Here are few steps that I would like to share for those who want to drive traffic to their websites. Don't worry, these methods are common methods but yet very effective and it depends on how frequent you apply these methods. Here are the steps:-
1. Submit to Search Engines
- This is the most common method that people usually when they have just created their website. The reason you need to submit is to make sure your site is listed into their database engine. Popular search engines are Google, MSN, Yahoo.
2. SEO
- SEO or Search Engine Optimization need to be applied on your website to make sure that search engines robot will crawl to your website and index your website. This is really important too.
3. Keyword
- Make sure you choose the right keyword for your website. To make it easy for you, try to find popular keywords and have high global monthly searches.
4. Ping
- Ping your website every time after you have updated your website to notify the search engines that you have updated your website.
5. Promote to social networking sites
- Networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter are the most popular social networking sites nowadays. Use wisely.