Hi Guys,

I was trying to build a library catalogue with GUI (Graphic User Interface) which consists of two text boxes and four buttons.

I have actually created the layout, but I dont know how to add actions to the buttons.

Could anyone help me please.

the Question is:

for the search button which is searching for list of book that contain within their description whatever is in the description text field and/ or is currently on loan to the borrower matching the number in the borrow text field.

What I have done is as follow:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class LibraryCatalog extends JFrame
private ArrayList<Item> items;
JPanel contentPane;
BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout ();
JPanel centrePanel = new JPanel ();
JTextField titleTextField = new JTextField ();
JTextField IDTextField = new JTextField ();
JPanel southPanel = new JPanel ();
JButton addButton = new JButton ();
JPanel northPanel = new JPanel ();
JLabel northLabel = new JLabel ();
JButton searchButton = new JButton ();
JButton borrowingButton = new JButton ();
JButton returnButton = new JButton ();

//Construct the frame
public LibraryCatalog()
items = new ArrayList<Item>();
makeFrame ();
setVisible (true);


//Component initialization
private void makeFrame ()
contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane ();
contentPane.setLayout (borderLayout1);
this.setSize (new Dimension(420, 160));
this.setTitle ("Library Catalog");
titleTextField.setText ("");
titleTextField.setColumns (20);
IDTextField.setText ("");
IDTextField.setColumns (16);
addButton.setText ("Add a Book");
addButton.addActionListener (new java.awt.event.ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
addButton_actionPerformed (e);
northLabel.setText ("");
searchButton.setText ("Search");
searchButton.addActionListener (new java.awt.event.ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

borrowingButton.setText ("Borrowing");
borrowingButton.addActionListener (new java.awt.event.ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

returnButton.setText ("Return a Book");
returnButton.addActionListener (new java.awt.event.ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

contentPane.add(centrePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
centrePanel.add(titleTextField, null);
centrePanel.add(IDTextField, null);
contentPane.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
southPanel.add(addButton, null);
southPanel.add(searchButton, null);
southPanel.add(borrowingButton, null);
southPanel.add(returnButton, null);
contentPane.add(northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
northPanel.add(northLabel, null);

//Overridden so we can exit when window is closed
protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e)
if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)

void addButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String theTitle= this.titleTextField.getText();
int userID= Integer.parseInt(this.IDTextField.getText());

this.addItem(new Item(theTitle,userID));//create a new object of the class Item

void searchButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


void borrowingButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

void returnButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


public void addItem(Item theItem)

//Main method
public static void main(String[] args)
new LibraryCatalog();

Thanks for your help

You are complicating your life little. OK in general there are two main ways how to setup actionListener for buttons
1. general listener for all

JButton addButton = new JButton ("Add a Book");
JButton searchButton = new JButton ("Search");
JButton borrowingButton = new JButton ("Borrowing");
JButton returnButton = new JButton ("Return a Book");

//then set actionPerformed method
public void actionPerformed(EctionEvent ae)
     if(ae.getSource() == addButton)
          //add new book
     if(ae.getSource() == searchButton)
          // search for book

2. listener for each button

JButton addButton = new JButton ("Add a Book");
JButton searchButton = new JButton ("Search");
JButton borrowingButton = new JButton ("Borrowing");
JButton returnButton = new JButton ("Return a Book");
addButton.addActionListener(new Actionlistener()
     public void actionPerformed(ActioneEvent ae)
          //add new book

searchButton.addActionListener(new Actionlistener()
     public void actionPerformed(ActioneEvent ae)
          //search for book

I use first option

which you use depends on how many buttons you have and how reusable you want your code to be :)
Personally I prefer a distinct method per control and a distinct ActionListener per control.
Makes it a lot easier to share them between controls that do the same thing (say you have a menu option, a context menu entry, a hotkey, and a toolbar option that all do the same thing).

DO yu have the code for the other classes......I have to write the whole code for all classes...So if you could can you please send me the rest of the code
Thanks Chamsups
PS; My email is chamsups@yahoo.com

You are complicating your life little. OK in general there are two main ways how to setup actionListener for buttons
1. general listener for all

JButton addButton = new JButton ("Add a Book");
JButton searchButton = new JButton ("Search");
JButton borrowingButton = new JButton ("Borrowing");
JButton returnButton = new JButton ("Return a Book");

//then set actionPerformed method
public void actionPerformed(EctionEvent ae)
     if(ae.getSource() == addButton)
          //add new book
     if(ae.getSource() == searchButton)
          // search for book

2. listener for each button

JButton addButton = new JButton ("Add a Book");
JButton searchButton = new JButton ("Search");
JButton borrowingButton = new JButton ("Borrowing");
JButton returnButton = new JButton ("Return a Book");
addButton.addActionListener(new Actionlistener()
     public void actionPerformed(ActioneEvent ae)
          //add new book

searchButton.addActionListener(new Actionlistener()
     public void actionPerformed(ActioneEvent ae)
          //search for book

I use first option

commented: This forum is not a cheating service. -1

DO yu have the code for the other classes......I have to write the whole code for all classes...So if you could can you please send me the rest of the code
Thanks Chamsups
PS; My email is chamsups@yahoo.com

This is not a "gimme teh codez" forum. Do your own work and post specific questions if you are having problems. I hope you realize how incredibly lame your request is.

especially since he revives a zombie thread from a year ago to post his demand for "zuh koduz".

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