Dear Daniweb Community,
Like I've previously explained on an other topic, I'm trying to delete lines of a csv file where the value of a column is equal to a fixed value.
In other words I have to check if a specific column value for a line is equal to a fixed value. For instance, I still have this file with user account data of the ActiveDirectory, a user per line. If this user's account has the status disabled, I have to drop the line (because I won't mention him on the phonebook, he's probably gone of the company). So I'm comparing the field named "AccountDisabled" in the header to 0 or 1. If the value is 1, then drop the line.
I'll post my tests scripts (but non-working like I want them to) tomorrow as I don't have them at home, and must wait until tomorrow at work in order to post them.
If you already have some script that does that I would be really really gratefull !!!
Thanks by advance,