2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for gwong

Hi all, I am having issues with the sendfile command in mod_per2. I am getting the following errors in the error_log: [Thu Mar 24 11:38:50 2011] [info] [client] (32)Broken pipe: core_output_filter: writing data to the network [Thu Mar 24 11:38:50 2011] [error] [client] Apache2::RequestIO::sendfile: (130) Software caused connection …

Member Avatar for duliduli556

Hi Guys I am trying to read contents of directory... using "FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)" Findfirstfile returned me then first file in the directory.. even though I have somany files in the directory (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) returning me zero..... can anyone help me... thanks in advance... Thanks

Member Avatar for tkud
Member Avatar for orwell84

I am relatively new to perl, and I'm having a problem with loops. I'm trying to get a program for a simple number guessing game to repeat itself until you get the right number. Here is the code: [code] #!/usr/bin/perl -w $thinkingof = int(rand 10); print "Pick a number 0 …

Member Avatar for mdawg252
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello I tried running services.msc from Run and I ended with the window opened, but not displaying any service, with a popup error: One or more ActiveX controls could not be displayed because either: 1) Your current scurity settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page or 2) You have …

Member Avatar for sonymantony
Member Avatar for mimsc

Hello all. Im a Java developer, but have been given the extra title of Perl developer also. So im new to the code structure. Basically Im trying to pull the width and height from a url example below and display in an error msg just to test: [url]http://...readimage?1234a&height=10&width=10[/url] [CODE] use …

Member Avatar for joeyxaza

hi all, i am new to perl and i am trying to design a web form (login, registration, user profile, session, cookie, mysql database connection, etc) using perl. is there any place where i can get a good tutorial on the above, or is there any existing code i can …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for thetwig

hey.. Ive done a bit of java and im new at C... so forgive the inexperience/noobage here.. I got 2 problems, I want my program to read in 2 fractions and print the product.. and whenever I press enter without entering any value, ie. a null input, I want it …

Member Avatar for thetwig
Member Avatar for perlnoob

Sample content of the file [CODE] PP: Happy Sunday! PP: It's a good weather. PP: Have a blessed Sunday everyone. the output should be HL: Happy Sunday! PP: It's a good weather. PP: Have a blessed Sunday everyone [/CODE] My code to generate that [CODE] $length=@fileinput; if($line=~/PP:\s/) { {if($j<$length) {if($line[$j-1]!~/PP:\s/ …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Perl_enthusiast

Hello everyone who reads this. I am currently creating a program in which the user inputs a booking reference which will allow them to overview flight details that they have added to previosu flights. I have been having trouble working out which direction I should follow to sort out this …

Member Avatar for Perl_enthusiast
Member Avatar for cdn88

Hello, I am having trouble understanding why I'm getting these errors. a4.c:106: error: expected expression before ‘int’ a4.c:106: error: too few arguments to function ‘ass_average’ a4.c:109: error: expected expression before ‘int’ a4.c:109: error: too few arguments to function ‘ass_min’ a4.c:112: error: expected expression before ‘int’ a4.c:112: error: too few arguments …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

Having spent the last 6-9 months getting to grips with the basics of PHP, I have inherited a number of Perl scripts. As I'm getting on with PHP and beginning to complete ever "complex" tasks, I would like to convert the inherited Perl into PHP. I am able to translate …

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Member Avatar for billmudry

With over 15,000 wood names in the wood knowledge base I am building (at [url]www.prowebcanada.com/taxa[/url]) it has become practically essential to add a versatile search engine to extract queries from the MySQL files. I started with an online template and have brought it quite a way along but some things …

Member Avatar for Afi83

Hi there, I have wrote a program that do a bit of calculations that takes about 10 min to complete, therefore I need to show a progress to user. I used a percentage in status bar to show the current status of program. The problem is for updating the number …

Member Avatar for Afi83
Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, Please help me out. I have successfully binded to my ADSI server(windows 2003 machine) from my windows XP machine? #LDAP SEARCHING [CODE][B]my $ldapSearch = $ldap->search(base => $ldapbase, filter => "uid=$login"); die "There was an error during search:\n\t" .ldap_error_name($ldapSearch->code)." ". ldap_error_text($ldapSearch->code) if $ldapSearch->code; print "No results returned\n" and exit if( …

Member Avatar for bilal.farooq

What is map doing below? [CODE] my @aFN = (); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (-e $fConfFN) { open CONF,$fConfFN; while(<CONF>) { chomp; if( /.*=(.*)/ ) { my @A = split /\s+/, $1; [COLOR="Red"][B]map{push(@aFN,$_)}@A;[/B][/COLOR] } } close CONF; [/CODE]

Member Avatar for bilal.farooq
Member Avatar for Arsench

Hello world, I’m trying to call from one PERL script (file) to another PERL (file) script passing arguments. The case is that I want to do it running multi threads. Example: I have 2 arrays. [CODE] Array1 = (“arg1”,”arg2”); Array2 = (“arg1”,”arg2”); [/CODE] In parallel mode I want to run …

