2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for starlight849

I am passing a variable that needs to be evaluated with a print command. An example of my variable may look like this "variabl%e" I understand that the best way to get around the percent problem would be to simply add another percent sign to the variable and then it …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for FALL3N

What is the difference between [ICODE]qq{}[/ICODE] and [ICODE]q{}[/ICODE]? I am learning some basic perl for class, and I noticed that [ICODE]qq{Element contents: $_}[/ICODE][ICODE]q{Element contents: $_}[/ICODE] produce different results in a loop... I thought "q{}" was like quoted or something.. What is it really? And what is qq{}?

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for magikman

Ok, so I have exhausted all possible options with this. I cannot figure out why this script fails to compile when trying to divide. The division on line 203 seems to break the whole script. The errors that are displayed are for lines that are 50 some lines below the …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for manc1976

Hi I have a search function where the user selects from drop down boxes. There are 4 fields to choose from and any of the 15 combinations can be used to search with. I am using Else If and the very first IF works, but when it is false it …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for biojet

Hi everyone, I am trying to idetify the position between start_posi and end_posi and I want to have all information of this position. For Example: [CODE]input 1 : num start end 1 1234 1238 [/CODE] [CODE]input 2 : num position information 1 1236 ACGT [/CODE] [CODE]out put 1234 1236 1238 …

Member Avatar for Cupidvogel

Hi, I was wondering if Perl has a command line interpreter like Python's IDLE, where you can test things readily without having to save them as a program and run them. If not, why? Why is it that Python or Matlab has command line interpreters where you can type 4+3 …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for sandeepau

I would like to write Perl script to read just first line of a file & calculate the length of second field which is comma separator file. For example - 1001,abcd,9999 1002,xyz,0001 expecting result - 4 (character length of second field from just first line i.e. abcd) Can somebody help …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for akhtar.ali803

I have tried this code but its not working....what I want is that when I click on "Available" hyperlink a popup form should be opened. I have copied the code below <? if($GotPro['available']==1) { echo ($GotPro['PropertyName'].":". '<a href="#" ><script type="text/javascript">window.open(<a href="checkavailability.php" ></a>)</script>Available</a>'); } else if($GotPro['available']==0) { echo ($GotPro['PropertyName'].":". '<a href="#" …

Member Avatar for reganstar
Member Avatar for bio-grad

Basically I am reformatting a list that looks like this ko10101 K01392 K09134 ko34231 K05789 ko13452 K04665 K07881 into a csv file that looks like this: ko10101\tK01392 ko10101\tK01392 ko10101\tK09134 ko34231\tK05789 ko13452\tK04665 ko13452\tK07881 [code]while (<OUT>) { my $line = $_; chomp; if ($line =~ /^$/) { next; } elsif ($line =~ …

Member Avatar for bio-grad
Member Avatar for jemz

Hi, I need some help regarding on my laptop. Samsung R530 dual core T4400 2.20GHZ it is pre installed windows7 home basic...when i formatted it and install fresh window7 ultimate.After the installation finished when it loads to the desktop there is an error saying that hardisk problem...so i tried reformat …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for fredfletcher

Hello, I've searched far and wide for an answer to a question that I have, but did not find anything that could help me achieve what I would like to do. I have a delimited text file (CSV) with fields that resemble these below that repeats/resemble 18 times (I only …

Member Avatar for fredfletcher
Member Avatar for glut

Hello. I have a severe problem with open(). Here is my actual code. [ICODE] #!/usr/bin/perl $file = '/testerpage.php'; # Name the file open(INFO, $file); # Open the file @lines = <INFO>; # Read it into an array close(INFO); # Close the file print @lines; # Print the array <>; [/ICODE] …

Member Avatar for glut
Member Avatar for master-tech

OK.. so this is probably basic but, I can't seem to wrap my head around it. The URL is like this.. [url]http://Whatever.com?id=ThisID&title=AncorText[/url] So.. I'm trying to use.. [CODE]<?php $id = $_GET['id']; $title = $_GET['title']; echo $id; echo $title; ?>[/CODE] .. to place the variable parameters into a hyperlinked URL on …

Member Avatar for master-tech
Member Avatar for anilgupte

I have a problem with MDI forms and their location. I have a container form within which I open several child forms. Also note that in the container form I have a ToolStrip at the top and it is also docked to the top. In each of the child forms …

