2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dhaval0203

hi i m new to learning perl please anyone tell me how do i start learn it? Which libraries are used in perl...? From where to i can get all these information? Give me brief introduction about perl.......

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for gpx

IO::Tty is a pre-req for expect.pm IO::Tty install reports that "Configuration looks good!" (See below) but the makefile fails with missing Tty.so Any suggestions? ------------------ # perl Makefile.PL Now let's see what we can find out about your system (logfiles of failing tests are available in the conf/ dir)... Looking …

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for VDivya

Hi all... I am trying to embed Java into Perl. I am a newbie in Perl and I am facing a lot of problems. I used Inline::Java to embed Java into Perl. The details of the modules are as follows: Pojo.pm contains the Perl module with Java embedded in it. …

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for divyareddy.533

Hi, I am new to perl,i designed one web form using html for this form i need to attach captchaimages for security,How can i generate captcha images using perl scripts. Please help me in this issue.

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for divyareddy.533

Hi , I am new to perl language,while i am working with this i got a small problem. I designed a form in html it contains four fields. when the user clicks submit button in this form i redirecte my page to serverside code which is perl. In this i …

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for divyareddy.533

Hi, I am new to perl scripting language, While i am working with this i got a problem in this.When ever i am trying to redirect to a next page uisng perl script i got the problem it did not redirect to the next page. here i am explaning with …

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for navarannan

Hi Friends I have a requirement to where my cgi program has to send an email when the "Submit" button is pressed. Here is my cgi program, which has a text field to enter the username and a submit button. [code] #!C:/Perl/bin/Perl.exe use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI; use …

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for Vindhyaauri

Hi there!! Just wanted to know how to match the line containing $$$$ from a file. Is this correct : (my $row =~ /\$\$\$\$/) Thanks in advance!!!

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for perly

Hi, I need help to make a perl program work. The program accepts an input (reaction) and then search for the input in a file and then displays the reaction on the same line. Input file - file.txt (A large file with no header and in the following format): A1_HTTT24 …

Member Avatar for perly
Member Avatar for srsackman

Hi again. I have a gridview control on my page, and some search criteria textboxes, etc. When my user clicks 'Search', I want to show or hide an unrelated hyperlink based on the count returned by the grid. I'm having trouble figuring out when to do this. I started with …

Member Avatar for srsackman
Member Avatar for ukndoit

We are an American company, doing business world wide, we have a lot of members coming on board in Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Africa and lots of other places. They are all asking for us to translate the web pages. So I programmed in a language translator, where we can give …

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Member Avatar for john_prince

Hi, I've this script that takes care of picking phone number in standard format - xxx-xxxx, further i would like it to pick phonenumber even without hypen - xxxxxxx. How can i do that? [CODE] foreach $number (@numbers) { if ($number =~ m/(^\d{3}-\d{4}$)/) { push @results, $number; } } [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for jcubic
Member Avatar for abdulraqeeb33

Hi, I am very new to perl pgming. I have a weblog which has a standard format as the below example IP | remoteUser | authUser | Date/Time | Request | Status | Bytes For example, - - [27/Jan/2007:00:00:36 -0500] "GET /~jking/ralph.html HTTP/1.0" 404 215 the fields are seperated …

Member Avatar for abdulraqeeb33
Member Avatar for MDanz

I've got a 101px x 101px div with a background image and words of text. I've attempted to make the whole div a hyperlink but it only made just the text a hyperlink. if you check my website [url]http://www.stackway.com/stack.php[/url] , when you click the word then the correct hyperlink comes …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for fuyuki

Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have a question regarding outputting to .txt file. [CODE]while($file =<DNAFILE>) { open FILE, ">newseq.txt"; my $dna = fasta($file); my $newseq = mutationdna($dna,$years); print FILE $newseq; #this does not work. how do I fix it? print $newseq; # this work }[/CODE] The outputting to …

Member Avatar for fuyuki
Member Avatar for gmxwilliam

Hey guys, I'm a newbie here and also to Perl.I have a similar but difficult question than a previous question here. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread245502.html#[/url] I have a output file containing atoms like this: #F A 1 1 1 3 3 2 #C number type mass x y z vx vy vz Epot …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for abdolah

hello i used this while(my $file=glob("$dir/*")){ but as the directory has whitespace in path-name it cause error ,how i can solve this? thnx.

