When i start the Windows Xp download process it goes the all the steps and when it goes to the Installing Windows it just stays there, At the botton it says Setup will complete in approximatley 39 mins and it has said that for like 8 hrs i have tryed to restart my computer did that and when it gets to the Installing Windows it just stays there, Please HELP ME Thanks

Are you upgrading from a previous version of Windows? Is this a clean install? A new hard drive? What was previously on the drive? Is it a new computer?

yes this is a clean install, im upgrading from windows 98 to XP

Did you repartition the hard drive during the Windows XP setup? FAT32 or NTFS file system? Did you have any problems with Windows98? How big is the hard drive? How big is the partition you're trying to install Windows XP on?

i deleated everthing off the computer to reformat to XP

You formatted INSIDE the windows xp setup program?

i just restarted my computer right now i have a blue screen i have the options to set up Windows XP now press ENTER, To repari a Windows Xp installation using recovery consloe press a

Did it finish copying over the Windows XP files?? Did the setup even finish? Can you continue the setup?

what do you mean did it ever fining installing Windows before i restarted it if that the question the NO i just restarted my computer and the setup

Did you repartition the hard drive during the Windows XP setup? FAT32 or NTFS file system? Did you have any problems with Windows98? How big is the hard drive? How big is the partition you're trying to install Windows XP on?

i did a quick NTFS

Hold on ... I'm a bit confused. Your topic says "Problems Downloading Windows XP" but when you download something, you do so through a web browser or ftp client, etc. over the Internet. You don't install software - especially an operating system - by downloading it.

then what do you call it, upgrading

Upgrading is when you go from a previous version to a newer version. When you upgrade Windows 98 to Windows XP it's called upgrading and that could cause the problems you've mentioned. On the other hand, if you do a clean install you eliminate some room for error. By doing a clean install, you choose to format the hard drive partition currently running Windows 98 and replace it with Windows XP. No remnants of your old system will exist and you'll lose all saved data.

oh i c so do i want to restart the upgrading process and start form the begining

what partiton should i pick

im getting the Isass.ses- system error object Name not found

Start the Windows XP installation from scratch. Delete all existing partitions on your hard drive. Then, create one brand new partition that is completely new and clean. Install Windows XP there. You will lose all existing stuff on your computer but you will have a brand new, fresh installation of Windows XP. This is the best option unless you have very important files you absolutely cannot lose on your PC. (If that was the case, you should have backed them up even before you started the WindowsXP installation).

doing that, but what do you think the problem is if it does what it did in the past like stays on the installing windows part for ever

Maybe I can help.

So you picked a Quick NTFS format. The result of which was?

A. Did Windows XP finally install?
B. It did that same thing you have already stated?
C. You got another error or problem and XP is still not installed?

After answering A, B, or C, I would ask that you state the situation clearly. We can help, if we can either replicate you situation or at least be able to know what you are working with.

Downloading is as Dani stated, you would be taking it from a web site or FTP site. Upgrading is really only when you have an existing Windows Operating System already installed and you then install another operation system overtop of that one. i.e. Windows XP over top of Windows 98.

In your case you seem to be doing a fresh install. Meaning you are installing onto a presumably clean harddrive with a single partition. Correct?

Are you install XP Home or XP Pro Edition ?

Ask and you shall receive and Answer and you will find.!!!!

A. Did Windows XP finally install?
B. It did that same thing you have already stated?
C. You got another error or problem and XP is still not installed?

a: NO
c: YES

it's been on 39 mins remaining for 12 hrs, what do i do


what partition should i pick

Hmm, well there seems to be something of a hardware or software-hardware conflict.

I would personally use Partition Magic for Format the drive entirely clean, rather than use XP to format, and then try to re-install. But that would depend on you having Partition Magic. Which I would assume you do not have.

I can't recall a free ware program for formating a hard drive. Anyone?

Sorry I can't help more, I will look into it for you.

I would do the full NTFS format , not quick format....

Usually, a quick format (erase) is perfectly fine. However, if you've been having problems trying to get Windows to install properly, perhaps there are bad blocks on the drive, etc. In such a case a full format might be wise. Are you sure you're installing on a large enough partition?

Thanks ya'll for all your help

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