Member Avatar for parulchahar@yah

Hi, I want to use the macro "ITIMER_REAL" in my perl script. But using this is giving me error as "Your vendor has not defined Time::HiRes macro ITIMER_REAL, used at test.pl line 15." Can anyone help me out in finding the reason. Thanks, Parul

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Dani

I am using Mac OS X with the built in configuration of Apache. I am taking a web dev class where we're writing perl scripts ... so far I've been able to get my CGI scripts to run via mod_perl. Now, I'm trying to install CGI::Session via CPAN and it's …

Member Avatar for thomasgutierrez
Member Avatar for skips

I'm just learning PERL. I'm working on a short practice data set. All I want to do is to see if A) all values from a list exist in a hash i've made from a separate data file, and B) are the values that do exist defined--i.e. have a value …

Member Avatar for skips
Member Avatar for winecoding

I have the following hashed structure [CODE]$chainStorage{$R1}{$S1}{$C1}{@A1}[/CODE] [QUOTE]$chainStorage = { 'ACB' => { 'E' => '06' => [100, 200, 95] 'B' => '23' => [20, 1000, 05, 30] }, 'AFG' => { 'C' => '24' => [18, 23, 2300, 3456] }, 'HJK' => { 'A' => '12' => [24, 25, …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for SubzeroX6

Hi, I've been trying to learn how to do collision between a sprite and a tile for a while, so I've been testing this point collision I found from a Java book. But for some reason, the tile's images can't be drawn onto the screen. Any Ideas or thoughts to …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie

Hi everyone, thanks for reading this. I am trying to write some code so that a vote button won't allow a person to vote unless they are registered and logged in. I have this written, but it's not outputting properly. I'm pretty sure I am not encoding the URLS properly …

Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie
Member Avatar for dozierc

Hey guys I'm stuck. I have been trying to write a sed or perl script to change the below. But each time I run the sed script or perl it completely zeros out the file. I want to change this [B]/opt/dragon/bin/runit[/B] to this [B]cd /opt/dragon/bin; /opt/dragon/bin/runit[/B] #!/bin/bash for fl in …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for aldm

Hi, I have a weird problem in my asp.net project. On search page I have repeater. Inside repeater I have a link for reservation for each item. When I come on page first time, it works well. But when I change some of options in repeaters's data source - for …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for ssdeep

i have a file of the form [CODE](9430, 3656) (9147, 14355) (133, 14393) (7917, 9513) (3719, 12775)[/CODE] lets say i need to store it as a hash.such that 9430=>3656 and so on.I tried using split but it takes whitespaces for right hand values.How can i do it the better way?

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for ssdeep

I have a hash %d,i want the top five valued keys.I did the following wich worked but is there anything more effecient? [ICODE]@p=(reverse sort{$d{$a}<=>$d{$b}} keys%d)[0..4];[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for ssdeep
Member Avatar for sandeepau

Can someone help me on perl script for "how to sort flat file on third field & stored sorted output in the output flat file"? In this example - I have input file with unique key column (third field)& I want sorted output get stored in the output file. e.g. …

Member Avatar for sandeepau
Member Avatar for axn

for multiple scroll_list I used code below. [CODE]print scrolling_list(-name=>'services', -values=>\@field3, -multiple=>'true', -size=>25);[/CODE] How can I fix for a maximum of 3 selects since I have more than 50 scrolls.

Member Avatar for deni_bg

Hello people! I have a question. I use windows xp operating system and ms office professional 2007. When I want to import a tif file in Excel 2007 as a hyperlink from Hyperlink button, I succed import the tif file, but when I double click on the link it occurs …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jcAmats

hi! can someone help debug my codes? getline() works properly in my main() but if i'm putting it to another function, it ignores the first getline() w/o entering any words and goes to the 2nd getline. my program works like this: i have a menu() that lets the user to …

Member Avatar for jcAmats
Member Avatar for roja12345

Hi Perl guru's I'm new on Perl i need help for below mentioned issue. I have 4 flat files with 4 columns like below: eg: 000360112720C17506721111130602 m 1L 1008968860482 I have one excel file with 12 columns I have converted the excel file into text with comma seperated. Now i …

Member Avatar for sandeepau

Hello, Can you please help me in following scenario in Perl scripting? I want to compare two text files & save output of this comparision in third file with flags I-Insert, D-Delete, U-Update at the end of line. File1.txt - 1|abc 2|efg 3|xyz File2.txt 1|abc 2|efh 4|pqr Expected output is …

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The End.