I'm having problem with the usage of File::Find Module. What i'm trying to do is to browse through two directories and put all the files into two arrays respectively (each array for each dir). I just cant use the "find" twice... An error message will be shown:
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at C:/Perl/lib/File/Find.pm line
Can't use string ("") as a subroutine ref while "strict refs" in use at C:/Perl/
lib/File/Find.pm line 849.
my coding is as below:
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
my $fileH;
my $fileH2;
my $header_dir1 = "C:/ProgramFiles/X/S/";
my $header_dir2 = "C:/ProgramFiles/Z/R/";
my $current_header;
my @header_files;
my @header_files_path;
my @temp_all_path_user;
my @temp_all_path_vendor;
my @not_in_UserSDK;
my $index = 0;
my $counter = 0;
open fileH, "Header_Used.txt" or die $!;
push @header_files, $_;
close fileH;
for (@header_files)
chomp ($_);
for (@header_files)
print ("$_\n");
find( {wanted=> \&wanted, no_chdir => 1}, $header_dir1 );
sub wanted
push @temp_all_path_user, "$_";
for $1 (@temp_all_path_user)
for $2 (@header_files)
if ($1 =~ /$2/i)
push @header_files_path, $1;
find( {wanted2=> \&wanted2, no_chdir => 1}, $header_dir2 );
sub wanted2
push @temp_all_path_vendor, "$_";
@header_files_path = sort @header_files_path;
for $3 (@header_files_path)
print "$3\n";
print $counter;