2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for winky

Hey Daniweb, I am looking to FTP into a server, take a list of filenames, and store them into an array, so I can eventually write them into a text file. I am currently having an issue with the storing of the ls into a local array: [CODE] use Net::FTP; …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for senthilamp4

Hello Friends, i am new bee of Perl developemnt., can you pls give regular expression for this number., input: (232,45,3434,535.56) like wise (\()([0-9.,]+)(\)) output: -232,45,3434,535.56 Thanks Advance.., Senthil. V

Member Avatar for senthilamp4
Member Avatar for shabba123

Hi, I am new to this forum and my question is this. I have installed swoopo and some of the links work on the pages and some links go back to the root directory which is not where my pages are stored. There must be multiple places the paths for …

Member Avatar for realoneomer

Hello, I need help to write an output of perl script in a excel file on daily basis. I want to maintain a sheet of excel file like history data that file would contain the history output of all last runs. Although i have used perl formatting to write data …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for teambuilding

guys, I am adding [CODE]<?php static_footer_pages(); ?>[/CODE] to Footer of Wordpress to display their built in policies (WP plugin(, instead it shows me all the pages somewhere on the side of the page. Can anybody help?

Member Avatar for joban.ali
Member Avatar for suther

Can anyone give suggestion about Perl Script for Automation Testing(check http request & response).with some sample code.

Member Avatar for suther
Member Avatar for suther

I need one help.. I have faced problem, while sending XML request to Message Queue. Message has posted to Message Queue(body), but with dot between characters.eg: (T.e.s.t.M.e.s.s.a.g.e) Is there any message format to send plain text? sub sendInbox() { my $Body = shift; #my $Queue = "DIRECT=OS:tandbpc137\\private\$\\testqueue"; my $Queue = …

Member Avatar for stephy1

Can anybody suggest me a tutorial for Perl. I have to prepare for a interview. And have to practise

Member Avatar for deepakkrish
Member Avatar for rgpii

Hi, I have been reading "Learning Perl the Hard Way" and I was trying to complete one of the exercises which involved the use of regular expressions. I could get all of the anchors working except for "$". I have my code below with errors. I was just curious if …

Member Avatar for deepakkrish
Member Avatar for realoneomer

Hello Perl guru's Please help me out to fix the below error Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at Test_Blank.pl line 180 i am comparing the two files (old & New) and traking the number of change records in both files here is the code [CODE] #!/usr/local/bin/perl …

Member Avatar for singhabsk

Good morning all, here i have some probs. in logic if possible just solved it i have a text file contains following data..... sec TID SID ATTRIBUTE 69013 1-3039 1 REGISTER 69013 1-3039 1 100 69013 1-3039 1 401 69013 1-3039 2 REGISTER 69013 1-3039 2 100 69013 2-3039 1 …

Member Avatar for singhabsk

hi i m abhi i have one file containing some info like LT19-10-13-400922 --TID1-3039 1--RequestREGISTER LT19-10-13-405432 --TID1-3039 1--Response100 LT19-10-13-410015 --TID1-3039 1--Response401 LT19-10-13-415481 --TID1-3039 2--RequestREGISTER LT19-10-13-419800 --TID1-3039 2--Response100 where LT19-10-13-400922 is log time ,,i.e. 19 hr. 10 min. 13 seconds 400922 usec. and i want this to convert only in second …

Member Avatar for singhabsk
Member Avatar for singhabsk

Good morning all, i have a text file contains following data..... sec TID ATTRIBUTE 69013 1-3039-1 REGISTER 69013 1-3039-1 100 69013 1-3039-1 401 69013 1-3039-2 REGISTER 69013 1-3039-2 100 69013 2-3039-1 REGISTER 69013 3-3039-1 REGISTER 69013 4-3039-1 REGISTER 69013 1-3039-2 200 69013 2-3039-1 100 69013 2-3039-1 401 .................. .................. 69023 …

Member Avatar for singhabsk
Member Avatar for realoneomer

hi Perl Gurus, I have two text files namely test_old and test_new and i am using below perl script which compares both files (old & new) and display only those records which only have changed values but i am getting an error like Can't use an undefined value as an …

Member Avatar for realoneomer
Member Avatar for boshu

Hi all, I am using a script which takes various command line options, does some zipping activities and publish a log file of what is has zipped. arguments: [CODE]zip_contents.pl -u content_name -s c:\contetn_path -u content_flag -m content.sender@mail[/CODE] When the log file is created I want that the given command line …

Member Avatar for boshu
Member Avatar for singhabsk

Hi I am ABHI i want to substitute `19-13-10-456765` to `19*10 + 13*5 + 10` is equal to `(265)` in file i want to know the exact code to do that this is the file content xyz.txt 19-10-13-400922 TID1-3039 1RequestREGISTER 19-10-13-405432 TID1-3039 1Response100 19-10-13-410015 TID1-3039 1Response401 19-10-13-415481 TID1-3039 2RequestREGISTER 19-10-13-419800 …

