Do you want more visitors on your website? Do you need more incoming links? Gain some quality traffic? And be honest, who doesn’t, right? Here we have for you 6 easy steps to increase your incoming links, your number of
visitors, and even your Google Rankings in the end:
Step 1: Make sure you have plenty, high quality (means interesting for your visitors), unique (written yourself, not copied) content on your blog
Step 2: Write a few articles about your topic, and post them on article directories such as and such. This will create links towards your blog
Step 3: Write articles that answer peoples questions about the topic on answers pages like answerbag, wiki answers oryahoo answers. Then answer their questions on those websites.[ad]
Step 4: Submit your website to directories such as dmoz.organd plenty of others
Step 5: Find other blogs about the same topic, and comment on their articles, make sure your comment adds something usefull, not just saying something like “great blog”. Put a link to your blog in your comment.
Step 6: submit your blog to sites like and and get a good community of friends there.
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ursimrankhanna 0 Light Poster
nysilly commented: What was the point of you posting this? +0
AirTechniques 0 Newbie Poster
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xannonbourne 0 Newbie Poster
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Outsidetrip 0 Newbie Poster
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webdesigns12 0 Light Poster
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Kattie Warne 0 Newbie Poster
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