Could anyone tell me exactly what a 301 redirect is? Is it beneficial?
I had a company tell me my home page had a 301 redirect issue I needed corrected . Thanks

Whenever you load a webpage, the web server sends a status code back to your browser. 404 is a file not found error, 200 is an OK acknowledgement that the page is available, and a 301 is a permanent redirect ... meaning that your web server is saying that the page was moved to a different URL and forwards the web browser to that new URL.

For example, if I used to have a page but then I renamed it to, I don't want everyone who is still going to the old URL to get a 404 error. So I set up a 301 redirect so each time someone tries to access page.html, their web browser is automatically redirected to newpage.html. When search engines encounter a 301 redirect, they know to stop indexing the old url and to pass its pagerank to the new url.

A 301 redirect indicates that a page has permanently moved to a new location. Whether it is beneficial or not it depends on your priority, the quality of the domain name you're redirecting and your ability to move it precisely to the new location.

301 redirection is used basically for the pages are active or renamed and the previous one set default on the present running page.

We remove all 301 redirection to all of our sites to prevent hurting our sites.

Could anyone tell me exactly what a 301 redirect is? Is it beneficial?
I had a company tell me my home page had a 301 redirect issue I needed corrected . Thanks

301 redirect is the most efficient and Search Engine Friendly method for webpage redirection. It's not that hard to implement and it should preserve your search engine rankings for that particular page. If you have to change file names or move pages around, it's the safest option. The code "301" is interpreted as "moved permanently".

301 redirect is the most efficient and search engine friendly method for web page redirection. One of the most common reasons to use 301 redirects is to help improve the seo of your site.
The 301 status code stands for Moved Permanently and is a way to tell the browser and search engine that the requested url has been assigned to a new url and all future references to this url should go to the new url instead, thus the permanence. Once you’ve set up 301 redirects for your various URLs it won’t make a difference which one will be used in the link since they will all be pointing to the same URL.

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