For some reason I can't click on most links in internet explorer. It would be apprerciated if you could help me.

What happens? They're just not "clickable" or you get an error? Were you able to navigate this site just fine?

What happens is I click on it and it opens a new page or box, and then it never loads...

I use mozilla browser and never have any trouble like most IE users!!!

I'll give it a try.... but, if someone could please help me with IE, that would be helpful.

Have you noticed anything else funky going on in your computer? That started at around the same time as this? Perhaps new software installed/downloaded off of the 'net?

yeah, when i load up my user name it says .dll error or something. And the guy who recommended mozilla, how do i change my homepage??????

Drag the little icon beside the http:///www.??? ??? ?? shown at the top of your browser a hand will appear over the icon, drag it and drop it where it says HOME
But starting today I cannot right click paste a reply with mozilla here.......I dont know if its just me PM me if your able to ok

Hey guys, i got mozilla.. IT ROCKS!!! thanks alot.

Drag the little icon beside the http:///www.??? ??? ?? shown at the top of your browser a hand will appear over the icon, drag it and drop it where it says HOME
But starting today I cannot right click paste a reply with mozilla here.......I dont know if its just me PM me if your able to ok

Not a glitch in Mozilla !:)

Not a glitch in Mozilla !:)

What version are you using capperJacK?

I don't use mozilla .IE6 and rarely have any problems with it !!:)

Not a glitch in Mozilla !:)

Dont wigg me out like that dude that wasnt funny.Man I have to start eating those CAPE COD chips to get on your level of thinking.!!!

.IE6 and rarely have any problems with it !!:)


Cape Cod?

:D Such cheesey advertising :D

Hello maybe you should get back to the problem and don't talk about what browser you guys use.
Help Bill_Lumberg instead ^^

Hello maybe you should get back to the problem and don't talk about what browser you guys use.
Help Bill_Lumberg instead ^^

Um... right.

Let's see- For your first post here, you decided to dig up a thread that is over 1 year old, and then proceed to post an admonishment to other members in that thread.


Since this thread was dug up, I thought I'd comment also. I'm having a similar problem. None of the URL's (links) in any e-mail's from MSN hotmail work. The "print view" and "help" buttons on the tool bars also are inactive. Everything else appears normal. From a couple of postings way back (which I read two days ago), some said it might be the firewall. I use Norton's Personal Firewall and I disabled it to see if that corrected the problem. It did not. I use IE 6.0.2800.1106. I've run Spybot Search & Destroy, Ad-Aware, and a complete virus scan with Norton. Nothing turns up. IE works in every other way. Just dead links in the e-mails. (side bar ad links work OK)
Any ideas?

Since this thread was dug up, I thought I'd comment also...

Erm- no. Actually, you should start a new thread of your own and post your question there. Please give as many specifics concerning the problem as possible when you do.


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