Share your opinion - What are the option to increase website traffic , I need to have a atleast 500 visitors per day. Can anyone tell me . what I have to do for it.

try to distribute your contents to as many sites as possible:
article directories
web 2.0 sites like squidoo, hubpages, tumblr, etc.

Ensure you have relevant, quality content that you can share through social networking sites. Generating interest by establishing yourself as a conversation starter (or leading content producer) in your specific area. This should at least generate some interest in your niche and build a strong repeat-visitor base.

Best way to increase your website traffic is 'Search Engine Optimization' ..

1. Exchange Links with other Webmasters
2. Submitting your articles to popular Article Directories
3. Bookmarking your site: Social Bookmarking sites
4. Blog Commenting and Participating in Forum

Do some

directory Submission
forum posting
Video sharing. to get traffic

Do social bookmarking, forum posting and blog commenting to get good traffic and visitor's for your site.

commented: really? yawn yawn yawn -3

if you want to increase traffic then work on the following fields:
1. Social Network
2. Forums
3. Classified
4. Book marking
5. Question & Answers
6. Article Submission
7. Web Directory Submission
8. Search Engine Submission
9. Link Exchange Portals
10.Blog Comments

This is also Called Off Page SEO


High PR Social bookmarking and directory sites will be more helpful to increase website traffic.

To increase website traffic use following off-page techniques:
Social bookmarking
Directory submission
Article submission
Blog submission
Rss feed submission
Social networking

Pay attention to on site try to make unique contents your site should be daily or weekly updated with fresh contents and than publish article on web 2.0 sites and link wheeling of these in this way you can drive good traffic and also make a good use of smo too

Off-page SEO is a way to increase traffic to your website. I usually use the ff:

Directory Submission
Social Bookmarking
High PR Submission
Article Directory Submission
Web 2.0
Blog Commenting
Forum Posting
Press Releases
Social Media

Learn how to get more traffic by following someone who has already done it and has set up a website to teach you how to get traffic on autopilot. He has over 100 video tutorials to help you do what he has done, he also has weekly webinars, and full customer support 24/7. To follow in the footsteps of an online millionaire just go to

1st of all make your website User friendly and work on its navigation , that it should be easy to go through whole website as a visitor.
Then after that Use social Media websites and post more and more about your website and its products. Post more and more interesting content to attract visitors to go through your website.
And in the end use all SEO techniques like Social Bookmarking, Directory Submission, Classified will help you lot. And also Create your blog and post as many as content related to your website. This will also helps you to get Traffic . Comment posting will also help you but in this case make sure you will comment on your website related content.

Best way to increase traffic is Social Bookmarking and Article submission.

commented: really, you don't say, well well well -3

Use all social networking site and use fresh content every where .Do SMO and join or create communities.

For getting instant traffic for your business try PPC, social media marketing etc..

commented: yawn, try being original -3

through directory submission, social bookmarking, article submission, forum posting.

To increase traffic to your website, do some
1. Article submissions on high PR article directories
2. Social Bookmarkings on high PR websites
3. RSS Feeds
4. Classifieds
5. Blog Postings and Social Networking

commented: yawn, with knobs on -3

Blog posting is very important.
Forum posting with signatures will be good for you too.

There are two ways- search engine optimization and second one is social media optimization. In search engine optimization you can do directory submission, bookmarking submission, article submission, press release submission, video optimization, PPT submission, Profile linking. In social media optimization you can promote your website on various social networking websites like- Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

The best way to increase the website traffic is through SEO process.

To increase a traffic on your website, you should do the off page activities like social bookmarking, directory, article submission, blog commenting and forum posting. This all activities provides you with backlinks or inbound links to your site and help to get rank. You should keep continuing the off page activities.

please use social networking site ..SNM is really helpful to generate a treffic for your website.

well as per my point of view,
Exchanging links with other websites is a good way to increase traffic to your website, but often the results are just not what we expected...

Web traffic can b increased by the seo by getting back links of the site here are some methodes of the back linking of a site here we go.
blog comminting
forum posting
articles syubmission

do somoe social media markiting , it provide you the best reuslt

i refer you social media for your trafic

social media is the best way to get your targeted traffic at any site

Hi jahnarisha i agree with you, you add a great list and great SEO technique awesome keep it up...

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