I recently got a virus and cleaned it up. Some files were deleted. Now windows won't load. I get an error code 35. An application can 't load because it can't find the winsrv file.

Please help

eh get your XP cd out and boot it up and try to do a recovery. altho personally ive never had the problem

also you can try booting into safe mode :)

I tried that already with no luck. I will not boot up in safe mode either.

With no luck ,does that mean the recovery didn't help or you didn't get the recovery to work !!

The recovery didn't work.

I recently got a virus and cleaned it up. Some files were deleted. Now windows won't load. I get an error code 35. An application can 't load because it can't find the winsrv file.

I answered this in another thread earlier today. There is a Trojan that uses a server file by the name of winserv.exe. When you remove that Trojan, the Windows Registry may not get updated properly. That Registry reference is calling a file that no longer exists, hence the error.

It may be necessary to manually edit the Registry. Reference:

Thanks for the help. Do you know where I can find a XP Pro Boot-up CD.

you should probally have one if you have windows xp pro ;D

you should probally have one if you have windows xp pro

Actually, no. Most users only get a recovery CD, not a full OS CD. Besides, recovery is useless (in this case) -- the fix is editing the Registry, as I said before, and nothing else.

Tall i am aware however alot of people do pirate windows XP pro, most users tend to have home :)

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