Here are few steps that I would like to share for those who want to drive traffic to their websites. Don't worry, these methods are common methods but yet very effective and it depends on how frequent you apply these methods. Here are the steps:-

1. Submit to Search Engines
- This is the most common method that people usually when they have just created their website. The reason you need to submit is to make sure your site is listed into their database engine. Popular search engines are Google, MSN, Yahoo.

2. SEO
- SEO or Search Engine Optimization need to be applied on your website to make sure that search engines robot will crawl to your website and index your website. This is really important too.

3. Keyword
- Make sure you choose the right keyword for your website. To make it easy for you, try to find popular keywords and have high global monthly searches.

4. Ping
- Ping your website every time after you have updated your website to notify the search engines that you have updated your website.

5. Promote to social networking sites
- Networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter are the most popular social networking sites nowadays. Use wisely.


Question: How are you using "ping"? The only Ping I know is an acronym for "packet internet grabber" and is a way to determine if an internet address is valid. Usage: ping <internet site>. It wil tell you the IP address and how long it took for the site to respond. It attempts your site 4 times. This is a DOS level utility.

If this is not what you mean by Ping, please explain.

Thank you.


An update to "ping".

Since this is a DOS utility, the easiest way to get the help information is ping/? >pinghelp.txt. Let's break that down:

ping/? gives you the help information

> takes the output of the help screen and puts it somewhere else.

pinghelp.txt is the file you are making with all the ping command syntax.

Now you can open that in Word, Wordpad, Notepad, or any other editor you want.

You can do this for any other DOS command you need help with, like tracert. Just remember to make a new file for each command.


Sorry to make you confuse and mess up with the computer terms, "Ping". What I mean is pinging to search engines through pinging services such as Ping-o-matic. To notify search engines that you have updated your blog/website.

Thanking for your kind information and your information was decent, understandable even for beginners also but these are not only required points to drive more traffic.We need more SEO tips, more traffic, more inquires and leads for our site. I personally suggest that the big fruit of seo to bring more inquires and leads to our site, from my point of view bringing traffic and backlinks are secondary means.

If you want to drive traffic to your website then you should use some paid ads or some thing like that.
I think you must go to some good website and do link building or try to do some SEO for your website.

so how can we ping to the search engines, is there any of their own directory in which we can register our website?

If you want to drive traffic to your website then you should use some paid ads or some thing like that.
I think you must go to some good website and do link building or try to do some SEO for your website.

No need to waste the time in doing something more or just paying ads for driving traffic.I personally suggest you that be regular in blog commenting, forum posting, directory submission and never bother about whether you have good PR site list or not. Try to follow some new technical submission for link building.

According to me link building is the best technique to drive traffic to website. It also improve the visibility of a website in search engine.

I think its not enough to get traffic on your site.
You need to use social media and social networking sites to get huge traffic from it.

Forum posting and social bookmarking are the best ways beside this you have to utilize social media as well.

yes link building is a best technique.

Organic traffic is the best. Thanks for the tips.

As per my site's traffic and per my experience you should to social media and if you are able to spend some money then use PPC because it is fastest way for drive traffic.

so how can we ping to the search engines, is there any of their own directory in which we can register our website?

Find any ping site services such as pingomatic,pingoat. = )

No need to waste the time in doing something more or just paying ads for driving traffic.I personally suggest you that be regular in blog commenting, forum posting, directory submission and never bother about whether you have good PR site list or not. Try to follow some new technical submission for link building.

Thanks for the good information = )

Here are few steps that I would like to share for those who want to drive traffic to their websites. Don't worry, these methods are common methods but yet very effective and it depends on how frequent you apply these methods. Here are the steps:-

1. Submit to Search Engines
- This is the most common method that people usually when they have just created their website. The reason you need to submit is to make sure your site is listed into their database engine. Popular search engines are Google, MSN, Yahoo.

2. SEO
- SEO or Search Engine Optimization need to be applied on your website to make sure that search engines robot will crawl to your website and index your website. This is really important too.

3. Keyword
- Make sure you choose the right keyword for your website. To make it easy for you, try to find popular keywords and have high global monthly searches.

4. Ping
- Ping your website every time after you have updated your website to notify the search engines that you have updated your website.

5. Promote to social networking sites
- Networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter are the most popular social networking sites nowadays. Use wisely.

One of the best way to drive traffic to your site is Social Media Optimization for site. Use Facebook, Twitter and stumbleupon like social networking sites. Definitely you will get huge traffic to your site shortly.

By use of blogs , articles and videos on social media you can get more traffic. Try to get more reviews and advice from people those are on social media. Give response for their reviews and this way you can engage them , and this way you can get many unique visitor also. But in all these one thing important is that provide best and meaningful information to your visitor, as they like to know more.

hey i am using article posting, blog commenting and forum posting. all these three techniques giving me best back-links and bunch amount of traffic.

By doing social-bookmark, article submission, press release, facebook, twitter & linked-in will definitely help in getting huge traffic to the website.

let allow blog commenting(if you have). If want your site to be likely found on Google search results, then use +1 button.And do SEO stuff at all..

Traffic can be brought to your website by doing strong Optimization. There are two ways viz 1. On page, 2. Off page. If you do this particular things properly then You will definitely get nice traffic for your website.

Social Media sites are what brings traffic to your websites but to bring targeted traffic depends on the keywords your optimized your websites for.

If you selected the right keywords, then you'll have quality visitors.

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