I just want to know about Trackbacks.

Every time I make a new thread in some forums I always saw this text box with a label Trackback.

What is it? and What does it do? Can someone explain it to me.


hey how about my question?your post is not related to my thread?

hey how about my question?your post is not related to my thread?

You asked "what is a Trackback.". Well, I posted a link that answers your question. I'm not a mind reader, so if that wasn't really what you wanted then you will have to be much more specific.

Trackbacks include pingbacks, refbacks, and ... umm, I think there's a third one? Basically they are sites that link to a particular article. It's useful for the author of a post to see who's linking to what they wrote, and it's useful for readers to see if comments about the story they're reading exist on social bookmarking sites elseweb.

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