Hi all

Can anyone please give me advice on how best to research keywords.
I already check competitors sites to compare keywords and have been using the google adwords keyword tool but find this quite unreliable.
I also compare the level of competing websites by using allinurl: allintitle: and the allinanchor: search terms.

Is there a site or tool that accurately shows how many times a phrase is searched for per month apart from the google adwords keyword tool as after a couple of months research I found a keyphrase which it claimed was search for locally 14000 times per month. Upon getting my site to the top of google for this search term I find I am only receiving approx 30 visitors per day?
The site is well written, clean, advert free and in my opinion looks quite professional so I don't understand the low volume of visitors?

Thanks and any helpful advice will be greatly appreciated.

Look at this site; it's very helpfull by seo-optimalization: www seoquake com

In order to know about the most crucial keywords widely used by potential customers to find your website, it is essential to perform thorough keyword research before beginning the site's promotion.

commented: nice +0

In order to know about the most crucial keywords widely used by potential customers to find your website, it is essential to perform thorough keyword research before beginning the site's promotion.

I agree. If Google Adwords is not enough, try Wordtracker.

Yes. I agree that Google Adwords don't give accurate data. You may try IBP.

You can learn how to do keyword research in this post.. I am sure.. seo seoreligion com/how-to-do-keyword-research html

The incredibly tedious task of submitting each of your keywords to these sites and recording the data in your spreadsheet is made somewhat less monotonous by the discovery of additional keywords that you’ve either missed the first time through, or weren’t included on the other data sets.

See a phrase that seems relevant to your research? Add it to your spreadsheet. You can always go back and check for duplicates later, and then fill in the data for the other sites that didn’t include your newly discovered keyword in their recommendations.

You can find some nice niche phrases this way.

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Someone has already said that Google offers such service. You can also check a software called SEOPowerSuite

As you seem to be able to rank web pages well for specific obviously useful keyphrases, I'd suggest you'd try broadening your keyphrase reach by incorporating synonymous keyphrases, meaningful secondary keyphrases of all types and also go for that auxiliary keyphrase traffic (keyphrases you haven't thought important yet but will realize later because of the additional volume of targeted traffic it carries) you can net using word variables ... and ah ... throw in a dash of that effective linguistic capabilities you've been hiding.

read SEOMoz or other SEO blogs

use paid software like Wordtracker or Market Samurai instead of the free Google KW tool

no software will give you 100% accurate data, all software claim that they are the most reliable but they all draw from different data sets so obviously they will all be different

Micro Niche Finder is a ver good software 100% recommended.


In my own experiences, no keyword tool would be accurate. Picking up the most effective keywords for your niche would the essential issue for a successful site these days. I would like to recommend keyword elite for this purpose since it would also generate a very important factor called KEI(keyword effective index).

have a nice day,

A good place to start is with a tool provided free by Google. It is Google Adwords Keyword Tool. With just a little bit of practice you will soon be mastering keyword selection. I suggest you select keywords that have a fair number of hits monthly, but not those in the top 50 percent of hits. The first half will have a lot of hits, but that means a lot of competition so getting decent page placement is more difficult.

google adword is the best kw tool search for me

Google adwords is the best tool for keyword research. It is the affiliate site of the search engine. It contains the information of the search volume better than other ones. So I too use Google adwords only for keyword research and also suggest the others.
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