
I'm having similar problems as some other posts, but i'm starting a new thread bec no one seems to mention the solution to the problem.

I've got a PC, windows XP, and I use earthlink dial-up or else I use the wireless connection at school. Regardless of what mode I use to get onto the internet (mozilla/firefox, internet explorer, netscape...), i can't get into websites such as my online banking, emails, etc. It looks like it is mostly secure sites, but for some reason I can access yahoo.com.

These are some of sites that I can no longer access as of June 6. I can't even get past the username/password part:
gmail.com, chase.com, freshdirect.com, amazon.com, etc.

I've contacted earthlink about this, but none of their millions of suggestions work. I've gone thru the knowledgebase in windows update, and nothing works. I even uninstalled earthlink software and tried to only use my wireless connection without earthlink - still nothing. I've run a bunch of different spyware and antivirus tests and they have found nothing.

I'm running out of things to try. I even spoke to earthlink directly, but they were really not helpful at all. I originally thought it was the ISP until i uninstalled earthlink and i was still getting the same problem. I even asked them if they have had other complaints, but they claim to not be aware of this problem. I even created new user profiles on my computer to see if my user profile was corrupt. still no luck. I know nothing is wrong with these secure sites because I can access them from my work computer just fine and that's a PC, windows XP, Internet explorer, but we are using a cable modem here.

Anyone who successfully solved this problem - please help!

Also, there was mention of port 443 needing to be open to access secure sites. can someone please explain what that means? How can i test to see if my port 443 on my computer is open or not?


What error do you get when you attempt to access the sites?

Is it:
connection timed out
connection refused
could not resolve host

I get

"Page Cannot Be Displayed" when I try to access websites such as:
webmail.earthlink.net, gmail.com, chase.com, freshdirect.com, amazon.com, imagestation.com... Sometimes I can access the homepage, but once I enter my username and password, i get the "page cannot be displayed" message.

The weird thing is that I CAN access yahoo.com.

I know I'm not the only one with this problem... Any suggestion?


I would be thinking spyware or viruses, but you already check that... is this justi n IE or does it happen in other browsers too?

i get this problem on mozilla firefox, netscape, and internet explorer...

my first post states all the details to the prob...

thanks, jnut

This isn't an issue on your computer, it's either with how your LAN is configured (unlikely) or your ISP has problems.

thanks to all for your suggestions. I did try all those things, but was still unsuccessful. daveSW, i did try everything on that microsoft troubleshooter and none of it helped. i was having this problem on netscape and mozilla as well.

the way i solved my problem was by restoring my local hard drive to factory settings. the only annoying thing was that i had to reinstall all the software i use and delete the ones that are pre-installed and i don't use. i also lost all my emails. at least i saved all my other documents and files in another harddrive, so those were fine.

i think i had gotten a virus or something - not sure how - that was undetectable by my virus software and that's why i was having all the problems with accessing any secure websites.

thanks again.


One) If you're using Mozzilla & Google tool bar & IE (Internet Explorer) & Yahoo tool bar & Windows Defender Spyware; or any of the affore mentioned combinations. You're probably going to encounter software conflicts!!! ESPECIALLY when Microsoft (AKA, BGP, Big Green Place) writes new updates that we are encouraged to download like sheep, without asking why, that are written with code designed to confuse our lovely Mozzilla. (although it is best not to ignore security updates.) Don't worry, jnut , I'm getting to your problem!

Take for example, this weeks latest MS update for service pack II. My computer has been running beautifully, untill, I myself went uninvited, to MS updates page and downloaded "Urgent Updates" Afterwards Mozilla wouldn't work, "IE" loaded even more slowly than usual.....and I kept getting the error message, "such & such a page couldn't be found".

So, I did a systems restore, everything was wonderful again, Mozilla was blistering fast. Then today, less than 24 hrs after a restore, my computer downloaded the MS updates of it's own accord (stupid computer!) Again, nothing would work, I couldn't access Yahoo, not even to get the email I needed to answer this thread, which I had gone to looking for advice for the very same reason as all of you!
Instead of performing yet another restore, I went to Add/Remove programs and manually uninstalled June 14/2006, MS updates, and once again, everything is wonderful in "Geddoffs" world (That's me, Geddoff)

Two) ISP's (Internet service providers) Telecommunications providers, and certain, well known "Online" auction sites, will lie, straight to your face, even if they're own system has crashed, that "theirs" is not the network causing you the problem (Unless there is something on TV, and they can openly admit and cry about their own losses) because then they would be culpable and liable for your down time. They all do it, even that big green place near Seattle. I had 6 roomates over the 5 years I was there, whom all worked for "BGP", and they tell some interesting tales (usually when the've left and are living "Phat" off their stock options) Stories fit only for a camp fire & some banjo music, or a misty stormy night. Scary stuff.

