OK this is a strange situation.
I live in a college dormitory and i bought web space, hosting, domain name. and i used to be able to access my web site. (the only working page atm is www.evilmanta.com/stringcamp2005 )

Well for whatever reason a couple weeks ago, i've been unable to access the site, the page to edit my site (the file manager) and any thing in the hosting and wahtever. i get timed out on mozilla, i get an error cnanot find page on internet explorer, and if i ping it i get timed out for all 4 tries.

Here's the weird thing. EVERYWHERE and EVERYONE else can access my site. If i go to my friend's computer or the computer labs, i can access the web site. I can access the page to edit the files, i can see everything. If i bring in my friend's laptop to my room and use the connection, i can see the page. the only that doesn't work is from my comptuer. so i think it's something internal. or software issues.

please help me out.

Oh. EDIT: I have tried turning off firewall, editing the C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ hosts file. among other things

i have Windows XP Pro and i built my own computer.

The page opens okay on my side too. Clear your internet cache from temporary internet files folder ... clear the autocomplete entries and then try again if you can access the site.

The page opens okay on my side too. Clear your internet cache from temporary internet files folder ... clear the autocomplete entries and then try again if you can access the site.

yah, i cleared my temporary internet files, and history, and deleted my cookies. no go.

I have some questions for you.

Can you access www.evilmanta.com?

Click Start, click "Run...", type "cmd", click OK, type "nslookup www.evilmanta.com", and copy and paste the response you get in your reply. You should get a portion of the response that says:

Name:    evilmanta.com
Aliases:  www.evilmanta.com

Does this only happen in one browser (such as only in IE or only in Firefox) or does it happen in all your browsers? If you only have/use one browser, install and use a different one to see if it makes any difference.

I have some questions for you.

Can you access www.evilmanta.com?

Click Start, click "Run...", type "cmd", click OK, type "nslookup www.evilmanta.com", and copy and paste the response you get in your reply. You should get a portion of the response that says:

Name:    evilmanta.com
Aliases:  www.evilmanta.com

Does this only happen in one browser (such as only in IE or only in Firefox) or does it happen in all your browsers? If you only have/use one browser, install and use a different one to see if it makes any difference.

Server: timebandits.mr.itd.umich.edu

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: evilmanta.com
Aliases: www.evilmanta.com

I can't even access www.evilmanta.com, or hte site to edit the files in my site. the control panel.

it happens in all browsers. that's why i installed firefox. and then i reallly like firefox so now i'm using it fulltime :)

It looks like your browser is being pointed to the correct server. Let's see what response you get from it.

Run "cmd" again. Type in "telnet www.evilmanta.com 80" and press enter. You will not be able to see what you type, so you will want to be very careful that you type the following exactly as I have (this is case sensitive, so be mindful of the case of the letters).

GET / HTTP/1.1 host:www.evilmanta.com

Press enter twice after you have typed this.

Copy and paste the reponse inside of CODE tags in your reply.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings********>telnet www.evilmanta.com 80
Connecting To www.evilmanta.com...Could not open connection to the host, on port
80: Connect failed

That's interesting. For some reason, your system can't access your web server's HTTP port.

If you are running any types of firewalls on your machine (including Windows' firewall) or any type of server software (like a mail server, Apache, etc), turn all that off before trying the next step. Make sure that you have updated your system with the latest hotfixes and that you have installed SP2.

Repeat the previous steps again, but replace "telnet www.evilmanta.com 80" with "telnet 80".

That's interesting. For some reason, your system can't access your web server's HTTP port.

If you are running any types of firewalls on your machine (including Windows' firewall) or any type of server software (like a mail server, Apache, etc), turn all that off before trying the next step. Make sure that you have updated your system with the latest hotfixes and that you have installed SP2.

Repeat the previous steps again, but replace "telnet www.evilmanta.com 80" with "telnet 80".

Turned off Windows firewall. i'm 99% sure i dont' have any mail server or any other type of server runnin on my comp. and i'm fairly sure i have installed SP2 along with the latest hotfixes (as windows update has no new updates. big ones or little ones)

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\*********>telnet 80
Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 80:
 Connect failed

no one else? >.>

Well, i know this thread is old, but you might contact your host provider and check if they blocked your IP address, it happened to me also, and my Host provider blocked my IP, when I tried to log on countless times and failed. =)

My website created with cs4 is now requiring a username and password when trying to access it from the internet. HELP!!!!!!!! It wasn't written to require this info!!!

Load your site up again in CS4, (the local one on your PC), and make any edits to the code that you need to, ie remove any log ins you have inadvertently inserted, then re-upload (FTP) the site again to your hosting server, this should 'fix it'

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