2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for mibushk

Hello, I would need your help, I have a Perl code that makes a folder structure, it reads a txt and creates the folders Now I have an issue I have to go through this folder structure and insert a file delete_me txt is yhe lowest level, and I have …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for samready

Is there a way to store multiple values to a key without using any extra modules? Here is the code I have so far: [icode] $key = $ref->{$uniqueKey}; my $systemKey = GetSystem($key); push @{$referenceTable{$key}}, $systemKey; my ($k, @v); # SET UP THE TABLE print "<table border='1'>"; print "<th>User</th><th>System</th>"; # EXECUTE …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for terrylau77

Perl newbie here… need some help and suggestions. I’ve searched for many examples but so far it’s all for array operation for two arrays. I have three arrays and want to find the common value in the three array and list them out : Array 1 = {0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} Array …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for john_prince

Hi, I've a csv file consisting of two columns - one with "Last Name" and other with "Email Address". I would like to match Last Name ( not an exact but a contain match), and if didn't match, populate third column with "0". Does anyone has a perl script to …

Member Avatar for john_prince
Member Avatar for ajay_p5

Hi, I am looking for a conversion tool for converting an svg file into a jpg file. Does anybody know of a perl library which can do it or a tool with as few dependencies as possible and which can be accessed by command line. Thanks, Aj

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for Vandithar

Hi, I have 2 arrays and i have to compute the difference between arrays in perl. Here is the code. [code] @a=qw(20095053 19947571 19933274 19910458 19875498 19863670 19747485 19699809 19609242 19602509 19400988 19260844 19190289 19067769 19064710 19056771 19036087 18698092 18692784 18687424 18570886 18562159 18478156 18462614 18425777 18292846 18292840 18390561 18381856 …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for moshe12007

hi i want to connect to my facebook with perl i just start now to programming in perl before perl i programming in C. i see several codes but all the codes not work!!! i want to connect to my facebook and to my msn messanger. very important that i …

Member Avatar for XxGNxX

I use the following script to open up outlook express and grab all e-mail contents. However, I only get a bunch of pipelines (|) instead of characters. I can't find anybody else who has run across this online, and was wondering what the problem is. Here's the code: [CODE] open(MAILER, …

Member Avatar for saurav4ever

Dear all, I am a newbie to perl. I want to read file line by line in two sets i.e., odds and even. Means it should first read first line and second line then check for regular expression in second line with condition to print or not then move forward …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for skumar1

Hi All, I have written one custom script in bugzilla called duration.cgi which calculates the bug duration. I am getting below error message while trying to access link : [url]http://localhost:8200/duration.cgi[/url] as below: [B]Software Error Insecure dependency in parameter 1 of DBI::db=HASH(0x275840c)->prepare_cached method call while running with -T switch at C:/Bugzilla/duration.cgi …

Member Avatar for kumaryo

Hi, can any one help me out in list out the choices for the existing files through perl script

Member Avatar for wildgunman

I'm writing a program which searches through a list of medium sized text files for a particular keyword string. This string may appear more than once in the file. The files are generally parsed out for readability, so they have hard returns at the 80 column mark within paragraphs. As …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for gwong

Hi, I am new to using the Soap::WSDL module. How would I go about getting rid of this parsing error? [code] #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use SOAP::WSDL +trace => 'all'; use Data::Dumper; my $ops = 'http://ops.epo.org/wsdl/ops.wsdl'; eval { my $soap=SOAP::WSDL->new( wsdl => $ops, ); }; if ($@) { print "wsdl error: …

Member Avatar for warthogism

so, previously, Grub would start and give me the option of the starting either Linux (fedore core) or winxp. Using partitionmagic, I deleted the linux partition and joined it with winxp. When I rebooted, I get a GRUB prompt ("grub>"). I now have no idea how to get it start …

Member Avatar for RoyalPeak
Member Avatar for Jaxzen

My program is supposed to essentially be something like Wheel of Fortune. As long as the user guesses letters that aren't in the word, the program behaves properly. But, when the user inputs a letter that IS in the word, the program stops and doesn't continue at all. [code] #include …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for AdnanMehmood

hi i am new to this forum.i have a problem regarding to my project.The problem is that I can extract the email from the server and then I have a task to summarized the email and then SMS that summarized email.So that a email can be converted into 1 sms. …

