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202 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for abhishek_s_n

Its important to understand how sending information over a connection works before deciding on a protocol. When you send data over a connection it is broken down into small, standard size chunks called packets. The difference in the two protocols you've described is how they handle packets. UDP simply takes …

Member Avatar for Sofiia
Member Avatar for Firestone

Is there a simple way to do this in Dev-Cpp? There doesn't seem to be an area to compile linked .ico's into the project. I have tried using IconFX but it cannot add icons to a project that has already been compiled.

Member Avatar for Amina_6
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I'm trying to read in from a .txt file with a Scanner (see code). For some reason this line of code will never execute even though it can open the file and there is, in fact, data in it as such: Name Name Number Number [CODE] File playerFile = new …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mazdakiaa

It's best to have a pervasive presence, but if you have to choose a platform go with Facebook. Facebook has supported businesses longer through Pages and allows you to run campaigns targeted at a specific demographic easily right on the site. Google+ is a bit immature. It's also rather unpopular.

Member Avatar for agustina
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I personally would like to read such a book but 6,000 pages is a lot of work for something that may never gain much respect. I like your idea but there are many Master's Theses that never go beyond being made.

Member Avatar for KelvinG
Member Avatar for dmanw100

Hello, I've just begun working with assembly so I'm sorry if this question is simplistic. I would like to implement an atomic add (for incrementing an array pointer). My code looks like this: int * ptr; int step; asm("lock add %1, %2;\n" :"=m"(ptr) :"m"(ptr),"r"(step) : ); But I'm getting an …

Member Avatar for Feanis
Member Avatar for kaleem_ullah

If you're planning to do this for awhile you should pick a topic that [B]you're[/B] interested in so you can generate high-quality content. The best way to generate traffic and, by extension, revenue is to produce something that people want to repeatedly visit. Doing this requires quality content that people …

Member Avatar for BryceWillis
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I'm learning how to use the SDL libraries but I'm having a small problem playing the sound. The program appears to load the sound but either not play it or play it too low for me to hear. Here's my code so far: [CODE]#include "SDL/SDL.h" #include "SDL/SDL_mixer.h" Mix_Music *play_sound = …

Member Avatar for hassan.ahmad
Member Avatar for movielinks

Start by getting your friends and family to use it. Promotion doesn't have to be expensive at first. If you can build a devoted userbase they can provide a strong base for growth.

Member Avatar for davujose
Member Avatar for dmanw100

Hello, This doesn't seem to fit any particular forum, but I thought it might fit best here. I need to be able to add Java syntax highlighting functionality to a form on an internal website. Does anyone know of a syntax highlighting framework that supports Java and can be embedded …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for Jashandeep

iPhone is a physical device running the iOS operating system while Android is an operating system that is run on multiple phones. The iPhone brand (its actually about 4 or 5 models of phone, I forget how many) is wholly owned by Apple while phones that run Android are made …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for WDrago

You don't really need so many try/catch blocks. Since you only need to catch an exception type once, you could write a functionally equivalent (and cleaner looking!) method like this: while (true) { try { iThx.connect(); tmp = iThx.readTemperature(); hum = iThx.readHumidity(); dew = iThx.readDewpoint(); iThx.close(); outFile = new FileWriter(logFileName, …

Member Avatar for WDrago
Member Avatar for daniel.moore.5099940

Why not accept a number and direction (something that would equate to "row 2, up" for example) and have a for loop iterate over that particular row or column in the matrix and shift the values in the appropriate direction (while maintaining a copy of the top/bottom to handle the …

Member Avatar for daniel.moore.5099940
Member Avatar for lizziekadango

It's been awhile since I've worked with C++, but I believe you need a semicolon at the end of your structure declaration. Line 13 should look like this: "};"

Member Avatar for lizziekadango
Member Avatar for tayyabatiq

You never define wParam which is why it fails to compile. You need to give it a type and assign it a value (it is never used outside of the check, so you need to give it a value somewhere). What do you mean when you say "without disturbing the …

Member Avatar for tayyabatiq
Member Avatar for prathiyus

What are image2, image1? Are they arrays? Paths? What format are the images? What do i,j, and k represent? You need to more clearly define the problem and show what you've already done. There are libraries available that support different formats, but you should be specific about what you need.

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for jamesmadison43

First think about what a matrix is: an ordered series of rows. This may seem obvious, but it makes it simple to take those rows and make one very long row (you just have to remember that every 'x' values is a new row). This structure could easily be converted …

Member Avatar for jalpesh_007
Member Avatar for capt_nemo

Java does not offer anything like that functionality (to the best of my knowledge). You could look into batch scripts as a way to support this (your program could call a batch script to schedule/unschedule the program to run at login). This is a terrible way to implement it (the …

Member Avatar for capt_nemo
Member Avatar for christinetom

Perhaps you want to add a path to the system Path? If you're using a Windows machine you can right click on Computer, select Properties, find the Advanced system settings button (which should bring up the System Properties window), select the Environment Variables button, then select "Path"->Edit->and add the path …

Member Avatar for christinetom
Member Avatar for jcmoney1010

The problem is related to the if/else block in your search function's for() loop. The if statement is executed each iteration, so if we find a match... great! Return x! But note that if the if fails, then the else is executed and -1 is returned. Thus you are only …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for abhishekbalaji

What happens is the program attempts to access the memory at that address (let's assume some array "myArray" starts at address 50). If you attempt to access the memory at 49 it is entirely possible that you will not encounter a runtime issue (aka your program won't crash), but you …

Member Avatar for MandrewP
Member Avatar for Twilitbeing

I'm not sure I quite understand your question, but I believe what you mean is "can a function accept a generic array parameter?" The answer to this question is yes, just remember to make sure the types you use are correct (for example: be careful not to mix char arrays …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

What is the error message? I'm not exactly sure how this is supposed to operate, but I'm assuming you ` = new node();` as otherwise will already be pointing to a node.

Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng
Member Avatar for harishjoy

I don't think either of those are C. I would recommend a tutorial [like this one]( if you're looking to learn C.

Member Avatar for harishjoy
Member Avatar for ekemedo

Depends on the platform. For Android you should start [by learning about the Android SDK]( For iOS I would start [by looking here](, although I've personally not done any iOS work.

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for greystreet34

This is a good start, but remember the while() will exit if the test condition fails. If the number 7773 is entered this loop will fail (since 7773 % 10 is 3, which does not equal 7). I would suggest a for() loop that tested if the integer was still …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for khalidshakar

One method would be to keep a list of all active clients and call a method that would iterate over that list and send your message to each. How is your server structured now? Is it multithreaded?

Member Avatar for khalidshakar
Member Avatar for liphoso

Your could write a simpel app if you're running Android. There are already applications that do this, though, so if you only want to track your lost cell phone I would recommend checking your phone's marketplace first.

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for babi.meloo

What's your question? One thing I see right off the bat is you're not converting the characters from the string to integers before checking if they're zero, odd, or even. The Integer class might help a bit (specifically parseInt()). Also, indexOf() looks up the index of the specified character in …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for k22mac

Remember that replace() returns a string. It doesn't modify the string that called it directly, but rather it makes a new String object. You're really close, but you need to keep that in mind.

Member Avatar for dimasalang

The End.