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for aaegcm

Hi, I have an input like this: gene1 pos1 description1 gene2 pos2 description2a gene2 pos2 description2b gene2 pos2 description2c gene3 pos3 description3 gene4 pos4 description4a gene4 pos4 description4b and I would like an output like this: gene1 pos1 description1 gene2 pos2 description2a, description2b, description2c gene3 pos3 description3 gene4 pos4 description4a, …

Member Avatar for aaegcm
Member Avatar for spydee

hello i m new user and i want a theme for my project named project managment system i f u can help me i m thankful to u

Member Avatar for tlctara

I use a php file in order to collect data from an interactive form on a website. The php code sends the submitted file to a folder on the server, and displays a "Thank you for your submission" message. I would like to add a hyperlink to a payment page, …

Member Avatar for put3
Member Avatar for kotkata

[code] //this game is played with a six sided die, on each player's turn he may roll until he gets a 1 from the die, at which point, all points accumulated to that point are wiped, he may hold and add the accumulation to his score at any time. #include<fstream> …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for EvilNerd

I made a simple program where a user can pick from the menu. My problem is where do i put this code properly inside the fuction of [B]funcFloat[/B] and [B]funcInteger[/B] [CODE]if (myFloat < 0) // this will output if the user entered a negative value { printf ("You entered a …

Member Avatar for EvilNerd
Member Avatar for MDanz

how to make var newtext2 a hyperlink? the hyperlink is a php variable. I've only included this line of code. [code]var newtext2 = obj( "reply" ).value;[/code]h

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Vandithar

Hi, I have installed WWW-Mechanize-1.60 in Linux platform. Problem is that i am getting this error. [code] Error GETing http://www.example.com:Can't connect to eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80 (connect: timeout) [/code] Here is my code. [code] use WWW::Mechanize; $url="http://www.example.com"; $mechanize = WWW::Mechanize->new(autocheck => 1); $mechanize->get($url); $page = $mechanize->content; [/code] How can i solve this error? …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Nuuk

I am creating a site for our local carnival club. I have created some buttons (images) for navigating between pages but when I place two of these buttons near each other, clicking on one can activate the other. I've more of less solved the problem by placing the buttons a …

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for john_prince

Hi, We're trying to monitor our logs, and would like to be alerted in case of repeated occurrence of a certain field ( ie PY1011 ). We'd like the script to be run every half hour, which will scan the log file, look out for repeated of any user, if …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for navarannan

Hi Friends I have written a perl script which sends an email on Windows using NetSMTP. [code] #!C:/cygwin/bin/perl #print "Hello world"; use Net::SMTP; use strict; my $smtpserver = ''; #my $smtpserver = ''; my $smtpuser = 'myname'; my $fromemail = 'myname@mycompany.com'; my $smtp = Net::SMTP-> new($smtpserver, Timeout => 10); $smtp-> …

Member Avatar for orwell84
Member Avatar for akaspro

New to perl and asking for help. I need to execute the following: 1. Extract text between double quotes from text file located in subdirectory of INI directory 2. Search in directory TestData for the file with name that matches the text extracted in 1. 3. Copy the file from …

Member Avatar for akaspro
Member Avatar for Gonbe

Hello Daniweb community, Recently I bought a new harddrive. Below is a link to the manufacturer's website and the model: [url]http://www.seagate.com/ww/v/index.js...D&locale=en-US[/url] I connected the drive according to the instructions and then booted up my computer. The drive got detected in the BIOS so i booted up Windows. I then went …

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Member Avatar for vesnushka

Hi everyone!! Help me please with my script. I'm using Perl Express for scripting in . This is my script: [CODE]use warnings; use strict; open (file,'C:\Documents and Settings\soea\Desktop\Test.docx') || die "Can not open: $!\n"; @file = <file>; for (my $i = 0; $i<=scalar(@file)-1; $i++;) { if ($f[@file] =~ /^Exec.+\n/) { …

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The End.