GUIdancer 2.2 Automates Failure Retires

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GUIdancer 2.2 Automates Failure Retires

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Such is the way of GUIdancer 2.2, the latest version of the function-test automation tool from Bredex, which began shipping yesterday. The keyword-driven tool for Java (Swing, SWT and RCP) and HTML can now retry failed test steps using pre-defined test execution variables, according to the company.

Version 2.2 is compatible with the Eclipse 3.4--the Ganymede release. GUIdancer can run as an Eclipse plug-in or stand alone. Test cases are now automatically included in projects, enabling testers to reuse keywords across projects and create them quickly using drag and drop. Applications under test can be started more easily now from executable files. Other usability improvements include the "addition of welcome pages, cheat sheets and new example projects," the company said. Object mapping and maintenance or modification of large and complex tests is now simpler and smoother, according to claims.

“We’ve done a lot of work on the usability of GUIdancer, especially in the initial stages,” said GUIdance development-team member Zeb Ford-Reitz in a statement. “There is plenty of information available to GUIdancer testers – example projects to run, tutorials to work through, and examples of best practices in the welcome pages," the statement continued.

Of course, GUIdancer 2.2 retains all the benefits of previous versions, including easy test creation and maintenance without programming skills, the ability to extend the tool with Java and to keep test creation separate from the application under test.GUIdancer 2.2--for Linux, Mac OS X, Unix and Windows--can be downloaded now at Demos and floating licenses are available.