Member Avatar for neosonic

Sorry, maybe I post this in the wrong section. But, I hope it is simple enough to be answered :) I have .dot ms word template with mailto hyperlink. something like: [U]neosonic@neosonic.com[/U], link to mailto: [email]neosonic@neosonic.com[/email] I have tried to edit it manually in the .dot file, and that mailto …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jacksantho

hi, Please see my code as given below: [CODE]#!c:/perl/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use CGI qw(:all); #use for all code use Net::LDAP; use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_error_name ldap_error_text); #use for Error Handling print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffcccc\">"; my $entry; my @uids; my $serverlogin='administrator'; my $serverpassword='xxxxx'; my $LDAP_SERVER="localhost"; my $LDAP_PORT="389"; my $LDAP_BASE="ou=student,dc=ac,dc=in"; …

Member Avatar for kinto

Hey, I have a function, though it's not working as it should be. My program is Dijkstra's algorithm, and I am trying to build a list of a node's nearest neighbours using info contained in a text file of the network (7 nodes in this case), in the form: 0,2,4,1,6,0,0 …

Member Avatar for kinto
Member Avatar for vb2learn

Hello Guyz This is my first post here. I am having problem in vb.net I am trying to get a webpage source using this code. [CODE] Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(Textbox1.Text) Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse() Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()) Dim sourcecode As String = …

Member Avatar for vb2learn
Member Avatar for PhoenixInsilico

I am stuck in program which need to build a hash of unknown number of keys which we will enter or give. If there would be a push function we can make loop and increase its size.But how will be it possible with hash.

Member Avatar for PhoenixInsilico
Member Avatar for PhoenixInsilico

Help me to find where I am wrong[CODE] package Exception; sub excep{ my ($ref_numbers,$ref_exceptions,$number,$n) = @_; my @excepts; if ($number == 0) { return (\@excepts); } else{ my $i; for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) { my $a=0; if($i != $$ref_execptions[$number]) { $excepts[$a] = $i; $a++; } else { $a++; } } $number--; &excep(\@excepts,$ref_exceptions,$number,$n); } …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for pragati_2010

I have a csv file and i want to convert the same in Xml tree structure can some one tell me how is that possible the xml structure will have many child element as below: <parents> <child> <name1/> <name2/> </child> <child> <name1/> <name2/> </child> </parents>

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for manish250

hello all i am using a query [ICODE]select 'hour','filename','tot_sent_count','tot_success','tot_prm_fail','tot_switchedoff','tot_other_error' UNION select hour,filename,sum(tot_sent_count),sum(tot_success),sum(tot_prm_fail),sum(tot_switchedoff),sum(tot_other_error) INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/hourlyFileMis(2011-03-09)' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' from tbl_mis where date_format(date_time,'%Y-%m-%d')='2011-03-09' group by hour,filename order by hour;[/ICODE] output is ok but one thing is not coming properly that header fields are coming at the …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Rudra b Raama

Hi all, I have basic knowledge on perl concepts ... Now i am assigned with a task to automate software build installation process on windows please guide me in the following 1.what are the documents to refer for example scripts on automation 2.Should i have to install any thing else …

Member Avatar for sensamurai
Member Avatar for senthilamp4

Hi Experts, Here i am trying to create a script for Auto Back up script to Back up files. files are taking a back up with help of archive zip module along with mentioned the date in corresponding Folder name. Here i am create one xml file for daily updation. …

Member Avatar for k_manimuthu
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Guys, how do I create a label that when clicked by the user, it will open a website using the default browser. I have seen the control LinkLabel but I do not know how it works or how to use it. Anyone please?

Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto
Member Avatar for boshu

Hi all, Once again I am here with a simple problem which is hard enough to solve by myself: I got the following keys in an array: [CODE] 20110225104849 20110225104833 20110225104848 [/CODE] And following files in a folder: [CODE] google_20110225091600.7z google_20110225091622.7z google_20110225100306.7z google_20110225100410.7z google_20110225104833.7z google_ready_20110225100410.txt google_ready_20110225104833.txt Yahoo_20110225091639.7z Yahoo_20110225100320.7z Yahoo_20110225100424.7z Yahoo_20110225104849.7z …

Member Avatar for boshu
Member Avatar for deepakkrish

Hi Friends, I got an ASN.1 file .I need to convert it to readable format.is there any way. Thanks in advance, Deepak

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for terabyte

How can I run my Perl scripts on my symbian phone? I have been googling for two days, I only found these two links: [url]http://search.cpan.org/~rgarcia/perl/symbian/PerlBase.pod#___top[/url] [url]http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsymbian.html[/url] and I didn't understand them lol so is there a way to use perl on my symbian? either the Perl interpreter or a compiled …

Member Avatar for vaniliao

The End.