.txt I need to split so that first part carries "apple_india" and second part carries the "20110301112444.txt". I tried the following: [CODE] my ($fruit,$end)=split(/\_/); [/CODE] But that splits the … | |
Hi guys, How do i extract a sequences from a fasta file by taking the start and end position from a gene predicted file: here the example the file with the orf statistics is my predicted file and for example the start position for the first orf is 65 and … | |
I can upload one file and would like to allow for 4 - 6 file uploads. I did not write the upload code and all I need is to add more uploads and I am not sure how to alter the code. # maximum file size allowed (kilo bytes) $max … | |
I am playing a PBeM game called Olympia-game 3, it seems many of the players use Perl scripts to automate some tasks. They happily share the code but I am hesitant to press for programming help in the gaming forum so I come here. I downloaded Strawberry Perl and am … | |
Hello, I need assistance with a pearl/expect script to change user password on mulitple UNIX/Linux servers. I have one dated 11/16/2006 but it is not working exactly as expected. Was hoping there was an updated version that might assist me? It works as such: passchange.script -cmd "passwd user" -inputfile file_with_listofhosts … | |
Hi All, I'm trying to disply the last part of a hyperlink using the expression builder in access 2010 textbox. eg. #\\abc.org.uk\Root\OurSrevice\OurTeam\Peter\Dump\MyDoc.doc# #\\abc.org.uk\OurSrevice\Team2\Folder2\YetAnotherFlder\Dump\View\MyOtherDoc.doc# In the first example I want to display MyDoc.doc In the second example I want to display MyOtherDoc.doc I suspect I'll need to use the RIGHT and … | |
Hi, I have installed ActivePerl-5_6_1_631 and Web server Apach_1.3.22. I am using HTML Frameset in PERL/CGI. Facing problem in displaying HTML Frameset. Please check my coding.. [B][I]Sample.cgi [/I][/B][CODE]#!c:/perl/bin/perl use CGI qw(:all); $login=uc(param('uid')); $passwd=param('pwd'); $kid = time; $cookie = cookie(-name=>'logtime', -value=>$kid, -path=>'/cgi-bin/'); if ($login eq "" || $passwd eq "") { … | |
Hi, I have the LOGIN page, with the username and the password. By logging in, the users can view their information and they can submit their jobs. When the user click LOGOUT link, the page moves to main INDEX PAGE(i.e LOGIN page). The problem is it, when the user click … | |
Hi, I'm currently a student given the task of programming a RPN calculator using C. The following code is some test code that I made to solve the issue described in the thread title. It calls a custom getline() function(while loop) which is also shown and then should take in … | |
Hi guys, I'll try to keep it as short as possible. Basically, I love the webcomic [URL="http://www.xkcd.com"]xkcd[/URL]. And recently, I've been browsing around for a downloader, and have found one written in Perl that works great. It even grabs the Alt-Text (text that pops up when you hover your mouse … | |
hello, I am new in perl..i am just trying to connect perl with mysql database. for this i installed xampp server in my system..and now perl,apache and mysql are running on my system. i also check server by running cgi program on it.. evrything is right.but i dont know why … | |
Hi Experts., i written One email recieving code by using Perl Modules with CGI. here i have getting one error [B]"Failed to connect to pop3.gmail.com at mail.pl line 14, <STDIN> line 3[/B]."., but i am trying to connect my gmail account and yahoo too., Otherwise let me know which module … | |
I'm trying to insert into MySql, using DBI/Perl... What I'm doing is storing all my Print statements into an array, then dumping them out to print, and inserting into a MySql table in a foreach loop... Print resolves ok, but the MySql inserts are being split into fields at the … | |
[CODE]#!/usr/local/bin/perl $file = 'C:\Users\asdds\test1.log'; open(INFO, $file); @lines = <INFO>; foreach $data (@lines) { chomp($data); (@x,@y)=split( ,$data); print "@x[0]\n"; print "@y[0]\n"; } $length_ice = length (@x[0]); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<html><head>\n"; print "<title>Server Log File Information</title>\n"; print "</head>\n"; print "<body> Length of Total number of entries: $length_ice\n"; close(INFO);[/CODE] i want to … | |
The Current loads for the below formulas are 53, 60 and 52. Below is a formula I have currently and runs properly: (SUM([Bus Duct # 1 Phase A Current Load])+ SUM([Bus Duct # 1 Phase B Current Load]) + SUM([Bus Duct # 1 Phase C Current Load])) / 3 AS … | |
Hi, Please check my code : [CODE][B]#!c:/perl/bin/perl use strict; use Carp; use warnings; use CGI qw(:all); #use for all code use Net::LDAP; use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_error_name ldap_error_text); #use for Error Handling use Net::LDAP qw(LDAP_SUCCESS LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffcccc\">"; print "hi"; my $login="domain\username"; my $passwd="mrbkks"; my $USERNAME=$login; my $PASSWORD=$passwd; … | |
Hi, I wrote this code for C++ Primer Plus, but I don't really get why it doesn't work. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cctype> using namespace std; int main() { char ch; string str; int vowels = 0; int consonants = 0; int others = 0; cout << "Enter words (q to … | |
i am new to curl .and i m trying to create create a script for my client to log into yahoo and click the confirmation link in emails. but i am stuck witht he login process only i made the code below . but still i cant make it work. … | |
I'm having an issue regarding how Safari displays my page. A snippet of the HTML includes: [CODE] <div class="MenuBar"> <ul>...List of Menu Items</ul> <div class="QuickSearch"><input type="textbox" /><a>Go</a></div> </div> [/CODE] the CSS code: [CODE] * html DIV.MenuBar DIV.QuickSearch { margin-top:-0.3em;color:black;} DIV.MenuBar {font-weight:bold; font-size:1.1em; font-family:verdana, Arial, sans-serif;background:#FFF url("../images/Gradient.jpg") repeat-x bottom left;border:1px solid … | |
I've seen over the last few days many people on the internet and various forums asking for how this is done. Now there is plenty of posts out there that explain how to do this. However I have yet to find one that explains how you work it into a … | |
Hi, I have below code : [code]my($abc) = "fred<hello>3hello"; $abc =~ /^[^\d]{2,4}<([^>]+)>\d?\1$/; if (defined($1)) { print "$1\n"; } else { print "not found\n"; } }[/code] What is the code doing ?? what function of the regular expression [code]$abc =~ /^[^\d]{2,4}<([^>]+)>\d?\1$/;[/code] Please advice what it do ?? | |
Hi all, Once again I would like to seek your help. I got one file (test.hrh) with a number of flags. Some falgs are defined (#define), some not (#undef). I got another file which a flag list which should be added to the file if not there, and if exists … |
The End.