Hey peepz,

Im a new guy here and I have a problem... I have a (Packard Bell Club70 PC), its about 5 years old... it had

Windows 98SE
Intel 82810 Chipset
20Gig HD...

ive now upgraded it to

Windows XP
20gig + 30 gig HD
ATI Radeon 9000 PCI 128MB DDR RAM (got last week)

Ive got a problem, an annoying problem... my graphics card doesnt actually work until XP has fully loaded and is on the loggin screen. My Monitor doesnt turn on until XP has fully loaded, it sits there at standby. Which means I cant see my Video card screen, Motherboard info, BIOS, MS DOS... anythin until XP has finished loading... if I get a boot error I have to switch to my primary display device so I can see my boot up screens.

ive tried changing the Display VGA device from onboard to Addon in my BIOS, but when I do, it doesnt boot at all, it just hangs with the HD and power lights on.

dont get me wrong, the graphics cards work ok and great lets me play most of the latest games and thats sayin somthin considerin my crap PC LoL, thats just one really annoying bug I have and would like fixed. It also happened when I was using a Hercules Kyro 4000 PCI

I cant try AGP grapgics cards because my motherboard doesnt have an AGP slot, just 4 PCI's

thanks alot for the help in advance

It would be interesting to see if the on board display is alive while boot-up is going on. Perhaps you could borrow a monitor switch or a second monitor to hook up and observe?
My W(ild)A($$)G(uess) is that during the intitial hardware start, your display is on-board.
Something to try.

yup, the on board display is alive while startup... very wierd... how would I go about fixing this so that everything would run off my Graphics Card? :lol:

disable unboard either in the bios or a jumper on the motherboard .

I have no idea about motherboards'n'jumpers

only jumpers ive ever used are the ones on the HD and CD drive... can someone give me a diagram of where the jumpers are and what the look like? thanks

What MB is in you computer .do you have the MB book that came with computer ,jumpers are in different place on different MB.
To find out the name of the MB ,eithe open the case and getthe #'s off the MB or download and use Aida32 it will tell you all !!

I have no idea about motherboards'n'jumpers

only jumpers ive ever used are the ones on the HD and CD drive... can someone give me a diagram of where the jumpers are and what the look like? thanks

They're a little bigger than drive jumpers, usually black or white.

Probably somewhere up near the socket, or it may just be in the BIOS.

Since you've all ready opened up the case, you can find out who made the motherboard without installing a program. Google the manufacturer's name, go to their site, find the manual, then fix your problem.

here is a screenshot of the info using AIDA32

I have or had one of those boards and if memory serves me the disable onboard video is in the bios !

^ yeah I know its there, but when I disable it, the pc doesnt boot up, it just hangs, then I have to take my graphics card out, enable the onboard adapter and plug the graphics card in again... it just doesnt work for me

you need to uninstall the onboard driver in device manager .shutdown computer add the pci card ,reboot computer to bios disable unboard [if you don't disable it windows pick up both and gets confused like Me] ,boot to windows and load drivers for pci card .

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