Ok guys I'm having a problem with the Internet Explorer Service Pack 1 Setup. Every time I double click/open the Setup it gives me this error:

ie6wzd.exe-Entry Point Not Found

X The procedure entry point CoInternetGetSession could not be located in the dynamic link library urlmon.dll.

I had Internet Explorer Installed then it just disappeared all of a sudden, and now when I download IE6 SP1 from www.microsoft.com I can't open the setup of IE6 without getting the error above.

I am using Netscape now. The last few programs that I have installed are ZoneAlarm, McAfee AntiVirus, and Yahoo Messenger. I am using Windows 2000 Professional Edition.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this problem. Thanks.

You need to check if your system is spyware/malware infested, and if so rid that from your system before proceeding.

Check the stickied topic "Helping Yourself" in the Security section of the Forum for hints, ideas and links.

Thanks for the help cat, now I am able to run Setup of IE6 SP1, but there is another problem. After completing the Setup/Installing IE, I click on the IE logo and open it up, but instead of showing my homepage it says "The page cannot be displayed " and I can't access any other website as well. What is the problem here :?:

Check your connection settings. They are under the options menu in IE. How are you connecting to the internet dial-up...broadband.
By the way, you should consider getting Opera; it is much nicer than IE.

I am connected by Broadband. And the connections seem fine. I am using Netscape 7.1 and it works fine. Is it a possible Hijack and would I need to run a Hijack Program to detect the problems? I tried both Ad-Aware and Spybot and cleansed the computer of whatever threats they found but still nothing works. :-|

Try this:

Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections

Ensure 'Never dial a connection' is checked. The press 'LAN Settings' and untick all boxes. OKs and Applys as necessary, and reboot to see if it works.

Sorry Cat, that didn't work. Any other ideas?

Nope, sorry!

I suspect it might be a configuration problem rather than a malware problem, but it wouldn't hurt to create new topic in the 'Security' section just to be sure about whether any Malware might be affecting the situation. The regulars in that section will give you good advice. Make sure you mention this topic, and include a url link to it, so that you can avoid repeating all the relevent information from here.

Meanwhile, this topic can remain open in case someone comes along with ideas.

Ok guys I'm having a problem with the Internet Explorer Service Pack 1 Setup. Every time I double click/open the Setup it gives me this error:

ie6wzd.exe-Entry Point Not Found

X The procedure entry point CoInternetGetSession could not be located in the dynamic link library urlmon.dll.

I had Internet Explorer Installed then it just disappeared all of a sudden, and now when I download IE6 SP1 from www.microsoft.com I can't open the setup of IE6 without getting the error above.

I am using Netscape now. The last few programs that I have installed are ZoneAlarm, McAfee AntiVirus, and Yahoo Messenger. I am using Windows 2000 Professional Edition.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this problem. Thanks.

I had this isue with my friends computer we couldnt insatll because of win 95 running on it what win are you running

Yo thanks guys but the problem has been solved. It was my firewall not allowing access to IE6. But using Spyware/Adaware to get rid of the of the malicious stuff was also a big help.

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