I'm using Windows XP Professional, IE 6. When using Hotmail, I can't open any links within the emails. Help!

There have been a lot of different problems being reported about Hotmail lately, I had the one you're referring to myself last week. I think it's because Hotmail is busy upgrading their service. It should resolve itself in a few days; till then, you can copy the link and paste it into your browser.

I hope you're right. This has been getting increasing worse for several wks until 3 days ago when I was/am unable to open any links in Hotmail email. I think there is something wrong with my computer.

time to look for google mail ,still in bata but you get 100mgs storage space and It seems to work ok for me .

Thanks, I might do that. I'm giving Hotmail support a wk to get back to me then I will find another email program. Problem is I've had this address for yrs!

Thanks, I might do that. I'm giving Hotmail support a wk to get back to me then I will find another email program. Problem is I've had this address for yrs!

Yeah I know what you mean I have a hotmail acct that goes back to 1997,but it works just fine i think .don't use it much except to but in where a email address is needed .

I have a gmail account myself and works very well. A couple of glitches but nothing big. And actually the storage limit is 1GB not 100MB, and its free !!! :)

:lol: Ok, just wanted to report why it was that I couldn't open links in my hotmail. After the 3rd Sony tech, we figured out it was my virus protection program. After I uninstalled Norton all my hotmail email links opened right up! So I am using MacAfee now with no problem. Thanks for your support. Sandy :lol:

Did you happen to find out why/how Norton was keeping you from opening links in Hotmail?

Did you happen to find out why/how Norton was keeping you from opening links in Hotmail?

I was told it was Norton's firewall.

The problem you are on about is with norton firewall but you dont need to un-install it just disable the ad-blocking and pop up window blocking feature within the firewall and that lets you open links in youre emails within hotmail!
Also i recommend installing ad-aware since you have disabled this feature.
Hope this helps before any1 else does anything drastic :D

I'm having the same problem. Unable to open links via hotmail. I disabled Norton firewall and installed Ad aware and I'm still unable to get the links? Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help. :lol:

thank you

I'm having the same problem. Unable to open links via hotmail. I disabled Norton firewall and installed Ad aware and I'm still unable to get the links? Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help. :lol:

thank you

I'm now using MacAfee and haven't had any more problems. I guess you can call Norton and find out what else to do? good luck, Sandy

Actually, I went home and disabled Norton Firewall again. Disabled ad-blocking and pop up window blocking feature within the firewall and voila it worked. Then went back in and enable the firewall. Also added Ad-aware.

System is up and running.

Thanks everyone :cool:

i have a gmail account aswell and its 1gb not 100mb n its completely free but u can only get an invitation

I see the post was read wrong in first place u dont disable firewall just the ad-blocking & pop up window blocking feature within it ..... but good to see you got it sorted in the end :cool:

Actually, I went home and disabled Norton Firewall again. Disabled ad-blocking and pop up window blocking feature within the firewall and voila it worked. Then went back in and enable the firewall. Also added Ad-aware.

System is up and running.

Thanks everyone :cool:

Yea. Its Norton Ad blocker/Popup blocker. You could have Web Assistant toolbar (right click on any empty space on toolbar and click on web assist) on and just disable popup blocking for hotmail. That way popup blocking is still on for all of the web until you allow it for specific sites.

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