After my 2years experience in SEO I found that there is a 4 types of client in SEO.
1. Client who want Traffic on site.
2. Client who want Leads.
3. Client Who want PR upgrade.
4. Client who want ranking in major search engines.

After 13 years of practicing SEO and hanging out with other optimizers I found that there are two types of search engine optimizers:
1.the real ones who know what they are doing
2.the ones that pretend to be like the real ones

After 13 years of practicing SEO and hanging out with other optimizers I found that there are two types of search engine optimizers:
1.the real ones who know what they are doing
2.the ones that pretend to be like the real ones

I am agree with you..but i think that applicable in each era of life.

There are always two category of people

1. who knows what to do and why to do so

2. other one who always looking for other that they can follow them...

After 13 years of practicing SEO and hanging out with other optimizers I found that there are two types of search engine optimizers:
1.the real ones who know what they are doing
2.the ones that pretend to be like the real ones

yes, you got it! maybe one of them the one that pretend to be the real ones is in here.....;)

Yes I agree with manisub, some people pretent they know everything what they say only correct in seo


But in my opinion, if a website got potential, they don't need anything except some basic seo)!

You are right , Most client are using seo for traffic.

For the clients wanting a PR upgrade, what is their reason? It seems the end result of seo should be brand awareness and lead generation. What does PR really get them. There are plenty of low PR sites ranking quite well for given keywords.

What SEO Clients want?

Easy answer: More business from their web site.

Client how wants ranking in all big search engine will automatically get Traffic and lead. So when ever want to hire any one for SEO ask him to rank your best keywords on search engine

You are right,TuffeyJ, but the main problem is that they may not have good understanding of keywords.

yes i agree manysub,but ....canadafre... is suggest is well about what SEO Clients want?


a way to get best SEO Consultants, But How?

I think for the fake SEO consultants, there will not be a good SEO-Portfolio to be shown.

It will be a wise idea to check the SEO-Portfolio, and a proposed monthly and weekly strategies to be followed.
A good SEO Consultant studies about the **client Business **and redesigns the website to make it not just seaarch engine friendly, but for its targeted audience as well.
And this is how SEO have transformed to **Organic Web Strategists**.

It was 2 year old discussion ... Now every thing is changed Born Calicut

ya its true to the best of my knowledge

Ofcourse ,for seo is also called ROI but, right now google expected to give their search results as quality one.

SEO clients needs their business to grow in online as well mainly through their website traffic and targetted customers...

Good question
Firstly its depend on client how they have knowledge about SEO if he have good knowlegde they want everthing but mostly client needs only leads no traffic,pr and so on
They want only business,and ranking in top 10.

Well, this question can be answer in an extreme way what client wants is traffic, traffic and conversions that's all..... !!

Well now a days there are different different client like
Some client want traffic on site
Some client want PR on site
Some client want lead conversion through site
Some client want all of these

Most client wants Ranking for the site at no. 1 or 2 on Google , some other want traffic or back links. But all clients expect magic :D from other persom whom is working on their site.

clients want traffic on their website,they want to be on the first page of the serp.

clients want traffic on their website,they want to be on the first page of the serp.

clients want traffic on their website,they want to be on the first page of the serp.

every clint want business and high ranks

Inteligent SEO client want:
Rank comes at last if the seo clients gets the leads to get the business. Less experienced SEO clients may focus more upon the rank of few keywords.

Seo client wants developement of their business day by day,high page ranking,more traffic,leads from others.

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