I have installed ActivePerl 5.8. I want to add the module NET:Ping.
I thought by putting the module in the lib directory or bin directory it would be called by my Perl program, but I get an error stating that the module cannot be found.
Where in the directory structure or what path should be set in order to call the NET:Ping module?

Install the module using PPM. Read the activestate documentation in the activestate folder on your hard drive for instructions on PPM for your particular version of activestate perl.

I have installed ActivePerl 5.8. I want to add the module NET:Ping.
I thought by putting the module in the lib directory or bin directory it would be called by my Perl program, but I get an error stating that the module cannot be found.
Where in the directory structure or what path should be set in order to call the NET:Ping module?

THanks for the assistance.

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