
I just swapped out the 256MB DDR SDRAM chip on my HP PAvilion A705w twith a 512 MB RAM chip I purchased.... Wow it works!

The machine has two slots.... Can I put the old 256MB chip into slot 2 and reboot to get a net 788MB or does slot 2 have to have a balanced (now 512MB chip)

I am afraid to try it and screw something up.

Thanks for any help!

Should be ok in slot 2. Usually only older machines and high-end servers require matched memory...if that were the case the 512 probably wouldn't have worked without another matched 512.

Should be ok in slot 2. Usually only older machines and high-end servers require matched memory...if that were the case the 512 probably wouldn't have worked without another matched 512.

Thanks...I'll give it a try.

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