I have just go btwreless broadband...I can access the nei fine, however there are some sites the browser jst doesnt like! I can get unto google, news sites -bbc etc however I've tried accessing sites like www.macromedia.com , www.apple.com www.tradedoubler.com or www.CJ.com and its not letting me? any ideas what i need to change to make this happen.
All that appears is a "PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED", other times it launches a google search page with links to the urls im trying to find. E.G http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=www.apple.com&fr=ieas-dns . I click on th sponsord links and its still comes up with "PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED" yet again!
I addition, when I try goin gto some websites such as www.hi5.com some images just refuse to load..and still i can access most sites with out having this problem...
From some suggestions Ive havd I've installed flash player, shockwave, Java..and its really fraustrating...
BT support have been useless ..no clue ansd have suggested i speak to miscroft....I doubt BILL GATES will take my call.
Maybe i should have bought an apple macintosh ibook instead.
Has anyone got any ideas? :sad: