This is very much a bioinformatics problem, so any bioinformaticians familiar with the eUtilities of the NCBI, your help would be much appreciated. I have the following code to get links from a Pubmed search:
use Bio::DB::EUtilities;
my $factory = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(-eutil => 'elink',
-email => '',
-dbfrom => 'pubmed',
-cmd => 'llinks',
-id => [qw(
while (my $ls = $factory->next_LinkSet) {
my ($id) = $ls->get_ids; # these are evaluated per id by default
print "ID:$id\n";
while (my $linkout = $ls->next_UrlLink) {
print "\tProvider: ",$linkout->get_provider_name,"\n";
print "\tLink : ",$linkout->get_url,"\n";
I want to query Pubmed Central so that I can get links to full text. If I change the dbfrom to pmc (for pubmed central database) and change the id to a pubmed central ID, nothing happens when I execute the script:
use Bio::DB::EUtilities;
my $factory = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(-eutil => 'elink',
-email => '',
-dbfrom => 'pmc',
-cmd => 'llinks',
-id => [qw(
while (my $ls = $factory->next_LinkSet) {
my ($id) = $ls->get_ids; # these are evaluated per id by default
print "ID:$id\n";
while (my $linkout = $ls->next_UrlLink) {
print "\tProvider: ",$linkout->get_provider_name,"\n";
print "\tLink : ",$linkout->get_url,"\n";
I'm not sure what's wrong. Any info on being able to open links and download the files would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you