2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for nadskap2

Hey... I've got some problems with jQuery. Code: jQuery: [code] <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".bspicdiv").animate({height:0},"fast"); $(".bspicdiv").animate({width:0},"fast"); $(".bspic").click(function(){ $("#box").animate({height:500},"fast"); $("#box").animate({width:500},"fast"); $(".bspicclose").click(function(){ $(".bspicdiv").animate({height:0},"fast"); $(".bspicdiv").animate({width:0},"fast"); }); }); }); </script> [/code] PHP/HTML: [code] echo "<a class=\"bspic\" href=\"#\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"./bsbilleder/".$file."\" height=\"80\" width=\"80\" /></a>"; echo "<div class=\"bspicdiv\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"bspicclose\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"./bsbilleder/".$file."\" height=\"450px\" width=\"450px\" /></a></div>"; …

Member Avatar for peterv6

I am trying to learn CGI programming in PERL. I have a simple test page that I want to try out, but when I upload it and try to display it as a web page, all I get is the source code. Can anyone help me out? I'm not sure …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for axn

cant get this to display on webpage. Apache is setup correctly. Getting error "[COLOR="Green"]malformed header from script. Bad header=04/19/2010: date.pl[/COLOR]" where am i going wrong? [CODE]#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(strftime); my $cur_time = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime; print "$cur_time\n"; open PS, "/bin/netstat -nra 2>&1|" …

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for skyzer

I have ordered points(x,y) for a route and i got a method optimize which removes consecutive points which distance between them is less than delta (delta=3). The first rule tells that if p1 and p2 distances are lower than delta, then remove p2 from my route. Second rule is same …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for perlnewbe

I need to compare columns widths and data types in a txt file using a template. Here is a bit of code that I have been working on, just need some help doing the comparisons using unpack. - perlnewbe... #!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $foo = (); my @bar …

Member Avatar for gowth08

hi all, i've a file named "a.config" with the line "CLUSTER_NAME[\t][\t]cluster1" by [\t] i mean tabs. now i need to change the value cluster1 to someother value, say autocluster. The code which i wrote was : [CODE]cat a.config | sed 's/CLUSTER_NAME[\t][\t] [A-Za-z0-9]*/CLUSTER_NAME[\t][\t]autocluster/' > a.config.temp[/CODE] [CODE]mv a.config.temp a.config[/CODE] but this doesn …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Perlhelp

Hi, I want to search the log file for a string and extract all data until the end of that line where the search string is found. For example: A line in the file reads like below: [28/04/2010 11:17:53 GMT]PositionPoolCalculation.java(339):getPosCalculation[INFO]BUNP: B123456:1234567:ABCD ANP: B123456:1234567:ABCD:2 post LCN: DESabcdefgh I want to search …

Member Avatar for Perlhelp
Member Avatar for perlnewbe

Hi, I need to search 3 different servers and list the output of the directories to a specific file for each server. I understand how declare the constant(s) but unsure of how to iterate through all of the constants and list the file output. Any ideas would be helpful. Perlnewbe …

Member Avatar for perlnewbe
Member Avatar for sainiweb

I have this code which not give me desired result I want output as same http://www.asteraweb.co.uk/wrap_example.html same as like first container have I have this code but its working on no. of word and missing some words in the last <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for jaydot

hi im new with perl. just read some tutorials 3 days ago. just wanna ask if perl can automate a mouse click?.. how is this possible?.. could u help me with this?..

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for schwarznavy

Howdy all. I had an assignment to build a subnet calculator that would take (and validate) an IP and CIDR input and return the net_id, broadcast_id, first and last assignable IP addresses, and the number of assignable IP address. Would anyone care to look at my code and offer criticism? …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for Chocolataria

Hi, I'm a Perl newbie and I have a job to do, but I can't do that! I'm almost crying! =( Please, someone help me? This is my problem: I have a txt file like this Config.txt SourceIP = SourceMAC = 00d0047203fc IPProtocol = 7 -------------------------------------------- Then I have …

Member Avatar for kanishkablack
Member Avatar for schwarznavy

Hello! I've done some Googling about this, and many sites say that "hasing" is a better alternative than using a variable name with a variable name. I don't understand the concept of hashing, and what I'm trying to do seems small and insignifant, so I was hoping someone could help …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for perlnewbe