Member Avatar for khess

It isn't quite Perl version 6 but it's well on its way. Between now and Monday, [URL="http://www.activestate.com"]ActiveState[/URL] will release version 5.12 of its cross platform, easily installed ActivePerl. Version 5.12 offers more than simple bug fixes; it's a major release that some developers look toward with great anticipation. The major …

Member Avatar for vesnushka

I want to use $#array. But # makes the next words commented. Is it possible to avoid such situation? [CODE] for ($i =0; $i <= $#array; ++$i) [/CODE]

Member Avatar for vesnushka
Member Avatar for gwong

Hi, I am new to using the Soap::Lite perl module. Here is a piece of code to retrieve an image, but it does not seem to working properly. [code] #!/usr/local/bin/perl # Load the SOAP library use SOAP::Lite; # Service details my $NAMESPACE = 'http://ops.epo.org//soap-services/document-retrieval'; my $ENDPOINT = 'http://ops.epo.org//soap-services/document-retrieval'; # Create …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Hi Guys, Please help me out to resolve this. I have NOKIA 3110c mobile and frequently I connect internet thru nokia mobile thru a data cable. So now you come to know that I have use a usbport (I dont have much idea about ports). Before connecting to the internet, …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for bradleykirby

Hi, new to Perl. Learning regular expressions. Im trying to validate a form field using regular expressions. Field criteria is: - Begin with a letter - 4-8 characters long - must include at least 1 digit So far Ive got: [code] $fieldValid=$username=~/^\D\w{3,7}\d+/; [/code] I read this as "beginning with any …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for MadSkyrim

Hi all, I need a perl script that can open files (given in command line arguments) and extract/print out any dates or times found in it. The format of the dates and times can be any reasonable format. The problem I have is I don't know how to print out …

Member Avatar for MadSkyrim
Member Avatar for ashab27

hi, I have written the perogram in perl and i want take previous date in "April 3 2010" in this formate . plz tell me how can i get this. [code=perl]#!use/bin/perl use Date::Format; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); my @weekday = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday); my @month = …

Member Avatar for lastlight

Howdy all, For some reason I just can't get my modules imported into my CGI script and run in a browser. It will print the HTML fine in a command prompt call, but the browser gives an "Internal Error 500." Error in Firefox & IE: Server error! The server encountered …

Member Avatar for ItecKid
Member Avatar for odubhthaigh

So; I have a list in a text file that contains sections of a what would be filenames.. I'm wanting to read from this text file into I guess an array, unless there's a better way to do it.. and then find the file that matches with each of the …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for StickerAA

Hi everyone, I want to put a border around a hyperlink but in IE7 the bottom border line is omitted and in Firefox it looks fine. Following is my html and css code. I have checked google to no avail. I have tried various position: relative/absolute combinations with no success. …

Member Avatar for StickerAA
Member Avatar for Jammie

Hi there, Could someone tell me if it's safe to edit PCL(Printer Command Language) files in Windows? I've a bunch of PCL files to edit and each PCL file is different when it comes to the header part. So, I'm not able to figure out a standard simple way to …

Member Avatar for Prakash_8111

Hey Guys, I am developing one tool on perl to moniter mysql database in many systems(in all types of OS). I want to track some info like this getting databases parameters , getting database schemas, get logspace .... etc , what could be the good approach in perl.. If you …

Member Avatar for bulgin

Is there a method in Linux to monitor a port for activity, then when found, execute a script? For example, when tftp port 69 is accessed, run a script that runs commands. thank you.

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for ninja_girl

I was wondering if it were possible to extract the hashes from the XML:: Simple output without knowing the elements' name beforehand? I've searched the web and only found tutorials how to get elements from a certain file with certain tags. [CODE]use XML::Simple; use XML::Parser; use Data::Dumper; my $file1 = …

Member Avatar for vitana

The End.