Hi all -
This is my first time posting here, but I'm hoping someone can help me. My homework assignment is to make a GUI number guessing game with the number of guesses shown. I've gotten the entire program working, but for the life of me I can't seem to figure out how to add the section that shows the Number of Guess and how many have been taken so far. If someone could please help me I would be grateful!
Here's my code:
Constructor Section:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class GuessTheNumber extends JFrame
private int GuessOld = 0;
private int number; // application's number
private JTextField guessInputJTextField; // user input field
private JLabel prompt1JLabel; // first line of instruction
private JLabel prompt2JLabel; // second line of instructions
private JLabel messageJLabel; // displays message of game status
private JLabel message2JLabel; //display number of guesses
private JLabel random1;
private JButton newGameJButton; // creates new game
private Color background; // background color of application
// set up GUI and initialize values
public GuessTheNumber()
super( "Guessing Game" );
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
background = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; // set background to light gray
prompt1JLabel = new JLabel( "I have a number between 1 and 1000." ); // describe game
prompt2JLabel = new JLabel( "Can you guess my number? Enter your Guess:" ); // prompt user
guessInputJTextField = new JTextField( 5 ); // to enter guesses
guessInputJTextField.addActionListener( new GuessHandler( ) );
messageJLabel = new JLabel( "" );
newGameJButton = new JButton( "New Game" ); // create "New Game" button
add ( newGameJButton ); // add newGame button to JFrame
Random generator = new Random();
number = generator.nextInt(1001);//create random number
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
Random generator = new Random();
int number = generator.nextInt(1001);
random1.setText("" + number );
} // end method actionPerformed
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
theGame(); // start new game
} // end GuessGameFrame constructor
// choose a new random number
public void theGame()
} // end method theGame
// change background color
class GuessHandler implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
int Guess;
Guess = Integer.parseInt(guessInputJTextField.getText());
if ( Math.abs( number - Guess ) < Math.abs( number - GuessOld) ){
// Hotter
// Colder
GuessOld = Guess;
if ( Guess > number )
messageJLabel.setText( "Too High." );
if( Guess < number )
messageJLabel.setText( "Too Low." );
// end if
if ( Guess == number ) // guess is too low
messageJLabel.setText( "Correct!" );
Part that makes program run:
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class GameGuessTheNumber{
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
GuessTheNumber game = new GuessTheNumber();
game.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
game.setSize(550, 150);
Again, any help given would be greatly appreciated!