2,452 Topics
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![]() | Hi, i need a help to do program.i need to read multiple files and need to print out result in to new file.I had stored my datas in mycomputer/programs(G:)/CNV/(inside this i have 4 folder and each folder consits of number of datas...) plz give me perl script to do this ![]() |
Hello , I have an issue of running a perl script in shell. Basically, im very new to programming. So, i dont understand how to pass an argument. The program basically reads a file which has to be invoked in Shell. [CODE] perl pgm.pl reg1.pdb[/CODE] So, in the above line, … | |
Hello all. I have a small problem, the next code finds the neden content, but it doenst print it: [CODE]$string = "#324423asdd asd 'BecamePosters' "; if($string =~ m/'[a-zA-Z]{1,40}'/) { print "ok!\n"; print $1; } else { print "not ok!\n"; }[/CODE] It only prints "ok!\n" but nothing more. Also triyed m/'*'/ … | |
So I decided to learn Perl yesterday, and I'm writing a Perl script to try and parse HTML files (not using regexps for the actual parsing). Anyway; I have this subroutine to iterate over each argument in @ARGV and, if one of them is an existing file, return it's filename … | |
I've got a simple PHP page with a list of events that are taking place at certain times on certain days, and this is my code: [CODE] <? //connect to mysql //change user and password to your mySQL name and password mysql_connect("localhost","root","PASSWORD"); //select which database you want to edit mysql_select_db("events"); … | |
I have form1(frmGate) and form2 (frmEdit) form1 minimizes when form2 is open and restores when form2 is closed however I use this to open form2 [CODE]private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //checks to see if the form is open if (editor == null || editor.IsDisposed == true) { editor … | |
![]() | Hello All, I am desperate for help. I have spent the last 2 days staring at this code and not getting anywhere (please see attached project files). The project requires a number sequence to be output as a text file. Starting number is input by user (number is in sequence … ![]() |
Hello, I am trying to send e-mail using Perl and Net::SMTP::SSL. However, I receive errors when running this script (example from documentation): [code=perl] #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Net::SMTP::SSL; sub send_mail { my $to = $_[0]; my $subject = $_[1]; my $body = $_[2]; my $from = 'me@gmail.com'; my $password = 'MySuperSecretPassword'; … | |
Hi all, I am new to perl I want to compare two files File 1 is having protein names like Biotin-[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase Acetyl-/propionyl-coenzyme A carboxylase alpha chain Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, carboxyl transferase, beta subunit biotin carboxylase-like protein CYCLOPROPANE-FATTY-ACYL-PHOSPHOLIPID SYNTHASE 1 CYCLOPROPANE-FATTY-ACYL-PHOSPHOLIPID SYNTHASE 2 mycolic acid synthase long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I … | |
[code=php] <?php include 'config.php'; include 'opendb.php'; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 888db ORDER BY id") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<table border='0'>"; echo "<div id='bodyframe'>"; // keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { // Print out the contents of each row … | |
Hello, I'm a newbie here and also to Perl... Have a big task of finding the lines of the form from a file ATOM 1 N LYS A 257 -5.036 -29.330 -27.709 1.0041.51 N ATOM 2 CA LYS A 257 -3.873 -29.331 -26.757 1.00 41.55 C . . . ....n … | |
I have just transferred a site over to a new server. The perl scripts were working just fine on the old server and now it seems to be having issues and outputting the header content to the screen. When I fill out a login form that gets send to the … | |
hey can any1 pls tl me hw to work on cgi pgms on windows..m new to ds language,facin a prob durin connectin perl prog throu browser...hw to do dat | |
![]() | Hello everyone! I'm making some rollover buttons in flash, and I could use some help. I have this button that has text on it e.g home, contact and stuff like that, and I would like to make this text an hyperlink. I couldn't find a tutorial for this :( . … |
Hello, I need to compare arrays in perl. Now the arrays are arrays of strings. The strings are similar to the following pattern: user:user@machinename.domain.com There are 4 machines. M1 M2 M3 M4 There are 4 arrays and each with a bunch of users. some users appear on multiple machines. I … | |
i have a table ive refreshed my data many times restarted everything. even changed stylesheet names and put the table in a class with the css for the class being width:500px; now the code i have is<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:500px" width="500"> it doesnt work. i took out both widths, then … | |
Hi ! My script don't understand file name with "interval", help me with it problem !!!! [CODE] use Cwd; $dir = cwd(); $vardas=$dir; while($vardas=~/(.*\/)+(.*)/){ $vardas="$2_source"; } $newfile = "$dir/$vardas.tex"; FILE: foreach $file (<@ARGV>) { if ($file eq $newfile) {next FILE}; if (-e "$dir/$vardas.tex"){ print "File exist\n";} else{ print "Rename: "."$file\n"; … | |
This is a bare-bones search and replace script that uses perls in-place editor and the File::Find module to get the job done quickly. It will search in all sub directories of the start directory and find and replace the text you specify in the type of file you specify. Keep … | |
Hi, I have a sentences like this: I have words like this: Example 1: [code] $string="control"; @arr= qw(Our data suggests that shape and growth control are unequally affected,The growth of tissue is control,The observed regulation is due to elevated levels in the blood,The sugar levels are in control and there … | |
Is it possible to apply XSLT on XML output from a Perl CGI script? I.e. I have a registration form, when submitted it makes an Ajax request, building a query string from the form inputs. The request is made to a Perl CGI script. This script can be called two … | |
/*This is an assignment for school. The main is part of the assignment. The program will work sometimes, sometimes it will not count the longest word if it is at the end of a sentence.*/ #include<iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; // Prototype for the longest_word function that you need to … | |
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I have two different parts to my program. My FundRaising.java is my problem. I'm having problems with my print statements. Why are the correct numbers not showing up? I keep getting 0. System.out.println (booster1); System.out.println (booster2); I ask the question to get the numbers and I keep on getting 0 … | |
Hi guys, Ok, so I'm using the code below to display the fields from a table on my webpage. I used some code to paginate the results as there's a lot of records, however I can't seem to get it working properly, and I'm going crazy trying to work out … | |
Hello all, I have the bluej source code in eclipse, and it compiles fine, but when I try to run it BlueJ starts fine, and then pops up an error window that says that bluej couldn't create a VM. My installed BlueJ has never given me this error before, so … | |
Hi All, So I use Net::POP3 to look into my email server. What I wanted to know is if there is any module that allows me to MODIFY the email messages? Sure between Mail:: and Net::POP3 I can forward them, delete them, etc. But would love to be able to … | |
My company is retiring an online document warehousing application that stored lots of text data. The application stored the data in a folder hierarchy that looked just like a Windows folder tree. I'm trying to replicate that hierarchy on a UNIX file system, but the tools provided with the application … | |
Hi , use Sort::External; $output = '1.txt'; open(FILE, $output); my $sortex = Sort::External->new( mem_threshold => 1024**2 * 1024 ); while (<FILE>) { $sortex->feed($_); # tried to change it to ~$_ but did not work !!!!! } use Fcntl; $sortex->finish( outfile => 'desc_1.txt', # comes in ascending order !! flags => … | |
Hi, I am new to coldfusion. I installed CF7 in multiserver configuration. I created two instances on same box and created a cluster. I can browse to the two instances seperately and thru the cluster. I am having an issue. When I access instances directly the site is working fine, … | |
Hello, I am new to this community as well as Visual Basic. My class was assigned a project that is to use Panning and Zooming of a Image. However the code the teacher supplied us zooms to the Upper Left corner of the image instead of the Center of the … |
The End.