Hello! I have finally installed a distribution of linux on my machine (redhat 9 lol). I have Mozilla, but when i open a website (DaniWeb especially) the browser seems to be focuses on the center of the page, and the scroll-bar is all the way to the left, so I can't read anything on the far left of the page.

Another question: I have downloaded FireFox... How do I install it? Sorry for the beginner question!

Another question: I have downloaded FireFox... How do I install it? Sorry for the beginner question!

Sorry, I don't use Mozilla, but I can help you install Firefox! It comes in an archived format, usually .tar.gz, or .tar.bz2. First, you must unarchive it (get your Terminal ready!):

For tar.bz2 files:

tar xjf thefile.tar.bz2

For tar.gz files:

tar xjf thefile.tar.gz

It will extract a folder named "Firefox". Note that you can also use the archive utility to do this, but I prefer the command line. Anyway, now that that's done, you can either use Firefox from this folder (you should probably create shortcut on the Desktop), or copy the entire Firefox folder into /usr, which will require root access.

It will extract a folder named "Firefox". Note that you can also use the archive utility to do this, but I prefer the command line. Anyway, now that that's done, you can either use Firefox from this folder (you should probably create shortcut on the Desktop), or copy the entire Firefox folder into /usr, which will require root access.

It extracted a folder called firefox (the directory is now "/home/alex/firefox". Now what file do I open to run firefox/install firefox?

wait? so linux apps dont need to be installed to run? i can click on firefox and it runs...? is that the same for all apps?

Yes, just double-click the Firefox program.

wait? so linux apps dont need to be installed to run?

Depends. What you just downloaded is a Binary, which will run just by opening it. Quite often, a Linux app is distributed via source code, in which case you must compile it to get the binary which you can run. Usually it includes a readme file.

And to answer your other question no, Linux programs rarely have an installer, unless it's source code, and even then you can usually run it without installing.

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