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51 Posted Topics
Re: The sorting method you are using now is Bubble Sort. You can use another popular sorting methods like Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort and Quick Sort. Actually these sorting are a lot more efficient than Bubble sort. ;) | |
Re: To do that, you can declare another 2 variable name total_ticket_sold and total_revenue. Then assign them with value 0. In the while loop, add another 2 lines of code: [CODE=cplusplus] total_ticket += noOfTicketSold; total_revenue += (ticketPrice * noOfTicketSold); [/CODE] Lastly, cout both outside the while loop. This should work fine. … | |
Re: [CODE=Perl] #!/usr/bin/perl #declare a variable named line and assign value 'abcd' to it $line="abcd"; #split the variable line ("abcd") into 1 char part @arr=split("",$line); #show/print the 1st character, which is 'a' print $arr[$0]; #declare a variable named line and assign value 'x' to it $x="x"; #if the 1st character for … | |
Re: Yup... Type in your address here. We'll send out a programmer to take the exam on behalf of you... | |
Re: Huh... Reading the whole post makes me dizzy..... x_x... You can use [code=vb.net]WriteLine("testing1\n\n\n\n")[/code] to enter multiple line break though instead of keep calling the WriteLine()... :) Anyway, the word "condition" is wrongly spell as well... it's "condition" not "condetion"... | |
Re: To browse through multiple folders to get the files names, pls view this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread129876-2.html"]thread[/URL]. | |
Re: Do it in web app instead of standalone binary?? I guess may be when one user is using the file, other user can't access it??? | |
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Hi, I have a problem here. I have a project running on localhost. Whenever I made some changes on a .aspx file, the changes can be seen immediately when I access my localhost. But when I made changes in aspx.vb file, the localhost still showing old info. * I have … | |
Hi, If i need to use many same components in a window form (let say 20 picture boxes or 20 text boxes), which of the method below is more efficient?? 1. Drag and drop the component 20 times. Configure their properties one by one. 2. Declare array of that component … | |
This may sounds stupid. I'm new to VB.net. My problem is that all the size of my picture box kept running. 1. I'm not sure is it because i set the form's backbgroundimagelayout to "Stretch" and all Picturebox's sizemode to "Stretch Image". 2. When i start my app on another … | |
Hi, I'm trying to save some images into my Database of my application. Can I know which of the method below is [B]better [/B]and [B]why[/B]? 1. Store only the picture path into the database. Retrieve Picture according to its path. 2. Store the Picture in Database as bytes. Thanks. | |
Re: Perhaps you can create another function to check whether it exists or not? [code= VB.net] Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim strConn As String = "Data Source=ANX134\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Dyslexia_Begin;Integrated Security=True" conn = New SqlConnection(strConn) conn.Open() SQLcmd = "select * FROM UserDetails where username = '" & txt_username.Text.Trim & "' and password = … | |
Hi, I need to reset all the values of elements in my form to empty string. But the problem is that the form can be reset but the variable still holding the value of y previous input. For exp, Input 5 value at first time. Input 2 value at second … | |
Hi, I have problem to terminate the process EXCEL.EXE after I write into it. After the program finish execute. The EXCEL.EXE is still in the proceses list in the task manager. Anyway to terminate it? Below is my coding: [CODE=csharp] SaveFileDialog s_Lvl_Max = new SaveFileDialog(); s_Lvl_Max.Filter = "xls files (*.xls)|*.xls|All … | |
Hi, I'm wondering is there any build-in function or component that I can use to create a multi-select dropdown combobox. I try to google for this but most of the solution I found is for web based software. I'm not asking for the whole program. At least something for me … | |
Hi, I'm newbie in ASP. I am trying to view multiple pages by using a single file. For example, I have a few pages of product.asp (products.asp, products1.asp and so on). Now I want to create a single single (products.asp) but can view multiple pages. Try to search through google … | |
Hi, I'm new to C#. Can any one help with extracting info from a few .csv files and insert them into DIFFERENT sheet in excel(not necessary .xls format. .csv is fine). I'm not asking for the whole piece of coding. Just need some idea on where to start. :-/ Thanks! | |
Hi, first of all sorry if I post this in the wrong section. Cant find where is the VBScript Section. I'm new to VBScripting. What I need is the VBScript to count the number of record in my MSAccess table. I tried [ICODE] total = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Product" [/ICODE] … | |
Hi, first of all sorry if I post this in the wrong section. Cant find where is the VBScript Section. I'm new to VBScripting. What I need is the VBScript to count the number of record in my MSAccess table. I tried [ICODE] total = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Product" [/ICODE] … | |
Re: [QUOTE=nizbit;696163]Well class should not be in there. I thought I would have to make an instance so I could add a race car to the linked list.[/QUOTE] Yeah.. You can do that... You just declare the List and the class (for eg. Class car) as usual. The only thing special … | |
Re: At least put in some effort and try write something before posting your problem??:-/ | |
Re: Put in some effort and try at least do write a simple program??? :) | |
Re: Or may be convert the double into string. Then split the string using "." as the delimiter?? | |
Re: Hi, I edited some of your code. Here it is. The reason it won't come out from while loop is because isspace() included the newline ("\n") as a kind of "space". See [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cctype/isspace.html"]this[/URL]. Anyway, it's a good practice to put return 0 at the end of int main(). :) [CODE=cplusplus] … | |
Re: If you want to randomly generate number between certain range you can use : rand()% x, where x is the maximum number. Exp: rand()% 50, means range is 1-50. Is this what you want?? | |
Re: jhonnyboy, it will be better if you can try to write a program first then post your coding. mahlerfive is right but another alternative way is to store the number the user input in string then you can get each digit in the string a lot more easier. After you … | |
Re: Use switch() may be? Do you need the number to be shuffled?? Put in some effort. Try writing at least a simple program and post it. :) | |
Re: You definitely have to work on your alignment of your coding. The alignment and programming style should be consistent. The reason why you program is not working when you choose option 2 is because you miss ".txt" in line 292. Other suggestions: 1. If the Constructor have quite a few … |
The End.