I'm new to perl and need to read a txt file into a hash and then perfrom the following. Read in the file Create a Hash For each word in the file, count how many times the word occurs. Store the word a hash which is indexed with the words …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for SgtMe

I have recently purchased ToCA Race Driver 3 for my PC. I used systemrequirementslab.com to check that it would work, and the only issue that came up was that Windows 7 was not released at the time and it was not officialy compatible. I found this website and I followed …

Member Avatar for sarkar.manab

i have button in javascript, when i click ,it calls a CGI perl script and returns a download popup to me. Prob--> When javascript calling the script it starts a new thread redirecting to perl script and end. So i m not getting any action or response inside javascript. What …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for mharriss

I have downloaded a CPAN package 'Clickatell.pm' for use with a CGI script. I have uploaded it to the cgi-bin folder, set the permissions, but I can't get the script to use it. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; use lib '/websites/123reg/LinuxPackage06/ma/sa/re/masarestaurant.co.uk/public_html/cgi-bin'; package Clickatell; my $catell = Clickatell->new( API_ID …

Member Avatar for mharriss
Member Avatar for hhheng

I'm trying to send a http request to an url and check the content of the url using following script. However, by just check whether the content is empty or not can't tell whether a site is working. #use all required modules here; my $url = "a url here"; my …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for Sanjanapm

[code] #!/usr/bin/perl $run_env = "test"; $parm_file = "wf_PBM_DHT_CS90_CH_Hist_Extract.parm"; $sys_id = "PWLP"; #div name based on the session's call $div = "WLD"; $CH_TYPE = "CS90CH"; #process name will be the process name in the trigger file $PROCESS_NAME = "CH_CS90"; #sys_name would map to the applicable Tier e.g. FAC=Facets, WGS=WGS, STR=STAR…. $sys_name …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for mehul79

i am passing a varible which i want to process as utf8. but correctly i am not able to process the varible passed from the command line in perl..

Member Avatar for sarfrazashfaq

Hi there I am translating PERL code into PYTHON Code My PERL code is if ( my $client = $dealing_clients->{ $data->{fundId} } ) And i translated it into python as if (client = dealing_clients[data["fundId"]]): But it is giving my following Error "Syntax Error While detecting Tuple" Any one know how …

Member Avatar for sarfrazashfaq
Member Avatar for kneel

[code] #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <numeric> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { // create linked list of integers list<int> the_list; // input as requested cout << " Enter length of the list " << endl; size_t len; cin >> len; for(size_t i=0; i<len; ++i) { cout << …

Member Avatar for kneel
Member Avatar for jitendrad

i am geeting the error The application failed to Initialize properly (oxc000007b) when I use departmental Script Tools

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for SMHouston

I'm having a little trouble understanding saving state data properly. What I have is 3 forms, which go into a summary, and then the user can click on register and register for the seminars. The data is then submitted to a database. Each form has a next and back button. …

Member Avatar for SMHouston
Member Avatar for Arsench

Hello, I’m using Perl script where executing SQL query which connecting to SQL loader to insert my data into table. When the script runs the success status returns, but the loader doesn’t load anything to DB, I want to get the Perl return value to compare it. Here is the …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for samready

Hi. I am trying to match a string: "RemoveAcc $k: $v" There are an arbitrary number of spaces between RemoveAcc and the two variables...Preferably I would like to store these to variables using $1 and $2 after the string is parsed, but I do not want to save the RemoveAcc …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for sarfrazashfaq

Hi there I have following hash related code in Perl that i need to translate in Python if ( exists $legs->{$reference} ) { logg(" 2nd leg of swapes: $ref - merging"); my $swap = merge_swap_legs( $legs->{$ref}, $fields ); $ref = new_fk_ref( $fxall, $ref, $swap ); } else { $legs->{$ref} = …

Member Avatar for leegao
Member Avatar for daniels1

Hi i want to install this cpan CPAN-1.9402.tar.gz Crypt-Rijndael-1.09.tar.gz the prblem is t install it from /tmp and not networking Thanks Danny

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for mark30289

Hi... I have been having problems getting sendmail to work. 5 hours and counting. Here's what I have: #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use sql; use CGI qw/:standard/; use DBI; $mail_prog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $to='member@hotmail.com'; $from= 'info@mydomain.com'; $subject='Your membership'; open (MAIL, "|$mail_prog -t"); print MAIL "To: $to\n"; print MAIL "Reply-to: $from\n"; …

Member Avatar for mitchems

The End.