Hello, I don't know any Perl but I do know Java. I am studying about Push down automatas at the moment and wanted to make a simulator for myself. I have found some code in Perl that does it but I do not know how I can go about using the concepts it has to implement in Java. The following is the Perl code:

use Text::ParseWords;
use strict;
use warnings;

my (@string, @branches, @stack, %accepts, %alphabet, @rules);

# Grabs the filenames for the machine and the word to be run on it.
my $pdaFile = $ARGV[0];
my $input = $ARGV[1];

# We use subroutines to parse and verify the data in the input files.
# The machine data is stored in the $machine structure as the keys rules, accepts, alphabet, and startState.
my $machine = readPDA($pdaFile);
# Rules and accepts are extracted from the $machine structure for ease of access.
@rules = @{$machine->{rules}};
%accepts = %{$machine->{accepts}};
# This reads the input file and parses it into an array of strings, with each element being one input symbol.
# It checks to make sure the elements are all in the machine's alphabet.
@string = readInput($input, $machine->{alphabet});

# The newstate is a temporary storage point for when a new state is calculated.
my $newstate;
# The usedRule is a temporary storage point for when a new state is calculated.
my $usedRule;
# The changed variable represents whether or the current branch is unfinished.
my $changed = 1;


push(@stack, "");
# The top level of the branches array corresponds to each branch of possibilities created by the non-determinism of the PDA.
# Each element contains the conditions of the machine for that branched possibility.
# The first element of each collection is the state of the branch.
$branches[0][0] = $machine->{startState};
# The second element is how much of the input string the branch has read.
$branches[0][1] = 0;
# The third element is an array containing the stack for that branch.
$branches[0][2][0] = "";
# Now that the first branch is initialized, the processing can begin

for (my $i = 0; $i < @branches; $i++)
   # When we start a branch, print the branch number
    print "\nBeginning branch ".$i.".\n";
   # As long as things keep changing, keep cycling through the rules.
       # Unless it changes while going through the rules, this branch will quit.
        $changed = 0;
       # The input word is printed, with the next symbol highlighted.
        print "Input: @string[0..$branches[$i][1]-1] <".$string[$branches[$i][1]]."> @string[$branches[$i][1]+1..@string-1]\n";
       # The current state of the stack is printed.
        print "Stack: @{$branches[$i][2]}\n";
       # A new state is calculated by checking conditions against the list of rules
        for my $rNum (0..@rules-1)
#            print "::$rules[$rNum][0]??$branches[$i][0]";
#            print "::$rules[$rNum][1]??$string[$branches[$i][1]]";
#            print "::$rules[$rNum][2]??".${$branches[$i][2]}[@{$branches[$i][2]}-1]."::\n";
           # Checks the current state, input, and top stack item against the rule
            if (($rules[$rNum][0] eq $branches[$i][0]) and
                (($rules[$rNum][1] eq "e") or ($rules[$rNum][1] eq $string[$branches[$i][1]])) and
                (($rules[$rNum][2] eq "e") or ($rules[$rNum][2] eq ${$branches[$i][2]}[@{$branches[$i][2]}-1])))
                if ($changed == 0)
                   # Set the new state.
                    $newstate = $rules[$rNum][3];
                   # The state transition is printed.
                    print "State: ".$branches[$i][0]." -> ".$newstate."\n\n";
                    $changed = 1;
                   # Because possible branched depend on this state, we can't update it yet.
                   # When we can update this state, $usedRule will help us remember which rule to base those updates on.
                    $usedRule = $rNum;
                   # Set the new state.
                    my $branchState = $rules[$rNum][3];
                   # The state transition is printed.
                    print "(branching) State: ".$branches[$i][0]." -> ".$branchState."\n\n";
                    my $newBranch = @branches;
                   # The state in the new branch is set.
                    $branches[$newBranch][0] = $branchState;
                   # The new branch starts with the same string position as the old branch,
                    $branches[$newBranch][1] = $branches[$i][1];
                   # and the same stack, so the stack has to be replicated.
                    @{$branches[$newBranch][2]} = @{$branches[$i][2]};
                   # If we read a symbol from the input to make the transition,
                    unless ($rules[$rNum][1] eq "e")
                       # then we should move to the next symbol.
                   # If we used an element from the stack to make the transition,
                    unless ($rules[$rNum][2] eq "e")
                       # then it's used up and should be removed.
                   # If the rule adds something to the stack,
                    unless ($rules[$rNum][4] eq "e")
                       # then it gets added.
                        push(@{$branches[$newBranch][2]}, $rules[$rNum][4]);
       # Now that any branching has been finished, we can update the original branch.
        if ($changed)
           # If we read a symbol from the input to make the transition,
            unless ($rules[$usedRule][1] eq "e")
               # then we should move to the next symbol.
           # If we used an element from the stack to make the transition,
            unless ($rules[$usedRule][2] eq "e")
               # then it's used up and should be removed.
           # If the rule adds something to the stack,
            unless ($rules[$usedRule][4] eq "e")
               # then it gets added.
                push(@{$branches[$i][2]}, $rules[$usedRule][4]);
           # The state changes to the new state.
            $branches[$i][0] = $newstate;
   # When the input is exhausted, the branch is in its final state.
    print "Final state of branch ".$i." is ".$branches[$i][0]."\n";
   # If that state is in the accept states list, the machine accepts the input and halts.
    if ((defined($accepts{$branches[$i][0]})) and ($branches[$i][1] == @string-1))
        print "The machine accepts the string.\n";
   # If that state doesn't, point it out.
    else { print "The branch does not accept the string.\n"; }
   # And move on.
    $changed = 1;
print "The machine does not accept the string.\n";


The two methods this references ReadPDA and ReadInput can be found here:

I don't need help with that as I know how to do that in Java already. For the function above I know the beginning bit but after that I am lost on what to do in Java. I need explaination of what kind of data structures to use for "branch" (what is it? Is it a global variable? Is it a method that takes attributes??) and if someone can explain in Java terms what to do with the lines or help me get started it would be great.

@branch is an array of arrays in the perl code. It is a global variable in the above code, but global only to that perl script. Its a lexical variable that is scoped to the entire script so in essence it is global, but still only global to that script. It is not a method, it is just an array. I can't help you with translation to JAVA because I don't know any JAVA.

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