Three) for those of you using Mozilla and are having problems with secure sites; go to the "tools" drop down, go to Extensions, click on it, on the far right hand side, at the bottom, you'll see Get more extensions, then on the left hand side, go to all categories and find Privacy & Security, and then scroll down to find No Script and download it. No Script is also listed under "Top Extensions". This should allow Java to run more efficiently and get you going with your banking, etc.

Four) I am not a computer tech. I am entirely self-taught and I'm way too cheap to pay a computer tech for something I can learn to do myself. I drive a car that I can still fix and until I'm rich enough to pay someone else, I'll continue to do so. If My advice works, great, if not, sorry. Go and do a systems restore. Or go and cry yourself to sleep on your huge pillow ( I have a huge head ) like me.

Five) Well, if I went off on a tangent, sorry. But we're responsible for our own happiness, and doesn't it suprise you all that there are so many "free" downloads and tool bars and open source software, and then "Oh my gawd" something doesn't work right?!?!

If we used any manufacturers parts on any of our cars, they certainly wouldn't work correctly for very long, would they. So "KISS" (Keep it simple stupid) stream line things, find what works for you and don't fix it, if it ain't broken. Keep your virus definations updated, do a "Defrag" once a month (more if you're having problems) do a "Scan Disk" once a week. Shut down completely & re-boot after a major installation/un-installation, or just once in a while to freshen things up. Remember with Windows 95, you constantly had to re-boot?

Sorry for any heinous spelling errors, but it's 5:10 Am in England, and I'm getting very sleeeeepppppyyyy.

Six) There is no six, don't be so needy. *What are you, a girl?

*Disclaimer: The latter part of "Six" does not condone misogynistic behavior of any kind on behalf of "Geddoffs" inconsiderate ramblings.



I'm having similar problems as some other posts, but i'm starting a new thread bec no one seems to mention the solution to the problem.

I've got a PC, windows XP, and I use earthlink dial-up or else I use the wireless connection at school. Regardless of what mode I use to get onto the internet (mozilla/firefox, internet explorer, netscape...), i can't get into websites such as my online banking, emails, etc. It looks like it is mostly secure sites, but for some reason I can access yahoo.com.

These are some of sites that I can no longer access as of June 6. I can't even get past the username/password part:
gmail.com, chase.com, freshdirect.com, amazon.com, etc.

I've contacted earthlink about this, but none of their millions of suggestions work. I've gone thru the knowledgebase in windows update, and nothing works. I even uninstalled earthlink software and tried to only use my wireless connection without earthlink - still nothing. I've run a bunch of different spyware and antivirus tests and they have found nothing.

I'm running out of things to try. I even spoke to earthlink directly, but they were really not helpful at all. I originally thought it was the ISP until i uninstalled earthlink and i was still getting the same problem. I even asked them if they have had other complaints, but they claim to not be aware of this problem. I even created new user profiles on my computer to see if my user profile was corrupt. still no luck. I know nothing is wrong with these secure sites because I can access them from my work computer just fine and that's a PC, windows XP, Internet explorer, but we are using a cable modem here.

Anyone who successfully solved this problem - please help!

Also, there was mention of port 443 needing to be open to access secure sites. can someone please explain what that means? How can i test to see if my port 443 on my computer is open or not?


Geddoff, two questions:

1) Which Windows update did you uninstall to get things working? I went to Add/Remove programs and every update was listed as having the same install date (9/16). I uninstalled all of them, but the problem persists. What is the name of the update and where should I be seeing it?

2) I doubt it's the issue, since I'm having access problems with IE, Firefox, and an MMORPG, but is there anywhere else I can download No Script? I can't get to the addons page because it uses the https protocol.


I'm uncertain that the security downloads were the real issue, There were 6 in total, and my computer let them in again (because I didn't disable auto downloads) last night and things seem to working smoothly. But I defragged, and Scan disked and some other stuff.

I live in England and the downloads from MS became available here on June 14th, today is the 16th. They were the most recent security updates for service pack II.

(I suggest you reinstall your updates, if removing them didn't help).

Since I don't know if you're running Wins XP/Millenium/98, I can't tell you too much. But if you're a free software junkie (downloads anything free, because it's there) then that might be your problem.

Try uninstalling Mozilla and reinstalling it. If you're running the new Beta version of "IE", go back to the previous version #. If you're using Google Tool Bar, I've heard that it is in conflict with "IE", remove it. If you're using Yahoo SPyware, remove it. If you're using AOL, well, good luck.

Like I said, I'm not a techie. This is all stuff I've learned the hard way. I hope that it helps, but there must be somone else on Daniweb, that is more clevverver, than me?

PS , I just went to Google and typed in "No Script" and got about 10 good hits, give it a try.

Good luck, and be patient.


Geddoff, two questions:

1) Which Windows update did you uninstall to get things working? I went to Add/Remove programs and every update was listed as having the same install date (9/16). I uninstalled all of them, but the problem persists. What is the name of the update and where should I be seeing it?

2) I doubt it's the issue, since I'm having access problems with IE, Firefox, and an MMORPG, but is there anywhere else I can download No Script? I can't get to the addons page because it uses the https protocol.

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