I have a website that is only very small ( 4 pages ) and there isn't that much text on each page so I suppose SEO wouldn't be very effective with this website.
What other alternatives do I have? What is the most effective thing you have ever done to your website?

Create links and posts in forums and blogs. Submit your site to directories. Make it SEO friendly

i guess there is a very direct one
that's word of mouth :D

I totally agree with the posts above. Backlinks, article posts, and especially press releases. You need to saturate any relative site you can with your website. It also wouldn't hurt to add some content to your site... It won't take long and i think it would help you alot.

In your case you may want to use media outside the Internet like a magazine ad or a radio commercial. Get yout URL out in as many different ways as you can. Put your website address on your business cards, letterheads, envelopes... If you want local attention don't be shy to post message on bulletin boards, in flyers etc. Get networking too, let everyone you run across know about your site and its web address.

I have a website that is only very small ( 4 pages ) and there isn't that much text on each page so I suppose SEO wouldn't be very effective with this website.

Not true. An adequate number of targeted text links from other domains will allow you to gain rankings. Just make sure that those terms are present in your "title" and visible on the page itself. Also the more relevant the site that links to your site is, the more "link juice" will be transferred for ranking purposes.

Submitting your website to social bookmark website is another way to get traffic and backlink

Submitting your website to social bookmark website is another way to get traffic and backlink

Yes , traffic can be very good and so can your bottom line if you can reach your niche. The links aren't very strong though.

i would go for social bookmarking,article submission and facebook groups advertising and twitter.. these are my best methods.

you can do PR submission or write an article about your site. do some blogs too..

Not true. An adequate number of targeted text links from other domains will allow you to gain rankings. Just make sure that those terms are present in your "title" and visible on the page itself. Also the more relevant the site that links to your site is, the more "link juice" will be transferred for ranking purposes.

The problem with a four page web site is that even the most powerful link building scheme will max out in no time because of the lack of fresh content being inserted into the web site. There's a proportion to all of this incoming link building idea. Externally inflating the volume, relevancy and quality of incoming links quickly becomes a useless pursuit in this case.
It has been a long time since I've seen a powehouse four pager, eight pagers exist but four is a little bit on the puny side. Sure, it can be made to rise in the ranks somewhat with external stimulus but not for long and certainly not to the top bunch of keyphrase competitors. Now, if you think you have an example to show me otherwise, I'm open-minded enough to investigate.
This is why the web site owner should concentrate on marketing sources outside of SEO, other forms of Internet marketing perhaps, as suggested by other responses and outside the Internet altogether.


For creating a link building for particular website, Get targeted keywords and do the submissions in a particular category like Article submissions, forum signature and blog posting, directory submission and social bookmarking. this will help you to increase your traffic.

Yes I'll have to agree that 4 pages is a little scanty. It wouldn't take a lot to expand it though. Just add pages using articles, a blog or just more information that's relevant to your site. It's not rocket science but no one ever said that doing a web site was that easy, let alone SEO. You just have to learn the basics and then keep working at it. But I still see no reason that a four page site can't rank well for it's major terms. It isn't written anywhere in any search engine guidelines, nor have I seen any credible documentation that a smaller site won't be able to achieve good rankings.

Now for one of my favorite subjects: Fresh content. I work on several sites for clients that have not added any fresh content for years and still hold top positions in Google, Yahoo and Bing for some very competitive phrases, and do excellent business from them. Granted these are industry related sites and are not really prone to lots of new content. Now a site that has lots of return traffic in arenas like entertainment, sports, communications, web tech, blogs, etc, will benefit greatly from fresh content for your viewers. It will keep them coming back. I never worry much about any sites I work with being spidered because most of them see spiders several times a day from the major search engines just because of the links pointing to them. Spiders follow links and garner information. That's pretty much all they are designed to do. If you're a strong believer in the importance of "on page" optimization then every time you change a page that ranks well for certain terms then you have to re-balance that page. That's not something I have much time to do in volume, and IMO continual addition of new copy does help in your rankings or frequency of spidering.

Article submissions, forum signature and blog posting, directory submission and social bookmarking. this will help you to increase your traffic.

Articles might work to a certain extent for traffic (if they can be found) and the links are good because the whole page is relevant to your keyword phrases if done correctly. I don't know of anyone who peruses general directories except to find their own links. Forum links are pretty much limited to those who frequent the forum. Not much traffic there, and the links are almost totally worthless for ranking purposes. So for those of you who are madly trying to get as many forum sig links as you can, your time should be used in much more rewarding endeavors. Now social bookmarking sites can provide tons of traffic and some of it might even be relevant to your arena, although IMO the links don't carry much weight for ranking but I'd say they were far better than forum links.

Social bookmarking drives tons of traffic.. Also with social media and networking.. These strategies help boosts the amount of traffic you want on your site..

I have a website that is only very small ( 4 pages ) and there isn't that much text on each page so I suppose SEO wouldn't be very effective with this website.
What other alternatives do I have? What is the most effective thing you have ever done to your website?

More content, and build some backlinks too.

other then regular submission like article, directory, forum and social bookmarking, doing Social media optimization like facebook twitter will helps in drawing traffics to site

i do group posting, bookmarking, forum posting, and of course twitter.

Build new content (an in-domain blog is good) and build backlinks to your new page each time.

Add contents on the pages with the use of your targeted keywords in it for getting more traffic on the website.

Alternative that can bring in traffic without seo is paying for advertising or SMO

do social media optimizations

Why seo isn't effective on your site?? It would be effective on all sites. Also its the backlnks that you develop that matter a lot.

You could get number of online sources where you could find low-priced solo ads, fair ratio manual traffic exchange, approachable free classified ads as well as social bookmarking sites to increase the visitors, backlinks, traffic and SE ranking.

actually,i have found one online service provider that is social network for entrepreneurs, web marketers and advertisers. I am connected with it. I personally recommend you as its highly profitable referral program!best luck

Apart from SEO, then I guess it would be social media advertisement. It is uaually costy but effective!

Some traditional media can also help, like the TV, newspaper or radio, but the thing is they are too costy.
It will be a huge burden on your website's budget!

Links don't bring in traffic if they are from directories or crap sites that nobody visits.It's all about the quality of the links and knowing where to find them.

Do some research into your keywords/industry/competition/customers/etc and you'll probably find some great links out there that will bring in tons of traffic!

Analyze your keywords/website analytics and check bounce rates... optimize pages as needed. Add articles and keyword content pages as needed.

Add value to customers so your site moves through word of mouth

4 pages is not alot but you can still build SEO keywords and build the link juice

Apart from SEO, then U can try social media!

Those traditional media can still help, such as newspaper, tv or so.

But, it is kind of fire a fly with the cannon. I mean, it is costy compared to the SEO.

You can supplement it with the SEO with the SM thing, but don't 100% percent rely on it!

My Friends..........
you want bring your website traffic,,
try to post your website with high pr website.......
submit your website in
Social Bookmarking with HIGH

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