I may be stupid not to get this, but usually when I'm on the internet and I want to go to a site, I only have to type in for example www.daniweb.com. But today something strange must have happened. if I only type www.daniweb.com, I get an error message saying that there is no such page. if I type http:// first, than it works. it's the same thing with all webpages. I can't get to any websites without typing in the http:// first.
could it have something to do with the fact that I today removed the CoolWebSearch virus, and I also removed a whole lot of spywares, that I until this day didn't know existed on my computer? until today I haven't been able to choose the startpage myself.
I also ran Spybot, and Easycleaner to clean the register today. if someone could help me with this, I'd be forever greatful... //Gina the JellyHead