When I want to uninstall a software , it seems that it has been unistalled .But when I delete the folder , it reports something wrong .It seems that the software is running. I used Ctrl+Arl+Del ,but there is nothing unusual , the software is not shown in neither program nor proccessing . What should I do?

I use windows XP with SP1

You uninstalled via the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, right?

No ,I can't see it in the Add/Remove dialog box , I guess it didn't write anything to the regestrty

Just about every single program nowadays that comes with an installer puts itself in Add/Remove programs. Which program is this, by the way? You just tried deleting it by removing the folder from Windows Explorer?

this software is used to count the time i spend on internet and caculate the expense, and it's written by a Chinese. it has a "delete" function but makes no difference , it's still there.

i guess it must be my operating system . when i use windows98,it works very well . now i change to use Xp , then the problem appears.

must i manually modify the regestry?

by the way , if there is some grammar mistakes , you should tell me , because i am still learning English and want to make progress

If a program adds stuff to the registry, this could be the problem. The registry might be set to automatically load certain files that you want to delete. That is why they are in use by the system as processes, etc.

(Windows XP uses NT system processes while Windows 98 doesn't - this might be a reason why it used to work and now it doesn't with this operating system.)

I've chech the registry , there is nothing wrong .

I cheched the "run" key , I read in some paper that the softwares in this key will automatically load, so maybe it isn't the point .
when I set the system tray in the property of the start menu , the software which I want to uninstall presents ,and I don't know how to do .

I think windows Xp is terrible!!

Yes, it's true that anything listed in the run key in the registry loads upon startup. However, I'm not sure if things listed in other parts of the registry can load as well ...

You've checked the Start Up tag in the start menu as well I take it?

Windows XP supports multiple users. Do you have administrator privileges?? You can tell by going to "User Accounts" in the Control Panel.

I do enter windows as administrator. and there is only "microsoft office " in the startup tag, though i don't know what that is used for.

i also cleaned some other keys in the registry such as "run once"

by the way , if there is some grammar mistakes , you should tell me , because i am still learning English and want to make progress

You don't need to put spaces before punctatio, for example, you would say "Hello, I am here!" instead of "Hello , I am here !"

thank you for your advise, i will correct my mistakes

Just realized Roberdin is English. Do you want to learn American English or British English? It's color NOT colour! ;)

Just realized Roberdin is English. Do you want to learn American English or British English? It's color NOT colour! ;)

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *loses last scrap of sanity*


Besides, everyone should learn 'English' English (See Austin Powers 3: GoldMember) ;) :P

And yay for Dani who kept the 'Font Colour:' as UK English :D :P

laoli, have you tried booting in safe mode?

no ,i didn't

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