Hey friends,

Please suggest me strategy plan (ways to reach the goal) for the following:

I want to reach top # 10 on Google for a keyword which has about 6,900,000 competitors pages. I am fine with ONSITE SEO, What are the approaches I can apply to do so, Let me know your suggestions friends :)

Hey friends,

Please suggest me strategy plan (ways to reach the goal) for the following:

I want to reach top # 10 on Google for a keyword which has about 6,900,000 competitors pages. I am fine with ONSITE SEO, What are the approaches I can apply to do so, Let me know your suggestions friends :)

These 6.9 million web pages aren't your keyphease competitors, they are search results. You need only examine the first two or three search engine results pages for various of your keyphrases (across the various major search engines) to help you determine who are your keyphrase competitors.

You should start quality work on off page seo and try to get back links from your niche related do follow sites. It would be helpful for increase your keyword search ranking.

Hey friends,

Please suggest me strategy plan (ways to reach the goal) for the following:

I want to reach top # 10 on Google for a keyword which has about 6,900,000 competitors pages. I am fine with ONSITE SEO, What are the approaches I can apply to do so, Let me know your suggestions friends :)

Then you shall focus on off site seo. Just build links, build quality links from relevant authority sites.

You can try link wheel and link bait.

The first step would be to take out some keywords for which you want to rank well in search engines then submit your sites in web directories using that keywords as title so that those words would be hyper linked to your site.
Write some articles about your website and submit them in article directories using the same keywords in the title and in the body and use that keywords to get links to your website. This will help you great time in getting your site higher rank in search engines. After submitting the article you can bookmark these articles in sites like digg, mixx, yahoo buzz etc.
These are the basic steps but very effective.

In my own experiences, picking up some long tail niche relative keywords or local targeted keywords would be really helpful at the very beginning. Of course, blogging, social bookmarking, article submitting, press releasing, forum posting and signature links are all nice for building backlinks. :)


OK< unfortunately no one but yourself can decide what is the best working plan for your site. You should set goals and aim at accomplishing them. You are basically asking us to provide you with a course of action and that is pretty much business specific. Whatever worked for my business might not particularly work for yours. So you have to analyze your competition, examine and analyze your own site and determine where you need to make changes in order to WIN those prestigious spots on the first page!!!

After On-Page, do Off-Page Optimization. It is done outside your site. It deals with building links. Article submission, blog commenting, forum posting, classified ads, press release, online group posting and classified ads are just some of the techniques that falls under Off-Page.

Have you tried article marketing? That should help you man, Try to do massive article marketing as well as try to do more blogging about your niche and make sure all the links are indexed by Google, then you should reach your target. Aren't you?

Hey friends,

Please suggest me strategy plan (ways to reach the goal) for the following:

I want to reach top # 10 on Google for a keyword which has about 6,900,000 competitors pages. I am fine with ONSITE SEO, What are the approaches I can apply to do so, Let me know your suggestions friends :)

I think you got the wrong idea. Example: If the keywords is "Web Design", When you see 6,900,000 pages, it's just telling you that there are 6.9 Million pages with either "Web" or "design" inside. This has totally nothing to do with competition.

You should use the Google Adwords Tools to see the number of searches and use SEO Firefox or SEO Quake to see your competitors PR/Links Cache Pages...etc.

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