2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for techstu

HI can anyone tell me how to start with a project to read pattern files in perl...I am really confused...

Member Avatar for k_manimuthu
Member Avatar for miturian

So, in the course of a bigger project, I need to generate normally distributed random numbers. I've decided to try to use the GSL rng library. From [URL="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Random-Number-Generator-Examples.html"] the gsl webpage[/URL] I got an example code, just to get an idea of how the interface works. The program looks like: …

Member Avatar for miturian
Member Avatar for jpakerla

Hi guys... I need a PHP code which will display a hyperlink only between 8:00 am - 8:00 pm. Thanks.

Member Avatar for matthewl
Member Avatar for kishore5001

Hi everyone I want to know what is __END__ mean , is this the end of the file. For what this is used in PERL? Thanks

Member Avatar for afbach
Member Avatar for ajith1988ts

Hi friends, i want to make a gui using perl qt, any one have any useful links plz send me. faithfully

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for mona_j05

i have 10 data notepad files (with column x= 1 to 5 and column y = some random number) x y 1 12 2 13 3 8 4 6 5 2 i want to multiply the 1st file's second column with 3, and save it as new data file Increase …

Member Avatar for mona_j05
Member Avatar for jamello

I would like a table cell to act as my hyperlink. What I have currently is a hyperlink embedded in a table cell, hence it is only when the exact underlined hyperlink text is clicked that the url is obeyed. But not when you click anywhere else. [e.g <tr><td><a href=www.meme.com>clickMe …

Member Avatar for dennisrivers2
Member Avatar for i_luv_c++

hey guys my while loop is not working correctly..doesnt matter which character i enter it will still run the loop..and what it should do is test to see if character entered is 'y'(well thats what i want it to do ) thanks!! [CODE]#! /usr/bin/perl $exp = "y"; while ($exp =="y") …

Member Avatar for djacob
Member Avatar for hhheng

I'm sending a post to an url, and after successfully sending the post, it will turn to another page, now how to find the another page url? <code=perl> #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP 5.64; my %form; $form{"name"} = $name; $form{"email"} = $email; $form{"grade"} = $grade; my $res; my $url = "http://www.mydomain.com/register.php"; SIG{ALRM} …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for shuklax

Hello, I am very much new to perl and to this forum also... pls help for this prob... I have 200 two colom data files like, xyz_channel_1.dat .....xyz_channel_200.dat. Coloms of each file is similer like below; First colom 'X' starts from 1 and ends at 200. and second colom 'Y' …

Member Avatar for shuklax
Member Avatar for itee

i have made a bulleted list that retrieves its items from a database dynamically. i want to convert these items into a hyperlink such that each link is for a seperate page. and also i dont want these as linked button. please help.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for mitchems

Hi all, I was wondering if any of you have had any experience with Catalyst and Moose. I am starting a project that I think would use both. I plan to use mod_perl or fast_cgi with Catalyst as the framework and Mason as the template language (I have used Mason …

Member Avatar for maheshrmishra

is it possible to open and work in two files from same or different location simultaneously. How it is possible? Please suggest Thanks / Regards Mahesh

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for Vaer

I want to get rid of all my paper documents. (that I'm able to) These include recepts, invoice copies, bills, college work, sketches, etc. What software is best to use for this? I'm running Windows XP and have a scanner. My main concern is document organisation after I have scanned …

Member Avatar for gurukid22
Member Avatar for BastienP

Dear Daniweb Community, Like I've previously explained on an other topic, I'm trying to delete lines of a csv file where the value of a column is equal to a fixed value. In other words I have to check if a specific column value for a line is equal to …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for historysav

Hi....I am very new in perl and maybe My question can be very simple...I created hash of hash and I filled it.. But I cannot access any element of it...This is a part of my code;; %doclen=($putword=>{id => $words[2]}); Can somebody write any sentensize to access any element of ths …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for niall_heavey

