This may sounds stupid. I'm new to My problem is that all the size of my picture box kept running.

1. I'm not sure is it because i set the form's backbgroundimagelayout to "Stretch" and all Picturebox's sizemode to "Stretch Image".

2. When i start my app on another pc (which has diff resolution), the picture box size will change automatically.

3. When i added something to my form, again.... Picturebox size change and overlap each other.


Try this code it should automatically resize ur pictures

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub
    Public Sub AutosizeImage(ByVal ImagePath As String, ByVal picBox As PictureBox, Optional ByVal pSizeMode As PictureBoxSizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage)
            picBox.Image = Nothing
            picBox.SizeMode = pSizeMode
            If System.IO.File.Exists(ImagePath) Then
                Dim imgOrg As Bitmap
                Dim imgShow As Bitmap
                Dim g As Graphics
                Dim divideBy, divideByH, divideByW As Double
                imgOrg = DirectCast(Bitmap.FromFile(ImagePath), Bitmap)

                divideByW = imgOrg.Width / picBox.Width
                divideByH = imgOrg.Height / picBox.Height
                If divideByW > 1 Or divideByH > 1 Then
                    If divideByW > divideByH Then
                        divideBy = divideByW
                        divideBy = divideByH
                    End If

                    imgShow = New Bitmap(CInt(CDbl(imgOrg.Width) / divideBy), CInt(CDbl(imgOrg.Height) / divideBy))
                    imgShow.SetResolution(imgOrg.HorizontalResolution, imgOrg.VerticalResolution)
                    g = Graphics.FromImage(imgShow)
                    g.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
                    g.DrawImage(imgOrg, New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(CDbl(imgOrg.Width) / divideBy), CInt(CDbl(imgOrg.Height) / divideBy)), 0, 0, imgOrg.Width, imgOrg.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
                    imgShow = New Bitmap(imgOrg.Width, imgOrg.Height)
                    imgShow.SetResolution(imgOrg.HorizontalResolution, imgOrg.VerticalResolution)
                    g = Graphics.FromImage(imgShow)
                    g.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
                    g.DrawImage(imgOrg, New Rectangle(0, 0, imgOrg.Width, imgOrg.Height), 0, 0, imgOrg.Width, imgOrg.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
                End If

                picBox.Image = imgShow
                picBox.Image = Nothing
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub


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