Im a newbee here and I registered because i have a problem on my other computer and i was hoping that someone can help me.

Im running a cable modem from my isp and well I get a internet signal when i ping a website outside of the server using dos prompt...and i am also able to get email using outlook but for some reason i cant use IE6

It was working fine until i ran a spyware program that took off the spyware on my computer...but it seems as tho it took off something important...I ran the spyware remover and virus scanner cause i been recieving a lot of pop ups even tho i have a pop up blocker...

Well to make a long story short...my IE6 dont work...its not my internet connection...and every time i enter a address in the bar i get a "internet search cant be found" or something like that come up in a error box. If i manually put in HTTP://... and the address it just takes me too the defult unable to display screen...

I have tried to intall 5.5 but it still dont work...i reinstalled 6 and it didnt work...no webpages comes through but i do recieve mail...weird...

If anyone can help me and tell me what i must do to get it up and running again, I thank you in advance...Thanks for your time guys...


please can anyone help?

Please don't bump threads. We're all busy and will eventually get around to everyone. Plus it's 5am around here ;) - Dani (admin)

It could be a firewall problem? Did the spyware program have a backup facility where you can restore what you deleted? Is IE6 set to offline mode?

...for some reason i cant use IE6

It was working fine until i ran a spyware program that took off the spyware on my computer...but it seems as tho it took off something important...I ran the spyware remover and virus scanner cause i been recieving a lot of pop ups even tho i have a pop up blocker...

Well to make a long story short...my IE6 dont work...its not my internet connection

Quoting myself to another board member:

One of your likely bits of malware replaced part of your Winsock chain with its own stuff. When you removed it, you "broke the chain". Here is the link to LSPFix, (<- clickable link) which should help.

The user replied with:

It worked! And here's the process order...

* Run LSPfix.
* Delete all Dial-up adapters and network protcols.
* Delete all Winsock and Winsock2 registry folders.
* Under Add/Remove programs uncheck all of the listings under Communications.
* Reboot and then add back ALL the Communications items (although netmeeting and chat weren't necessary). It didn't work for me the first time as I have no need for a dial-up adapter, but it is the only way to get Windows to add back winsock2.
* Reinstall network protocol settings.

Yeah... I thought that problem sounded familiar!:cool:

Yeah... I thought that problem sounded familiar!:cool:

Yeah, I was going to credit you on the quoted reply, but I ran out of time. Done now! ...and thanks for posting it in the first place.

I know it's appreciated around here when folks report back when a suggestion works out.

thank you people...Sorry about bumping things up...i didnt mean to cause trouble. I guess this newbie not use to these forums...Thank you so much for helping...you guys are great...I will try and see if this solves my problem...if not ill keep you guys informed...I just gottah remember...I live in Hawaii and the time in the mainland is different...hahaha Thanks again I will keep you all updated.

I hope this is not going to be looked at as a bump cause its not...

I just wanted to thank you guys for helping me...The problem was fixed thanks to you peeps...and the web site that was given. Thank you again...my father now has internet again hahaha

Hello everyone.
I've never heard it called bumping before, Good name for it. :)

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