Hello, I am very much new to perl and to this forum also... pls help for this prob...
I have 200 two colom data files like, xyz_channel_1.dat .....xyz_channel_200.dat. Coloms of each file is similer like below; First colom 'X' starts from 1 and ends at 200. and second colom 'Y' is arbitrary. colom X and Y are separated by single white space.
1 2
2 3
3 6
4 5
5 7
. .
. .
. .
. .
200 9
For each file i want to integrate over two different range of X, say, integrate1(X=3 to 70) and integrate2 (X=90 to 150); and then subtract, diff=integrate2-integrate1. Finally i want to save all the calculated 'diff' from all "xyz_channel_1.dat .....xyz_channel_200.dat" files in a new out.dat file.