
Can anybody suggest me that increase in PR will results in increase in traffic or it is vice versa.

as i m promoting these website from last 2 years but i only able to increase traffic not PR (3 only). http://www.primetechsoftware.com

Kindly suggest your views on same & if PR important than traffic how to increase quality backlinks to your domain except method like link exchange....

Awaiting reply,

PR and traffic aren't necessarily related. There are many low PR sites which rank well in the SERPs for their keywords and thus get a lot of traffic. A higher PR simply means that you have a larger number of quality links "voting" for your site. In my opinion, traffic is much more important to concentrate on than Page Rank. PR won't increase sales on your site, more traffic will.

No PR doesn't increase traffic. PR is completely different thing. It is related with no of backlinks and backlinks somehow generate some traffic but the main traffic provider is SE and you shpould always look to get the TOP position in SERP.

Ignore PR. Look at getting traffic and converting that traffic once it lands on your site. Would you rather convert one visitor to a paying customer, or have no paying customers but a PR10 ?

nope traffic was one factors of your PR
but no one can say PR result in Increase in Traffic
there is still millions here who don't know anything about PR but they keep coming to your site anyway

I find that increase PR does influence traffic but as PR rises the quality of traffic decreases.

Like the previous responders suggested, concentrate on increasing your webpage's rankings in order to increase the volume of qualified traffic.

PR is completely different from traffic of any website and for getting more traffic you need to optimize your website from both on-site and off site tactics. You can create new content for site and link building with relevant resources.

If you're getting good number of quality links it will help you in both PR & traffic, because backlinks are good for both SERPs and PR.

It may increase the traffic or may not. If you want better PR, build quality links to your sites.

My advice is never bother about PR. Just keep updating your site, you will get more traffic and a better PR naturally.

If you're getting good number of quality links it will help you in both PR & traffic, because backlinks are good for both SERPs and PR.

yep... I complete do agree with you. It's something like: "shoot two birds with one stone"


PR and traffic aren't necessarily related. There are many low PR sites which rank well in the SERPs for their keywords and thus get a lot of traffic. A higher PR simply means that you have a larger number of quality links "voting" for your site.Traffic is one of the factor of your PR .

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Can anybody suggest me that increase in PR will results in increase in traffic or it is vice versa.

as i m promoting these website from last 2 years but i only able to increase traffic not PR (3 only). http://www.primetechsoftware.com

Kindly suggest your views on same & if PR important than traffic how to increase quality backlinks to your domain except method like link exchange....

Awaiting reply,

PR is the algorithm of Google on how popular your page is. If you have fresh contents on a particular page that is already indexed by Google, they can easily get it and will decide to rank it on a particular keyword if it is optimzed.

On the other hand, it will be tough for a page to rank well on a certain keyword if he has no PR and the competing site for the keyword has PR.


does social bookmarking have any impact on increasing PR as i saw many website who are not promoted with proper SEO tactics but because of bookmarking showing good PR.

Is that possible.?

Awaiting reply.

You'll have higher chances that you can get high amount of traffic if you have high PR. Both traffic and PR have a common factor and that is back link.

i don't think so. If you want to increase the traffic to the website forum posting, blog commenting and social bookmarking are the best techniques.

search engine rankings increase traffic. pr doesn't.

It's not that raising your PR will bring you more traffic but you have to build the backlinks and the traffic so your PR will go up.

So really the PR is more of a REFLECTION of your traffic and backlinks.

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