I am able to get the competitive keywords on the 1st page of Google. But I find it very difficult to retain the keyword in the same position for sometime (two months). I am doing only White Hat SEO.

I want some tips on retaining my Keyword in Google at least for two to three months. I request the members to give some useful tips, instead of generic reply like link building from quality websites, etc.

Thanks in advance.

Each time an article on your site ranks highly for a particular keyword, regularly create new content about similar keyword phrases.

well when you are on first page at SERP always be ready the toughest war of seo professionals remember attaining the position is not difficult but to maintain it. i will suggest you add unique content, shared it to social networks and do social book mark too.

Continue your link building process for retain the keyword position.

Each time an article on your site ranks highly for a particular keyword, regularly create new content about similar keyword phrases.

But it is the Shopping Website. It has very good contents. Also, contents (products) are added on a regular basis.

As in shopping website changes has been made day by day as per new product and according to that people enter their query. So you should have to change your keyword as per market demand so that when person enter query your site will be appear in top result with highlighted KW if it has useful and meaningful information.

It is difficult once you cross the certain position in the google. You keyword become less when compared to other websites. The competition will be more. You have to struggle hard for link building

try to devise a new SEO strategy and if it works, stick to it. It's always a trial and error for SEO and you always expect that SERP ranking fluctuates in 2 to 5 places. Start worrying if your site get down to 20 places.

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