2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for anraevlus18

Hi, My script has 3 options which recieve integers. If any of those options are having a value which is less than zero i want to make them to 100. eg: if opt2 = 32 and opt3 = 24 i want to make them to 100. <code=perl> our $opt1,$opt2,$opt3; our …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Alpana Singh

How is build release engineering different from doing scripting task...or are these same

Member Avatar for foco

I can get variables from an html page into my perl cgi script just fine, but I want to process these variables (also works), and pass them to another cgi script. I'm not sure how though. I've tried to set up a new <form> inside of my perl script to …

Member Avatar for PaulieWauly
Member Avatar for newperlniu

Hi, all, I am a Perl newbie. I need to read multiple files in a loop and read each file into an array. I wrote the following code, but it doesn't work. Basically my question is how to assign a different array in the loop? Can anybody help? Thanks a …

Member Avatar for balamurugan_g
Member Avatar for Perlhelp

Hi All, I have two files to compare. Each has 10 columns with first 4 columns being key index together. The rest of the columns have monetary values. I want to read one file into hash; check for the key value availability in file 2; then compare the values in …

Member Avatar for Perlhelp
Member Avatar for Claude2005

Hi there, I'm wondering if there's a way to differentiate a space and a tab in Perl. I have this data format: [CODE]02 Aug 10 14:22:00 12345 A Quick Brown Fox Jumps John Peter Doe 02 Aug 10 14:25:00 12345 Over The Lazy Dog John Peter Doe 13 Aug 10 …

Member Avatar for Claude2005
Member Avatar for reza.adinata

Hi all, I am trying to make an array of folders and want to basically take all files inside the folder. However, I got an error saying "missing a $ loop variable". I have add a $, and worked around with this codes, but still did not work .. Is …

Member Avatar for reza.adinata
Member Avatar for der_lucey

When I turned on my laptop, the usual blue Dell logo screen (with press F2 to enter setup) came up followed by a blank screen where the cursor is at the top left flashing, the hard disk light is permanently on and it stays like that indefinitely. When I press …

Member Avatar for Fyxx
Member Avatar for qiwenfarmer

hi, I am a newbie. I have a simple perl script that write to a text file I created a mxml page using flex, anyone know how can I execute the perl script from mxml page? Also, I wish the perl script can retrieve the user input from the text …

Member Avatar for brenzor

Hi I am busy with a google map, and I have the 'to here' 'from here' directions on my info window, but i have a problem. When i type in an address for the directions, it links me to the google maps site, but i get a message in the …

Member Avatar for virtuemart
Member Avatar for anraevlus18

Hi i am a newbie to perl.. I have a script which copies files from local machine to a remote machine. I am using Getopt::Long to get the command line arguments. "-d" : for directories "-f" : for files doubt #1 GetOptions ('d:s' => \@dir, 'f:s' => \@fil); If i …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for KAY111

Guys, Please explain what is happening here? [code=perl] #!/usr/bin/perl $line="abcd"; @arr=split("",$line); print $arr[$0]; $x="x"; if ($arr[0]==$x) { print "Hello"; } [/code] The output is: aHello Am I dreaming this?

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for hif

hello. i need to know how i can write an onactivate function for the hyperlink that is clicked. each hyperlink identifies a different directory and i assigned each of them with an id equal to their directory. the onactivate function (actv)is meant to receive this id in a string and …

Member Avatar for karthikeyanr

#!/usr/bin/perl # Example of a daytime TCP server using perl functions use strict; use Socket qw(INADDR_ANY AF_INET SOMAXCONN SOCK_STREAM sockaddr_in); # Get protocol number my $proto = getprotobyname(’tcp’); # Create generic socket socket(SOCK, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "socket: $!"; # Bind to the daytime port on any interface my …

Member Avatar for Spakes

Hi , How do I write a code that will print the first 10 even numbers in PERL Thank you

