: Do not use the meta keywords tag. Many people still think of this as a quick fix for SEO. It's not, It only benefits your competition!! how so? well back then search engines used to rely on Meta Keywords to guess which keywords were relevant to a webpage , now the search engines are sophisticated enought to examine the keywords in the body of a webpage.
by placing Meta Tags on a page your giving your competitor a list of important keywords.can then use these keywords and buy PPC ads or optimize their own site for your important keywords. Why give them this sort of business intelligence? Having invested time and money on exhaustive keyword research to identify the important keyword phrases to use for your own SEO and PPC efforts, why on earth would you make a list of your high value keywords public?

why on earth would you make a list of your high value keywords public

It doesn't take an intelligence level much above idiot to determine what the major keywords are just by viewing any site. There are search engines that still utilize the keywords meta tag to help them discern what your page is about. One of them is in the top three.

It doesn't take an intelligence level much above idiot to determine what the major keywords are just by viewing any site. There are search engines that still utilize the keywords meta tag to help them discern what your page is about. One of them is in the top three.

Ya, that's right but more than that too. Even Google takes into consideration what the web designer wants the search engine to think are the important keywords. The keywords meta tag is a search engine tag. The search engine created it and still use it. To not provide the search engine with such a valuable indicator is like going fishing in a canoe without an extra paddle (in case you lose one in the rapids).

Meta tags is still one of the good factors in optimizing a site. that is my opinion.

Meta tags were originally designed to provide webmasters with a way to help search engines know what their site was about. But the present scenario of growing competition, webmasters started manipulating this tool through spamming of keywords. Due to this search engine creators placed less importance on them. Thus meta keywords tag and meta description tags are not the main factor for search engines to consider when ranking sites. But it is advisable not be left off the page.

: Do not use the meta keywords tag. Many people still think of this as a quick fix for SEO. It's not, It only benefits your competition!! how so? well back then search engines used to rely on Meta Keywords to guess which keywords were relevant to a webpage , now the search engines are sophisticated enought to examine the keywords in the body of a webpage.
by placing Meta Tags on a page your giving your competitor a list of important keywords.can then use these keywords and buy PPC ads or optimize their own site for your important keywords. Why give them this sort of business intelligence? Having invested time and money on exhaustive keyword research to identify the important keyword phrases to use for your own SEO and PPC efforts, why on earth would you make a list of your high value keywords public?

I disagree. I have experiemented with some pages by not having any keywords while keyword stuffing on the other, and the one with multiple keywords gets more traffice.

Also, Google Adwords has a keyword tool which tells you the number of global searches for a particular keyword per month. If competition is smart, then they are using this just like we are. If not, I just made them smarter by telling them. :)

: Do not use the meta keywords tag. Many people still think of this as a quick fix for SEO. It's not, It only benefits your competition!! how so?

Couple of weeks ago, I read on SEOMoz blog that yahoo still gives little bit important to meta keyword tag.

Google knows what's your site all about because of meta tags..

Meta tags is still one of the good factors in optimizing a site. that is my opinion.

Yeah I think so, just not as important as before.

: Do not use the meta keywords tag. Many people still think of this as a quick fix for SEO. It's not, It only benefits your competition!! how so? well back then search engines used to rely on Meta Keywords to guess which keywords were relevant to a webpage , now the search engines are sophisticated enought to examine the keywords in the body of a webpage.
by placing Meta Tags on a page your giving your competitor a list of important keywords.can then use these keywords and buy PPC ads or optimize their own site for your important keywords. Why give them this sort of business intelligence? Having invested time and money on exhaustive keyword research to identify the important keyword phrases to use for your own SEO and PPC efforts, why on earth would you make a list of your high value keywords public?

Careful handling of Meta Tag Optimization can get you good Ranking Results though using Meta Tags, however, does not provide a guarantee that your website page would rank highly in the search engine rankings due to the rampant abuse and manipulation of the Meta keywords Tag by webmasters, most search engines don't support it anymore.

