Squish! An Automated GUI Test Tool Now For Eclipse 3.4, Qt 4.4

EddieC 0 Tallied Votes 333 Views Share

If you’re looking for low-cost GUI-test automation for Java, Qt, Mac OS X and Web applications, here’s a product you might find useful. Have you heard of Squish? It’s an automated function-testing tool from Froglogic. Released today was Squish 3.4, adding support for the May release of Trolltech’s Qt 4.4 GUI framework, the June release of Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede, and for testing applications using varying GUI technologies from within a single test case.

Also new in 3.4 is integration with Apache’s Ant build system and the CruiseControl framework for continuous build and integration process. Qt 4.4 now supports Qt, Java Swing/AWT, Java SWT/Eclipse RCP, Mac OS X Carbon and Cocoa, Tk or XView and HTML/Ajax-based Web applications. For scripting in Squish, take your pick of using JavaScript, Perl, Python or Tcl.

This past March Froglogic released Squish 3.3, which included an improved object map editor, generic script APIs, better synchronization of item-view widgets and the ability to automatically save a screenshot for every test failure. Squish 3.3 also added integration with the Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform and support for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and its native Carbon and Cocoa apps.

Added to the Qt version of Squish 3.3 was support for record and playback of native Win32 controls in Qt apps and improved recording of several widgets. The Java edition got the ability to test apps mixed with AWT/Swing and SWT/RCP. Enhancements to its record and playback capabilities included support for drag operations, Java sub-apps started from within a main Java app and controls based on the Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework. There also were numerous enhancements to record and playback features in the Web edition.

Based in Hamburg, Germany, Froglogic was founded by former software engineers of Trolltech, which earlier this month was acquired by Finnish cell-phone giant Nokia.