Hi all, I'm very new to perl but I will try to explain where I am at the moment. I have a lot of information in a .csv file. The 2nd columb has different values relating to different things. For example "no" = nokia, "se" = sony ericsson, "ip" = …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for tenoran

Thanks for reading my post. I just started perl programming. I need to print the prime factors on the screen. but when I executed my code, it shows nothing. I dont know what else to do. This is the code I got... [CODE] # number to factor is passed as …

Member Avatar for barabala
Member Avatar for jaydot

hi just wanna ask is it possible for perl to get the value of a print command? for ex. my $result = print "hello world\n"; print "$result\n"; why is it that the "print $result" would print a value which is 1?.. is it possible to get the result "hello world" …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for kained

Okay this has got me stumped. i am designing a site but the content div isn't expanding all the way down to the footer div in opera and firefox but it is in IE. Not had this one before and have tried adding various height:100% and min heights to the …

Member Avatar for kained
Member Avatar for Nintendo

I just upgraded my server and now a simple log script reaks of errors. [code]#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI ':standard'; use warnings; $database = "/full_path/filename.shtml"; $shortdate = `date +"%D %T %Z"`; chop ($shortdate); open (DATABASE,">>$database"); print DATABASE "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} - $shortdate - $ENV{'SCRIPT_URI'} - $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}<!-- - $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}--><BR>\n"; close(DATABASE); { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print …

Member Avatar for Nintendo
Member Avatar for ttboy04

Hello, the following code is not exactly working properly. Bascally when I enter + in the dialog box it escape but still increments in the calculation. So for instance if I first enter a word "hello" then I click OK button then I enter word "there" then I click OK …

Member Avatar for ttboy04
Member Avatar for freshfitz

We have this scripting working on one server and are trying to transfer it to a different server and we are getting this error the working server is fedora fc7 the new on is fedora fc12. When we run the script from a command line we get: web root 23:42:09 …

Member Avatar for vs.vaidyanathan

If i fork off a parent and want to fork of fthe child, can i pass new variables from the child to the "grand -child"? PL help me clear this concept.

Member Avatar for vs.vaidyanathan

I wasnt to fork from a parent and execute two perl codes simultaneously rot13.pl and pi.pl.I want to keep track of the pid's of both children. i am not aware how to do it within the system() cmd. I have written the code below. But something tells me I'm being …

Member Avatar for BastienP

Hello everyone, I'm currently working on an automated process which extract user info from AD with csvde, then do some treatments with perl scripts, convert the csv file into xls in order to do some modifications by a specific user in Excel, then convert the xls to csv, format it …

Member Avatar for BastienP
Member Avatar for rudasi

Hi, I have a file.txt, I need to enter the data in string. Currently my code looks like this, [CODE]#!/usr/bin/perl open myfiles, "file.txt" or die "couldn't find file: $!"; while (<myfiles>){ $string .= $_; } print $string; close(myfiles);[/CODE] The output when I print the string is like hello.c work.c office.c …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Prakash_8111

Hi gusy, Can any one suggest , how to install DBD::mysql on windows mechine. (Its eating my head). I tried all the possible ways , but its not installing. 1) I tried to install directly from cpan , failed 2) manually downloaded, and tried to install, still failing : showing …

Member Avatar for dseeland
Member Avatar for Kruptein

Well like the title says, everything was alined fine, untill I added the Shell, it's the shell I want to resize, but if I pass wx.Size(100,100) of self.console.SetSize((100,100)), it doesn't work :f What am I doing wrong? [code=python]class DEDITOR(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): # begin wxGlade: DEDITOR.__init__ kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE …

Member Avatar for nadskap2

Hey there... I got a website which i want to work properly... But i cant make it work properly without image popup working properly... PHP and HTML code: [code] <?php if ($handle = opendir('./bsbilleder')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(substr($file, 0, 1) != ".") { $bspic = …


The End.