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for vipkrsna

Dear Team, I have a list of snmp-enabled devices saved in list.txt. I need to poll these devices for 5 different OIDs and output the result in csv format. Could you please help me? Vipin Krishnan

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for cyberjorge

Hi, This might be too much to ask, but can someone help make sure this php file code always saves current date to my "lastupdate" field of "ReservationDetailsTmp'" table? Would be great to receive response asap. Thanks a lot in advance! :) [CODE]<?php // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for zageela

Hi All, I am adding a calendar coded in cgi to my page.As i can use a JS calendar also but it have to do it with cgi only. my present calendar prints current month on the page.Now here the problem comes. I want each & every date to be …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for Toulinwoek

I have a combo box on a form (MainForm) that's bound to a column in a database table. I want this combo box to get it's list of selections from a second table (LocationsTable). Items are added or deleted from LocationsTable via a second form (frmLocations). If I have MainForm …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for jeffreyjs

I am currently trying to store location data into a database and when i display it on a website, the location data is hyperlinked and when i click on it, it will act as a search query to display the location on Google Maps in a iframe. Does anyone know …

Member Avatar for jeffreyjs
Member Avatar for crodriguez08

Hey there, I need some help with the placement of constructors and how the second constructor would work (there's two of them). All I ask is for some explanation. These are the exact instructions: The default Constructor should build a dynamic array of size 3 for the grades. Another constructor …

Member Avatar for crodriguez08
Member Avatar for Chames

I have no idea where to start with this... I have no experience coding with perl, so maybe if someone could show me to a guide about how to go about doing this and push me in the right direction I have a website where users can uploaded recorded games …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for joeygupta

i have a windows vista and it isnt starting properly. i have tried: startup repair- not working restore to a point of time: not able to back up: not working please if anyone has a solution that u know would work TELL ME

Member Avatar for oA9999
Member Avatar for Sharvesh

I have a speradsheet which should be converted into HTML page using perl script. It should be generic so that if I change anything in the excel sheet this should reflect in the HTML page. Please can anyone help me? Eagerly waiting for some one's reply

Member Avatar for syedmahtab
Member Avatar for ajay_p5

Hello Everybody I am facing some problems while processing a file containing a several lines like this : 1 1134177124.U.0 1134177124.+.613 1134177163.+.2234 1134208365.D 1134520916.U.0 I need to arrange it like this: 1 1134177124 U 0 1 1134177124 + 613 1 1134177163 + 2234 1 1134208365 D 1 1134520916 U 0 …

Member Avatar for ajay_p5
Member Avatar for niall_heavey

Hi all, I'm trying to set up code that will allow me to do the following: Read in a csv file, In columns 3 and 5 there is similar information, I want to count how many times each unique entry is in either of these columns. For example: col 3: …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for tkms

I have a piece of client software which sends an HTTP POST request asynchronously using a "chunked" transfer encoding ($ENV{HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING} is "chunked"), which I'm utterly unfamiliar with -- and unfortunately I can't change the client specification. I need to write a simple server script to receive the client's chunked data, …

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I am having a bit of trouble getting my fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ) to print the way I want. I am also unsure if fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ) is the right thing to use. Code below. [CODE] $sqlTotal = "SELECT SUM(price) FROM `$user` WHERE `cart`=1"; $total = $conn->query($sqlTotal); $total->execute(); $totalResult = $total->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $totalResult = print_r($totalResult); …

Member Avatar for QWaz
Member Avatar for pritesh2010

can any one help me for this code. i had created 2web page say home, employee and master page. on the mater page i want to show all the employee who are online now. for that i'm firing the query and i got the all the employee name through SqlDatareader.Now …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, can someone explain to me how can I submit form with radio button ? I know how to fill and submit form if the form contain just a textboxes, here is the code: [CODE=perl] #!c:\\perl\\bin use strict; use WWW::Mechanize; use HTTP::Cookies; my $outfile = "out.htm"; my $url = …

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The End.