Member Avatar for k_manimuthu
Member Avatar for realoneomer

Hi guys, I am looking for such a perl program that matches a pattern in file and print all remaining lines below the pattern. for example. If i have a file like.. Column1 Column2 ABC DEF GHI KJL ADG MKO HGI KIO HFO PIL This is a my pattern Groupname …

Member Avatar for singhabsk
Member Avatar for FoX_

Hi all; I've to update a record for my hw.I'm trying to use seek function but when I use it, new information(phone number) is being written at the end of file... Here is the function that I've tried... Assume that the file's content like below and the input is : …

Member Avatar for boshu
Member Avatar for jddigitalchaos

I am confused about the storable module in Perl. In the available documentation for it [URL="http://perldoc.perl.org/Storable.html"]http://perldoc.perl.org/Storable.html[/URL], it doesn't describe much about the file that it uses to store the data structure. What kind of extension is the file? When I create a file for the module to use, do I …

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Member Avatar for archana amith

Hi, I want to call MySQL stored procedure in perl. I have tried like this: [code] use DBI; my $create_procedure = qq{ CREATE PROCEDURE simpleproc () BEGIN SELECT 'helloworld' As Messgae; END }; $dbh->do($create_procedure); $sql = "CALL simpleproc()"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); [/code] I am getting an error which …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for singhabsk

Hi Perl guru's My name is ABHI and i am almost new on perl i need help for below mentioned issue. Well, I have one file(xyz.txt) containing following text LT19-10-13-400922 --TID1-3039@ 1--RequestREGISTER LT19-10-13-405432 --TID1-3039@ 1--Response100 LT19-10-13-410015 --TID1-3039@ 1--Response401 LT19-10-13-415481 --TID1-3039@ 2--RequestREGISTER LT19-10-13-419800 --TID1-3039@ 2--Response100 LT19-10-13-426400 --TID2-3039@ 1--RequestREGISTER LT19-10-13-463320 --TID3-3039@ 1--RequestREGISTER …

Member Avatar for singhabsk
Member Avatar for pankajagar2002

Hi, i have a desktop application that is developed using swing. We have created jnlp to access it from client side. But when jnlp opens, mouse not work properly. After some time it go on the top left corner. Could you give us some suggestion. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I am generating a report via crystal report. I am reading data from mysql db and one of the sample field I format is Cast(DATE_FORMAT(tblFranchiseTransfer.franchiseTransferFromDate, '%d-%m-%Y') As Char) as franchiseTransferFromDateOriginal. One problem I have few data which is ordered in this flow 04-01-2011,12-01-2011,13-01-2011,18-12-2010. I have ordered as ascending …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for KevinADC

A bare-bones code snippet to remove duplicate lines from a file. There are a number of ways to accomplish this task but this is a fast and dependable method using perls inplace editor and a simple hash to get the job done. This probably should not be used for really …

Member Avatar for sensamurai
Member Avatar for manish250

hello all i have a jsp project when i run this using apache-tomcat on windows server 2003 a pop up window open in the top of the page notifying about the active x control.when i move the mouse over menu bar item it is not showing drop list.i an not …

Member Avatar for manish250
Member Avatar for CasTex

Hi everyone, I am successfully creating an image with php, but I want to make it hyperlinked. But I cant do it. Here is my script: [url]http://www.forumistan.net/7tepe/olus.php?site=www.bodrumlife.com[/url] PHP Code: [code=php]<?php header("Content-type: image/png"); $yaziyaz = "Alexa: 3,493,231"; $yaziyaz1 = "Pagerank: 3"; $string = $yaziyaz; $string1 = $yaziyaz1; $im = imagecreatefrompng("resim.png"); $orange …

Member Avatar for onlymani
Member Avatar for PKW

I'm looking for a tool that can read text on a web page, or within a web-based document viewer, and insert a polling plugin of sorts at the end of each paragraph. More specifically, I would like my website to display documents inside some kind of reader. Then, I'd like …

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Member Avatar for williamshen25

Hi everyone. I want to create a crawler with perl and run it on crowntab. The program should use DBI and DBD::Oracle to insert data into my database. When crontab runs it, I get the following error in my mail box. Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD/Oracle/Oracle.so' for module DBD::Oracle: libclntsh.so.10.1: cannot open …

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Member Avatar for Larry Hancock

I don't even know how to explain what I am trying to accomplish. I am interested in code perl and html. I am a webmaster for an organization. I am trying to redo a gallery web page that uses csv databases and perl to auto write html. I want to …

Member Avatar for murtaza1234

I want to open a pop up window on clicking a hyperlink in gridview and at the same time with the entire row hyperlink should also be able to edit.


The End.