I am not agree with you...keywords are depends on various factors like reputation of the site, relevance of particulate keywords with the content and off course your seo efforts too ..buy just putting same keyword no one can rank in the search engine...
and as per PPC i think organic and paid both are different games... PPC keywords are hard core commercial and organic keywords are something more generic..

In relation to keywords, I like to use the popular ones but also use the ones that don't result in many global searches each month, so I will rank higher in the SERP.

I am agree with jusvie. When I google my website they have made a brief intro about my website. So, before visiting my website user will find out what is the website about.

Click Here and see your self.

In relation to keywords, I like to use the popular ones but also use the ones that don't result in many global searches each month, so I will rank higher in the SERP.

I believe that you're talking about "longtail" phrases. They are easier to rank for and will generally bring more targeted traffic.

When I google my website they have made a brief intro about my website.

Google will usually use info in the "description" meta for the text they show just below the title. How much "ranking juice" that provides is debatable. If you don't have a description tag they will just pull text with keywords used in the title from the body of the page. So Google didn't "make" the brief intro, you did.

Awesome.. thanks for sharing that. One of my friend helped me with SEO. Now I get it, that google doesn't have time to review website one by one..

Ha ha... ;D

Thanks for sharing your information.

I know now.


Google will usually use info in the "description" meta for the text they show just below the title. How much "ranking juice" that provides is debatable. If you don't have a description tag they will just pull text with keywords used in the title from the body of the page. So Google didn't "make" the brief intro, you did.

I believe that you're talking about "longtail" phrases. They are easier to rank for and will generally bring more targeted traffic.


Yes, but not only longtail phrases. For example, a longtail phrase for me that i use is "muay thai camp reviews in thailand" That gets targeted traffic. A general keyword is "muay thai" while a more targeted keyword is "muay thai clothing"

Muay Thai gets 250,000+ global searches a month, while Muay Thai Clothing only gets 1300 a month.

I use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool to determine these numbers. It's a useful tool, you should try it.

It's a useful tool, you should try it.

I use it all the time, but I still take their numbers with a grain of salt.

I use it all the time, but I still take their numbers with a grain of salt.

I agree. Those numbers are not consistantly the same obviously, but it's a good braod idea.

I ended up creating a niche based affiliate site, and used many of those keywords from the google adwords list and I ended up seeing them in my traffic results.

well, admittedly, mata tags aren't so important as they used to be
however, Search Engines such as Yahoo and MSN still use meta tags as part of the determining factors for ranking a site. Although the amount of importance may be small, when it comes to SEO)every little bit helps
I won't let it go

Man as you know, onpage optimisazion is just not enough in order to rank well.

Meta tag is vital to optimize a web page.According to me Off page optimization has a lot of importance to promote a website rather than On Page Optimization.


Meta tags are very important when search engines indexing.


Meta tag is very important for getting higher page rank

A little confused here, so what would become of SEO if meta keywords not significant as before? to where it would lead now this optimization.

I hear that moto echoing
KW meta tag is a past thing

Meta tags were originally designed to provide webmasters with a way to help search engines know what their site was about.
Also Google Adwords has a keyword tool which tells you the number of global searches for a particular keyword per month.

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Careful handling of Meta Tag Optimization can get you good Ranking Results though using Meta Tags, however, does not provide a guarantee that your website page would rank highly in the search engine rankings due to the rampant abuse and manipulation of the Meta keywords Tag by webmasters, most search engines don't support it anymore.

This does not provide a guarantee that your site will be ranked according to meta tags. In my experience, metas still plays a big role in SEO.

For now, it is the articles and contents in your site that dictates the points to have a good ranking in SERPS.

And even though these days some search engine such as Google pay little if any attention to meta tags in an effort to improve the quality of search results.
Some Search Engines Still Give Weight To Meta Tags - Search Engines such as Yahoo and MSN still use meta tags as part of the determining factors for ranking a site. Although the amount of importance may be small, when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO) every little bit helps.

The thing with these tips is that its all about 'opinion'. The fact is that you need to trial and test different ideas and see which ones have worked after monitoring performance. There are no quick fixes...in my 'opinion'.

I cant agree this. All are adding meta tags in their content. How it is possible? Then how search engines will crawl???


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